Load of bollocks

Quote by GnV
Must be my Bretagne roots making me cheer for France...and pure bad luck on the forward pass, for what would have been a mighty try!
Quote by MidsCouple24I will use as many words as I want because that is within the site rulesand not subject to any self appointed word police opinions :lol:
Why use one word when a thousand will do!
Quote by MidsCouple24
Your a timewaster and a liar.
Quote by MidsCouple24
Your a timewaster and a liar.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
could i recommend this for your next purchase, easy to format and re-write
Quote by markiemark78
I was in a well known dogging site in croydon last night getting a little frisky with my girlfriend, before i knew it i was being watched. i loved it but felt a little unsafe, is there any ground rules , like some do's and dont's thanks
Quote by Bowlerskip
It's totally ridiculous!! 143 people have looked at it but nobody has come up with a suggestion. They don't know what they're missing with the stunning Polly!! They'll never see a more beautiful and unexpected young woman doing the things she does. Hey ho their loss I guess..................
Quote by bluexxx
One pair of shoes. Nearly only ONE shoe - the left one. The right has a hole in the bottom. Guessing it will only last a few more days. Then I have a choice.... buy a new pair, or chop off a foot.
I also have a pair of trainers.
And a pair of boots, for winter. They are obviously put away neatly, in a cupboard as it is not winter. I may also have an old pair of boots in there too.
Sounds rather extravagant doesn't it, sorry about that
Quote by Paddy
Thanks for the Feedback Mal - I suggest you peruse the Forum posts where a Site Moderator did infact post the same!