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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 69
Bisexual Female, 64


Many thanks. Yes, websites such as thee one linked is as far as I got with my understanding of it - but it doesn't cover the very specific issue of difficult to differentiate sounds in a crowded environment ... whereas I can hear a pin drop in an empty sports hall - literally!
And for what its worth, I also pick upt low-frequency hum, which some people experience and they also test ok for hearing ... we just seem to hear things that others don't.
re pregnancy issues. I'm the male part of the team, so not applicable!
Thanks again all. Any other views out there?
I'd like some insight into a recent diagnosis I've had, and reckoned that somewhere among the 20,000+ users of this site there's knowledge that'll be useful to me. The doc has diagnosed oto sclerosis, but to my understanding, I'm not presenting the normal symptoms (some loss of hearing especially in the lower registers due to fusing of some of the inner ear material - a type of arthritis).
I actually have very keen hearing in all of the registers. My difficulty is that in a normal crowded environment (restaurant / party / pub) I find it very hard to distinguish individual conversations ... I pick up everyting. I also find loud noises quite painful, sometimes.
I know there is a recognised condition thatencompasses this filtering difficultly, but is it oto sclerosis?
Oh, and if you'd prefer to add a sexual element to it, let's include difficulty in having conversations during a busy orgy!
Thanks in advance
Oh dear! That Mormon thing is SO sad! But it is probably reflective of the way a lot of the world felt at that time. Mormonism (?) was invented in Victorian times and then didn't move on much in the following century.
I seem to recall a news story quite recently about how marrying your cousin (or your neice) was now being frowned upon in Mormonism. But of course you can still have a whole bunch of wives if you want (presumably to make sure you didn't feel driven to have a wank).
Sexual repression ... it has a lot to answer for. Even, apprarently, fundamentalist terrorism (so some articles I've read have said)
I'll respond in the way I believe the question was meant.
No regrets about any of the meetings we've had.. Most have been great, one has been mediocre. The people we've met have been caring & considerate ... underlining the key qualities of a "swinger".
there are some lonely souls out there, and some who just haven't managed to get their lives together in a reasonably acceptable manner. We were taken in briefly by a "woman" who whispered over the phone - so that's one danger flag I'd draw your attention to ... whispering women might sometimes be men.
Speaking as a couple we'd say that swinging isn't an alternative to love ... but it can be a great enhancement to an already loving relationship.
Alicia's orgasms are hard-won, they (she) don't cum easy. We have stunningly wonderful sex but she can go for weeks without going over the edge. But is she is properly warmed up and relaxed then its a lot easier. Some months ago, after not coming for ages, she'd had just enough to drink to be relaxed, and we'd had fun with another couple, so we were well turned on. Then she started coming, and coming, and coming, and each orgasm was a squirter ... it was wonderful. A few weeks ago she got well relaxed on a herbal substance - her first time and this woman that I love, who is totally horny ... well, she became even more so. Afterward, we counted that she'd had about 19 orgasms over two hours, and every one was a squirter! I caught a lot of it in my mouth and tansferred it to a glass, and i can confirm that it is a non-coloured liquid that is certainly not urine.
With regard to fisting, we discovered the pleasur of this a few months ago. it is best when she has been well pleasured previously and is simply another stage of our lovemaking. I have quite large hands and have to be very gentle, but eventually we get to the stage when she is pushing herself onto my hand, in such excstasy that she is virtually oblivious to what she is doing, simply moaning with pleasure.
With the breadth/depth of human experience in the world, and the way we've all had our emotional drivers molded by our life experience, often in childhood and often in ways that are hard for us to comprehend as adults, it's no surprising that some folk have "weird" turn-ons. Somewhere in the world there'll be people who will be turned on by just about anything you can think of, from icebergs to ice cubes, from buses to boots, from cotton-wool to wood.
As for a wooden turn-on ... I once made a small paperknife from a lovely piece of teak; it had a very slim blade and the handle was in the shape of a penis. I made it for a friend of mine, and she told me later she just loved using it as an anal dildo.
Making love in the woods, whether lying down or up against a tree is a real turn on for many people: the favourite fantasy of one lover was that she was sunbathing by a pool in a clearing in the woods, sun-dappled by the light breaking through the canopy of leaves, when suddenly ... you can imagine the rest.
