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1 month ago
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0 miles · Cromer


You cannot check a name against the SOR just for the hell of it and owning a swingers club/website does not give you the right to check anyones' detail against it. You're a paying customer, would you allow Tescos to randomly check their customers details against it? Or your local bowls club?
Load of bollocks
Quote by GnV
Must be my Bretagne roots making me cheer for France...and pure bad luck on the forward pass, for what would have been a mighty try!

I'm sure the SA ref was biased. He did exactly the same to France the last time he officiated when France were playing...
Steve Walsh, the referee is from New Zealand, but registered as an Australian referee
Sooper dooper new bike!!!
And I'm off tomorrow!!
And the weather is going to be ok!!
Guess who's going for a blast??? lol
Quote by MidsCouple24
Why use one word when a thousand will do! lol
I will use as many words as I want because that is within the site rulesand not subject to any self appointed word police opinions :lol:
I have said I do not wish to discuss this anymore, if I have done wrong then the moderators should ban me from the forums or site, if I have not broken the rules then people should agree to disagree with what I said or to agree with it.
Site rules on number of words? :grin: Ban you? rotflmao Believe me, if we felt you warranted a ban we wouldn't be discussing this now.
You've missed the point on so many levels that it will be pointless of me trying to explain them to you, so I'll let it go now.
Have a nice day :lol:
Quote by MidsCouple24

Your a timewaster and a liar.

Your quote above is out of order. You are in absolutely no position to judge someone on here, especially when you can't back it up. Just because you post a lot of what you personally see as interesting and amusing doesn't give you the right to be abusive to another member. His profile may be wrong, but so are thousands of others, some more than others. We cannot police every single word posted on the site and we certainly do not publicly abuse another member because we feel they are in the wrong. If you see a profile you think is factually incorrect, then feel free to report it to us so we can take action, not you openly abuse them in the forum.
Timewaster? You prove it, not assume it. You have no idea if he has wasted anyones' time. Liar? That's fighting talk. Whatever he may have on his profile does not give you the right to openly declare he's a liar. As already stated, your profile says you have a GSOH. From your posts on here I disagree, but that is my opinion. Does that mean I can openly call you a liar? No. That's not starting a debate, just being argumentative
Just because you think you are talking the truth does not give you the right to openly declare it on this site. If you know of sites more interesting and accepting of your 'talents', perhaps you might be more comfortable posting there.
Stating facts is not abuse it is stating facts, He has had a couples profile since 2004 but now admits that his partner has never sought to meet others with him, I don't have to prove it the evidence is clear. I'm sorry you find it so difficult to not know when you are being abusive
It is a pretty clear assumption that in 10 years of having a fake couples profile he will have wasted peoples time, if people contact him believing him to be a couple and seeking to meet them as a couple he is wasting their time. Assumption again, not fact.
And no I don't see it as duplicitous which is for example, saying one thing for a time but then doing what you say you did not do or to quote the Oxford Dictionary change your mind which by his own admission he did not do as his partner has never been part of his couples meeting agenda. I never mentioned duplicitous, perhaps you should address that at the member who did?
But if it offends you all so much, then to him, I apologise for calling him a liar, and I will accept that his profile is legit here, hell I might even contact him to arrange a meet with him and his partner in accordance with his profile and accept them for what his profile says they are, never again will I report or comment on anyone's profile that I ASSUME to be false, wrong or fake. Who would be a timewaster now, bearing in mind you now know his wife doesn't meet?
So OP you have my unreserved apology and we would be have to chat to the two of you with regards to meeting up soon. But you know he would only meet on his own and you don't meet 'single' guys???
As for posting on another site, surely you cannot be ASSUMING that I don't ? because according to you making assumptions without proof is wrong ! I never assumed you didn't post elsewhere, I said "If you know of sites more interesting and accepting of your 'talents', perhaps you might be more comfortable posting there." - Where's the assumption in that sentence??
and judging, you have stated in this open profile that I am lying and do not have a gsoh, you have openly judged me and if you do not believe I have a gsoh you must believe I am lying about that in my profile. You need to re-read that bit again. You will see I never called you a liar. I said I disagreed with you. Not the same thing
I have said my piece and answered your post, I have apologised to the OP as far as I am concerned I have nothing more to add to this thread
Why use one word when a thousand will do! lol
Quote by AD2013
Start with a beer

......then finish with another one!! :cheers:
Congratulations Harry
That should give you a starting point lol
Quote by MidsCouple24
Your a timewaster and a liar.

