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0 miles · Cromer


Quote by Paddy
Thanks for the Feedback Mal - I suggest you peruse the Forum posts where a Site Moderator did infact post the same!

and that has diddly squat to do with the DPA. If it's not written down anywhere, as I confirmed, it is only a repeat of something they must have heard. A bit like me saying I'd heard you were left/right handed (delete as applicable).
However, I'm happy to be proved wrong, so if you care to show me the exact part of the DPA that refers to overheard speach, I'll take it on board.
Quote by Sarah
Google is my friend!!! :giggle:

.....and mine! sillyhwoar:

Quote by Paddy
I will probably face a ban over this post, but as as A Site Moderater posted in another Forum, I was an Ex-Chatroom OP, not here but on a sibling Site, that qoute directed at me could possibly fall under a breach of the Data Protection Act.
Irrespective of my previous existence, I'm a member here and I hope that I'll be treated with the same dignity as others.

Sorry Paddy, I dont see how you can quote the Data Protection Act for someone saying you were an ex chat op, bearing in mind you are anonymous on here and were probably anonymous on the other site, whatever it was, too? And I can categorically state that there is no mention on your 'notes' to say you're an ex chat op anywhere. You're barking up the wrong tree there, Paddy.
I have a laptop for home use and a notebook for travelling. However when I'm biking I would prefer not to take my notebook due to space saving and weight, although if I'm routeplanning for my bike satnav, I need to take it! Again, when travelling by air I would prefer to use something like the Fire HD on the plane or airport.
As I already have a normal Kindle, does it use the same charger?
I'm interested in getting a Kindle fire HD, so I'd be keen to hear anyone's opinion on them, in general and regarding the site lol
Quote by easy
Once a month or so, I like to go to a supermarket for "The Big Shop" surprised. It gives me a chance for a meet and greet with my public, that the delivery service that I used to use simply does not :dry:.
Thinking that you must be able to get to know someone by looking at their shopping list, much like you would if you went through their bin (well, if it's good enough for archaeology....), here is what I bought today.
Block of saver cheese (Red Leicester)
Tub of Dairylea
School Trousers x 2 (Black)
School shirts x 2 (White)
Mathilda (DVD)
Cat food tins x 12
Bag saver dog food x 3 (1kg each)
Timeout single finger bars (pack of 8)
Sugar puffs
Krave x 2
Pack digestives (own brand)
White t-shirts (boys, white) x 2
Fruit pastilles x 3 packs
36 Weetabix
1 bag anti-bacterial cat litter
Ben & Jerry's (Cookie Dough)
Dreamies, the treats cats crave x 2
Rocky biscuits (pack of 8)
Toilet rolls x 12
One meat based thing in a bag (no idea what it is)
Cheese & onion large baps x 4
Foxes Chunky biscuits
Mini flapjacks "bite size"
Muller fruit corners x 8
Mini brownies "bite size"
Cheese & onion quiche (small)
Individual salad tray (regular) x 2
French stick
Foxes chocolate cookies
4 pints semi skimmed milk
Beans (Fridge pack, Heinz)
Pepsi Max 2l x 5
Lemonade 2l x 2
A large laminated world map
Diet Pepsi x 3
Spaghetti hoops x 5
Febreze (Thai Orchid) x 2
Lucozade sport 1l x 4
Paracetamol pack (16 tabs)
Anti bacterial spray (yellow)
1 large kitchen roll (HUGE)
Allergy tablets (pack of 14)
Radox active (shower gel???)
Shampoo (Elvive, cos I'm worth it)
Conditioner (as above, the pink one, I'm still worth it)
Furniture polish (own brand)
Total = :eeek:

Funny, I thought there would be cucumber in there ................also a phrase I believe has been uttered at a Blue party? :giggle: :eeek: :lol2:

If you'd seen what I've seen in the kitchen at Blue's parties, you wouldn't be so flippant!! :eeek:
Quote by Freckledbird
But, would any points for shagging a mod, be deducted if you were in a relationship with a mod?

Nahh!!! :grin:
Quote by Darkfire
I hate it.
In fact, it is crossing my mind right now to start playing on the whole Domme impression folk think I project and stick an ad up for a male sub who can iron. Seriously, I could easily trade favours its really no biggie! lol
My ironing sits in an ever-growing mountain, stuff gets ironed as I need it, the rest stays in the pile, it then makes everything else look really untidy and does my nut in but still cant bare to stand for hours on end to sort it when a few days later the pile starts growing again blink
sub applications by pm accepted.

Funny, isn't it? Ironing always used to be looked on as 'womens work', which may be why they hate it so much!
I've always done my own ironing and really don't mind it at all, although Sarah may say different as I never iron everything that needs ironing and still leave a pile!
As I'm in a 'uniformed' job I always iron that myself - a throwback to my early Army days of looking after myself - I even have a separate iron to Sarah! :lol:
Give me a shout if you're really stuck, Darkie. If you make me a reasonable offer I may sort you out! :twisted: :grin:
Quote by bluexxx
My neighbours are still in therapy after answering the door to a cardinal carrying a crate of beer :giggle:

Good job they didn't see what the Cardinal got up to after that!! :grin:
Quote by bluexxx
PVC or latex kinda tight fitting little number

In my day that's what Mal and SteveG used to wear, when they cleaned up the Mods Lounge
...amongst a few other things!! redface
I recall being a surgeon, a cardinal and a naked chef :bounce:
It was a great night, NWC and thank you for inviting me kiss - can we have it a little warmer next time? :grin:
Quote by passionistas
Mal - Over 300k posts in Let's Meet Up. Fewer than 7k posts in Holidays. No need to provide multi-point access to information? Hmmm... we're not twenty-something techies but even we realise sometimes it does make sense to provide more than one way in. Would have thought SH-ers would appreciate multiple entry points... Never mind. Px