Alicia has auto-orgams, typically within a few moments of waking, whilst lying on her side and with a full baldder. Her first warning is that she feels hot - physically, not mentally.
We've both had orgasmic dreams, which don't require physical stimulation.
We know a swinging couple who are sub-Dom and he is a talented hypnotist. He can command her - whether in her presence or remotely - to rub her thumb and she will then, within moments, experience an orgasm. Absolutely true, I assure you. And its quite a neat trick! We had a great session with them once.
Goodness knows what would happen if she sucked her thumb!
An all of this goes to illustrate just which part of the body is the biggest sex organ - it's all in your mind! (But the phsical stuff is quite useful as well). smile
Sympathy to Vix ... it must be a real bugger having to put up with your affliction. I'm interested, do you come extra-easily in "normal" sex - in which case is there a tendency to miss out on prolonged foreplay - if you don't mind me asking.
When I was a kid I needed the door locked and nobody to be in hearing range when I was crapping - peeing wasn't too much of an issue. As I've got older the problem has got less.
I think its a very basic animal thing to do with security. When you are peeing you can still run/fight - its a lot more difficult to have an insant response when you are in the middle of evacuating your bowels.
One woman I know is happy to carry on a conversation and crap with the door open. She doesn't actually have a sense of smell.
Different strokes for different folks.
there are two ways of entering a gents urinal. As has been mentioned you can go for the "is there room for a little one" approach, or - as I tend to do these days with my mates - "Ah, so this is where the big boys hang out" . Which I favour becasue it is at once complimentary and self- inclusive.
Now then, what about the AWFUL problem we chaps have when, having made love on a full bladder - which is a really bad move to start with - and if one hasn't had an orgasm to relieve one's erection - one then tries to pee. I can't even hit the bath, never mind the toilet bowl! The logical thing is to sit down and lean really far forward, but being rather well endowed this is seldome successful. In the worst scenario I've crouched - almost sitting - over the bowl and just aboiut had to grasp my ankles in order to get the right angle. The other options are: pee out of the window or out of the back or front door. Which is ok if one lives in a relatively secluded area, but not perhaps if you live in a town house.
Don't like the hols, because Alicia is away with her family
I miss her :cry:
Might it be an idea to try to broaden the number of areas? The Caff, Dogging and Meets is perhaps a bit limited, considering the size of SH.
Personally, I have no interest in dogging, and no interest in 95% of the topics that are raised, but I might bemore interested in other specific areas, such as a B&D Corner ("go and stand in the corner, you naughty person").
Of course, it's easy to copme up with suggestions when one is not voluntering to take on any responsibility.
A friend in Germany tells me that Audi TTs are all the rage there, among camp hairdressers.
I much prefer a sleek and sexy "Q" car (looks quite staid, but goes like sh*t off a hot shovel)
50+, married...
with a lover
and we swing
no time to be bored
I guess that some of the replies here indicate the dangers of stereotyping. It's maybe useful to say:
Most people receiving benefit are not scroungers and would much prefer to be in work
Most people working in benefit offices are doing a difficult job and many of them find it just as stressful as the claimaints - even more so because they are handling a constant stream of unhappy, depressed, andxious and often angry and violent people day in, day out. They have to cut themselves off, emotionally, otherwise the job would be completely destructive.
Personally, if I believed that someone was stealing my taxes and taking benefit away from the deserving by abusing the system in the way described (claiming and working as well) I'd probably have little compunction about informing on him - the financial "reward" would have nothing to do with the rightness of the action.
I'm lucky, my time as one of Maggie Thatchers orphans didn't last long, I preferred to be self employed rather than unemplyed and I had the contacts and experience to allow that to happen. But I had to default on the mortgage repayments several times and I too know what its like to be scrabbling around for pennies in order to buy food for an anxious family. But I thank the gods that I've never been uneployed for long, and that I have good health.
As a self employed person my fear is that I become too ill to work, because my benefits would be worse than employed people have - I think (I get no sick pay from my employer, because my employer - me - can't afford it).
What common misconceptions to do with sex do we know - or might we make up?
Let me start the ball rolling ...
Sex cures acne
A good orgasm shifts earwax
"if I don't have sex my balls will turn blue" (this is only applicable to blokes, obviously)
Having a shower after a game of squash I knocked the metal soap dish off the wall with my elbow, it fell egde down onto my next-to-big toe resulting in a compound fracture, lotsa blood. The embarrassing thing was that I had to ask my opponent for help; 2 naked guys in the shower, me with shampoo in my eyes, blood on the floor, hobbling to the bench. My one and only "sports injury".