Your quote above is out of order. You are in absolutely no position to judge someone on here, especially when you can't back it up. Just because you post a lot of what you personally see as interesting and amusing doesn't give you the right to be abusive to another member. His profile may be wrong, but so are thousands of others, some more than others. We cannot police every single word posted on the site and we certainly do not publicly abuse another member because we feel they are in the wrong. If you see a profile you think is factually incorrect, then feel free to report it to us so we can take action, not you openly abuse them in the forum.
Timewaster? You prove it, not assume it. You have no idea if he has wasted anyones' time. Liar? That's fighting talk. Whatever he may have on his profile does not give you the right to openly declare he's a liar. As already stated, your profile says you have a GSOH. From your posts on here I disagree, but that is my opinion. Does that mean I can openly call you a liar? No. That's not starting a debate, just being argumentative
Just because you think you are talking the truth does not give you the right to openly declare it on this site. If you know of sites more interesting and accepting of your 'talents', perhaps you might be more comfortable posting there.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
could i recommend this for your next purchase, easy to format and re-write

I've tried turning it upside down and shaking it and it rattles!!! blink
Sarah, thanks very much for the offer. I tried removing the hard drive from the laptop but couldn't get it out, even with the assistance of youTube and the Acer support team! They were bloody useless! Anyway, when I opened the back there were 2 small screws loose which I fitted back in when I put the back on. I think they were securing the hard drive. I've now had the lappy on for a couple of hours (yippee!) without any problems and I'm currently transferring my ITunes music to a standalone hard drive and, as long as it keeps working (fingers crossed), I'll then copy them to my Macbook.
A lot will depend if this lappy keeps working long enough for moving other files and documents later, but I'll keep you (all) informed as to how it goes. I may still need your help later with the netbook, Sarah, as that isn't booting up (see other thread about that) but we'll see what develops.
Bloody technology!! lol
So is it possible to take my hard drive out and put it into something else and read the disk through my macbook as an external drive? And then transfer the files I require onto the Mac?
Currently I'm having so many problems with my PCs I could spit!!!!
As you may know from my previous thread my netbook went tits up whilst on holiday. I've yet to resolve the issues with that, so that's PC1 not working.
I also have a laptop at home, which has also now decided it won't play nice anymore! Why me???? banghead This one just won't stay on long enough to transfer any files across to the Macbook pro I bought when the netbook bombed on me. So that's PC2 not working!
So I'm throwing myself on the mercy of the membership worship. Is there anyone who can resolve these issues for me? I'm happy to travel pretty much anywhere with my PCs if you can assist. I can even bring cake! :grin: I'm loathe to take them to 'regular' pc repair places as I'm not keen on them nosing around and what they may find blink
I understand that further remuneration may be required, but if it helps resolve my issues, I'm ok with that.
In advance, thank you all very much :inlove:
Thanks for the reply, tracer. i've looked at some of those apps, but most work for iPhone and iPad but not the MacBooks! Probably because the MacBooks are classed as PCs and can access webpages easier, therefore don't need a programme for, say, Ebay.
Still, if anyone knows of any good apps for MacBooks, let me know!! lol
As I posted recently, my netbook died on me, so I took the opportunity to treat myself to a Macbook Pro as they were cheaper where I am at the moment than they are in the UK.
As this uses Apps like my iPhone I'm curious to know what anyone considers to be the best/most useful/ most fun Apps to have on it?
It could be a free app, a games app or something else - what do you consider to be the best?
Thinking about it, what Apps do you have on your iPhone that fall under those categories? I have a sky scanner app which tells me what planes are flying overhead and where they've travelled to/from. Not sure how accurate it is, but it's a bit of fun! I also have some bike related ones showing good biking routes, a Formula One app and other stuff like that. So what have YOU got? lol
I did upgrade - bought a Macbook Pro with retina display lol
A lot cheaper where I am and I can claim tax back when I return. Still need to get the other one sorted when I return though.
Thanks guys,
i appreciate your help. I'm currently on my jolidays at the moment, so it looks like I'll have to wait until I'm home as I don't have the boot disk with me - not even sure I have one anyway! wink
Once home I'll post how I got on.
Thanks again
Hi guys
I have an ASUS Eee pc netbook which has decided it doesn't want to boot up!
When i turn it on it tells me "boot booster doesn't work". It then goes comes up with options to either "launch startup repair" or 'start normally'.
If I launch the startup repair it says something like downloading/fixing files (can't remember what precisely) then it just shows a black screen and nothing changes.
If I start normally I again get a black screen but it will show the cursor on it which is moveable.
Anyone any ideas on how to fix it? :sad:
Thanks all
Quote by markiemark78
I was in a well known dogging site in croydon last night getting a little frisky with my girlfriend, before i knew it i was being watched. i loved it but felt a little unsafe, is there any ground rules , like some do's and dont's thanks
Sticky at the top of this forum. hope it helps.
Ok, thanks - I'll delete your other post now you have this one running.
As you've posted this in the 'commercial events' forum, what are your charges??
Quote by philstarnchoozy
my first munch was at manchester............... ooooh the memories. smile