The Let's Meet Up' forum has been going for ten years now, but the 'Holidays' forum has been going only a few years, hence the large difference in numbers. It was set up to meet the needs of those going on holiday who didn't want to go dragging through thousands of day to day meets to find the few people who may be on holiday at the same time as them. It also makes it easier for the search function if only searching through one forum.
Hope that helps and enjoy your holiday.
I've deleted your other post - no need to have 2 posts for the same event.
Believe it or not, but I hope to be coming to this :cheers: !
However, I may be coming up on my bike and staying in a local hotel (yet to be booked cos EVERYONE wants to go!), so I'll looking for some kind soul to give me a lift from whichever hotel I'm at to the beach and back afterwards.
It also means I can have a beer or three and not worry about drink riding afterwards! :grin:
Anyone with local knowledge of decent hotels in the area, please drop me a PM with details.
Fang Q! lol
I'm sure the Northern SH'ers will come to your rescue. They have always been very good for me on several Great North Runs.
Good luck and see you at the finish!! wave
Quote by Bearox
Hi all
I have been looking for a swinging partner for ages now. and it seems most people on here are fake..
anyone suggest or help me?

from your profile -
"Fun and looking to meet soon have now found a partner who is also willing to play"
Also your profile states you are 30, yet your ad states you are 22? That would mean you would have been 15 when you joined the site in 2006, yet 7 years later you make your first post as a snipe at everyone saying they're fake??
I personally have met hundreds of people on here, as have many others. People meet up every day on here, so I suggest you make a bit more effort and get to some socials organised on here and start meeting real people.
By the way, as you have a single male account, be aware you are unable to advertise as a couple, hence I have deleted two of your ads, including the one where you hope to get paid for sex!!! :eeek:
Quote by sercher01
'Nilla, shnilla Shireen. kiss
Erm, y'got me there Sercher dunno

the word i must be looking for is "infamous" ..........thats good , fresh start me thinks wink
oh! hi Mal :thumbup:
hi matey wave :cheers:
Quote by Shireen
Sheesh... You settle down to 'nilla life and then get dragged kicking and screaming back rolleyes wink

nice duck!! :grin:
Quote by khwariboy
How fucking difficult is it to find a dude to try out my first ever proper male on male encounter?! I've sucked a few cocks in an orgy scene but really want to hang out with a clean shaved dude in London to play with. Thus far all I get are cock teasers and assholes that don't respond! I guess I should give it a little more time but just thought I'd put my predicament out there. Thanks for hearing my rant out

I don't think having a rant with your very first post when you've only been here 5 days is the way forward to endearing you to any potential playmates.
Just chill out, relax and join in with the forums and chatrooms and hopefully you'll be ok.
Having offered our condolences to Little Gem we discussed making this thread a bit of a tribute to the little fella, by sharing our memories of him with each other (no shag details though!), so I'll kick off.
I've met Neilinleeds aka Neilnolongerinleeds and possible a few other aka's, a number of times over the years, but one of my earliest was at one of Bluexxx infamous parties. Many of these parties had a theme and for whatever theme it was that night, Neil turned up in a dress :eeek:. Now the dress wasn't an issue, however Neilinleeds aka neilnolongerinleeds decided to get exceedingly pissed. So pissed that we had to get him a taxi but he was too drunk to get in it. In the end, he was given assistance from a guy in a surgeons costume (that would be me, then!!) and one of our resident TVs. I can only imagine the look on the face of the taxi driver to see 2 'guys' approaching his taxi, carrying a Marilyn Munroe nonlookalike who couldn't stand up!! rotflmao
A good guy to know and I'm glad to have had the experience of knowing him. He's left us far too soon.
God bless ya, Nelly!!
Little Gem asked me to merge this thread with hers, but due to the date stamps of your posts it would have put her post further down the thread and I think it only fitting that her post should lead.
Apologies for the quotes, it was the best 'workaround' I could come up with.
Quote by Jiggle
Saw the post on fb yesterday.. totally shocked. Such a nice guy. My heart goes out to his family and all those that are close to him.
Quote by foxylady2209
I saw this report yesterday too. So sad, and far too young. He will be missed.
Quote by Steve
Can only echo what has been said above...
A lovely guy who has left us way too soon :-(
Rest easy my friend and I hope you have at least as much fun in the next life as you've had in this one...
Quote by wild rose and the stag
Rose and Staggy are very sad to hear the news today of an old yet way too young friend passing away from this world, someone we have partied with at our home more than once at the old WRATS parties, loved loads, shared silliness with on several occasions, very sadly we havent kept in touch over the last few years, as often in this world when you move away, your friends dont move with you, we wish he had , we wish the last chat and hug we had wasnt several years ago at a party but the other day, thinking of you and the devastation to all that knew you. Mods will know full well where to move this to and we kindly thank you for adding us to the thread when it happens.
Rose and Staggy
get in touch old friends if you can, before its too late, we are going to make an effort this end.
We also heard the news yesterday and our thoughts are with his family. He had his own inimitable style and will be missed by all who knew him.
RIP pal
Mal and Sarah
Quote by ax31
would like somebody to explain to me when visiting a chat room whatever im looking at the screen changes to a completely different room from full to10 and under mainlymen only and jerking into a coma

I'd love to explain, but I haven't got a clue what you are talking about!! :eeek:
I've deleted your other post in the 'let's meet up' forum. You only need to post it once.