Quote by butters999999
Been on it loads of times
TV 137
Radio 214 making it 215 next week
But whats the big deal?

Well, you're the one who is counting ... so I guess it's you who thinks its a big deal
OK, I'll take that back. I didn't read to the end of the thread and saw that you had realised you'd comer across a bit of a smart arse and had apolofgised
I'm very happy with my 7"-8" which is also very thick (hence having an e-name of "fillwell"). As far as I recall, all the women I've made love to have thoroughly enjoyed the completely filled sensation, and virtually all of them can take it all quite comfortably. Alicia likes a very hard shagging from time to time and feels that the sensation of it hitting the cervix isn't too bad.
However, all of that stuff above has very little to do with a woman's can come from fingers, tongues and willies, whether long short thick or thin. And a short willie may very well be better at consistently hitting the g-spot. But remember that the biggest and most effective sex organ is still the brain..
A major downside of having a thick willie is that most of the women I've tried anal with find it just too intimidating / painful.
K (a.k.a. "fillwell")
Thanks Dawn. Used it ... loved it.
Thats Alicia in the pic, not me, btw.
A few pointers to help those who have never squirted
1) make sure you are well hydrated
2) plenty of anticipation, build-up, prolonged fore-play
3) the guy should find the small gland which is inside the vagina, roughly "behinnd" the clit, and should massage this with his finger in a beckoning manner. This gland (in my experience) feels like a small lump, the size of a small, rubbery peanut
4) whilst doing this continue with normal foreplay as mentioned
5) when the gusher is just about to blow, grab your oilskins and run for your life!
Alicia is not normally multi-orgasmic, but we're getting there; the "record" for her had been three, but last time Alicia and I had a good session (a foursome with a B&D couple, remind me to tell you about it sometime) she had one gusher as she sat on my lap (well, my willie, actually), then after the other couple had left us she had another five or six, all squirting. Boy, was I wet behind the ears!
I think there is a special appeal to this for guys, because it is visible proof of her orgasm, a bit like ours - and thus a "tribute" to our "expertise".
no, please don't flame me, that wasn't meant to sound egotesticle or MCP'ish, merely an indicator of something that is probaby pretty subconshus.
I think its down to commercial pressure, which is then translated into peer pressure.
The girl singers and groups are pressured into dressing sexily; their target audience is (say) the mid teens, but there is a spread to it, so the early teens and younger are subject to the marketing as well. Marketing/advertsing is effective, otherwise £billions wouldn't be spent on it. So a few kids start dressing "inappropriately" and there's your peer pressure. Of course, if parents were able to excerise proper control over the kids (rant, rant, rant)
But how do we define inapproriate? Is a majorette or cheerleaders costume ok? And what about those American parents who dress their infants up, including full makeup, to take part in beauty competitions - don't they cal them pageants? Frankly, I think that's sick. Again, it's down to the parents (and other responsible adults) to set the standards of behavior, including dress.
Well done you for doing your best. Just continue to try to be a sensible infulence on your niece, to show her that you can be a fun person, liked and respected, without looking like a tart.
Quote by hans dip
someone who is trusting enough to share themselves and their partner with other people must by their very nature be the same elsewhere - we all know how so many non-sexual hang ups and neuroses can spring from a sexual base, and how integral our sexuality is to our very personalities. It makes sense to me that the opposite is true, that those who are comfortable sexually are comfortable in the rest of their lives.
hans x

I think you've got a good point there. Even though I'm a grown-up experienced businessman, I am very, very open and trusting in both business and personal matters - what you see is what you get. Happily that trust has very seldom been abused.
An awful lot of damage is done by jealousy, itself borne out of insecurity. Perhaps we might then say that people who are secure enough in themselves, and who trust their partners are able to be open, to share and to swing. Insecure people who are ashamed of themselves are more likely to be driven by unfilled lusts and frustrated desires into inflicting themselves inappropriately upon others.
Ah then Dabbiewebs, you'll appreciate that one of Alicia's e-names is "shagfrombehind" smile
And yes, I've enjoyed that male fantasy of having one woman riding my dick, another woman sitting in my face while they kiss and caress each other. EFFIN WONDERFUL! and nothing al all pervy about it, I can assure you biggrin
I don't think that anything that consenting adults do - in private - is perverted. Doing it in public, therefore "inflicting" it upon the unsuspecting and non-consenting isn't really on.