We remember - you were terrified!! :eeek:
I've deleted your other post. There is no need to have duplicate posts in different forums.
Quote by Sarah
Well that is 5 of you now doing the GNR, so good luck.
You can have an SH social afterwards :giggle: lol

we'll be too nackered to socialise, but not to wet to commiserate!!
Just setting off oop norf - good luck to everyone else running! :bounce:
(gonna be a wet one!!!)
Quote by Bowlerskip
It's totally ridiculous!! 143 people have looked at it but nobody has come up with a suggestion. They don't know what they're missing with the stunning Polly!! They'll never see a more beautiful and unexpected young woman doing the things she does. Hey ho their loss I guess..................

My guess is that the title is drawing people in with the hope of someone having found a good spot. dunno
Well, it was the title that drew us in, thinking that someone may already know some places to go, but it does not seem that the place is active any more :sad:
If that were the case cube why not then ask where? Anyway, as soon as you read the post you know the score so why not at least leave a note?
Just wish I was near Dover. If you ever get towards Dorset or South Somerset Polly let me knowbiggrin
Bowlerskip, do YOU reply to every thread you read? I doubt it.
You did get one reply in the thread giving a location Spicy, but it has been censored due to giving precise details, whereby precise details should only be given in PM to stop it attracting the wrong sort of people (police, boy racers, etc) and ruining the site for genuine doggers. So no need to get the hump, just understand that's the way of forums.
As an aside, and again take this as advice, nothing more, people on here can be a little suspicious of couples which have a 'stunning and beautiful' young lady, but no pics (doesn't have to be a face pic) and are less forthcoming with locations.
Hopefully you'll have better luck in the future.
Welcome back, Arti - I remember your tales well from yonder years and definitely remember Fly!!
You definitely haven't lost the knack, which must be a blessing to Betty. Hopefully if the bus stop gets too chilly we'll see more of you in here. lol
Quote by bluexxx
One pair of shoes. Nearly only ONE shoe - the left one. The right has a hole in the bottom. Guessing it will only last a few more days. Then I have a choice.... buy a new pair, or chop off a foot.
I also have a pair of trainers.
And a pair of boots, for winter. They are obviously put away neatly, in a cupboard as it is not winter. I may also have an old pair of boots in there too.
Sounds rather extravagant doesn't it, sorry about that

glad you've got rid of those pink ballet pumps!! :grin:
Err, you might want to check the dates of the original post - it was 3 years ago!!! lol
Quote by Paddy
Best placed there.....

Not really - the ads are for people to meet, not cam.
Quote by Paddy

Thanks for the Feedback Mal - I suggest you peruse the Forum posts where a Site Moderator did infact post the same!

and that has diddly squat to do with the DPA. If it's not written down anywhere, as I confirmed, it is only a repeat of something they must have heard. A bit like me saying I'd heard you were left/right handed (delete as applicable).
However, I'm happy to be proved wrong, so if you care to show me the exact part of the DPA that refers to overheard speach, I'll take it on board.
I'll leave it for you to take on board.................
Nothing to take on board dunno