I perceive a difference between perverted and kinky, but I'm not sure if I can define it. PErverted seems somehow to be more clinical, more of a legal term whereas kinky sounds like fun!
Just to get back on topic for a mo (or at least near-topic) ...
I take a zinc pill each day, it is supposed to be good for the immune system as well as skin and prostate, and I must say I have only 1 cold in the lst 3 years, and that lasted only 3 days. Alicia loves the taste of my semen, espoecially when I've been eating lots of fruit. Her husband's tastes vile, he eats lots of meat and boozes too much.
Consider also the issue of CONSISTENCY & THE SENSATION OF ORGASM. At one time - conincidentally when I was doing a lot of flying therefore potentially dehydrated - a portion of my semen was very firm, almost like a rubber band. At the same time my orgasm was very intense, to the extent that it went beyond pleasure and became pain (hmm, another topic there, I think). From the sensations I expereinced, I thought that it was coming from just one side of my balls, so may have been due to some slight damage or malfunction.
A serious reply. Ahem (cleares throat).
I agree. I think that swingers are, by and large, more well-adjusted than non-swingers. (Yes, I know that such sweeping statements are risky). We are, by and large, "liberated".
I think the pervs are the people who repress and hide from their desires, which then are mosre likely to explode in dangerous, non-consensual, activities.
We accept and channel our desires and activities, and along the way meet other people who are, generally, more at peace with themselves than the "pervs".
PS Can anyone think of a less perjorative term other than swinger. Taking a leaf from the Americans who started to refer to "people of colour" (!!!!???) maybe we should be "people of momentum".
The only time we were in a casino, Alicia just happened to be wearing her shortest skirt. We were initially at separate tables. When I went to see how she was doing there was an audience of lucky guys behind her, enjoying not only her stocking tops, but her thong as well, every time she bent over the roulette table to place her bet.
I agree, the fantasies are still much the same (whether for male or female). What has changed in a lot of the western world (certainly the UK) is the willingness to be open about them and about sexual relationships in general.
Hwever, wWe're still a minority, spearheading, if you like, a revolution, whilst the rest of the people hide behind their pseudo morality and the N*ws of the Wo*ld sensationalism (I refuse to utter such degrading words in their entirety).
Anyone else here had experience of this rather frightening problem? It only happened to me once. ISTR the correct term is vaginismus or something similar.
It was the first time that she and I had had penetrative sex. She'd never experienced enjoyable sex before (she'd previously been married to someone she didn't love ... don't ask), and it was the first time she'd had an orgasm. Her vagina went into a tight spasm, gripping my cock as hard as your hand can squeeze, which of course made de-tumescence impossible; it's kind of an impasse thing, a Mexican stand-off, and nobody's going anywhere. Thoughts of "how can we get to the phone to call an ambulance" go through your mind, and "what will her neighbours say". I mean, how are they going to carry the two of you out to the ambulance, or do you walk, pretending to be doing a very, very passionate dance? It's times like these one both thanks and curses the gods for endowing one with a long willy.
Thankfully, 15 minutes of lying still and thinking of raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens etc allowed thing to relax enough for extraction. But wow, it was scary for a while (but in these somewhat less rigid times, nice to remember).
Anyone else been there?
I read one of her books about 10+ years ago, about women's fantasies. Some of us quite like to get inside the head of the opposite sex, to know how they tick and it was quite useful in that respect. It was also, largely, a turn-on. Some of the stuff wasn't.
I generally agree with what Ice Pie has said; we are not responsible for out fantasies, dreams or indeed nightmares, but we are responsible for our actions.
When, in the past, we used another adult site we had four pics of Alicia and just one of me, none of which showed faces. Later we'd exchange clothed facial shots.
As a general rule I'd say that we blokes are afraid of being rejected because of our looks whereas most women can "pull", irrespective of looks.
Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when your head's between her legs its hard to look each other in the eye.
Now that Xmas over-indulgence is all behind me (hmmm) I can truthfully say that my weight is perfect. Perfect, that is, for someone 9' 6" tall.
Oh dear. I feel a charity weight-loss effort coming on.
I'll resist it for as long as I can.