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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46
0 miles · Lombardy


obama is definitely a showman...loved the thing he did during his speach I don't know where, when he wrote a note for a child's teacher, because she was missing school to watch his speach...
pure thinking on his feet and showmanship
I've always thought that some couples are so used to getting chased by people (mostly single guys of course) that they start thinking they're doing you a favour by giving you their attention and that you should kiss the ground they walk on because they make themselves available to you.. this remark that put you off sorta proves it really... load of crap, I think moving on is the right thing to do.
my experience in "hotel room sex" is fairly limited as most girls I've met, were either at my place or hers.
yes, we meet in a public place and before meeting we always have chatted for quite a while and know each other fairly well in terms of why we are meeting and what we are like.."do I trust him/her enough to meet up?" is a big deal in terms of confidence in the other person
and meeting in public is a way to "confirm" that neither of us has been lying.
after that, the usual thing is to go to either of our places. as I have found very little in the way of local girls, I always travel, sometimes a couple of hours if not more, to get to the girl..hence the place is more often than not hers.
I only twice set up a night in a hotel.
the first time, the girl offered to pay half, and I decided against it, doing the "gentleman thing"... we had however agreed on the budget and level of the hotel..and even chose it together. this was quite far away from my place..but I coupled my visit with meeting a customer for work, so it made some economical sense.
the next time I met her was at her place, she fed me and we spent the night chatting and doing very little else, as it was that time of the month.
the second time I actually took a flight to ireland, and took a hotel room for the weekend..she never offered to pay her share... then again, she never even showed first, and so far only, no-show. one expensive joke.
I've only met one couple so far, and they received me at their house.
I would never ask a couple to pay more than half the fare of a hotel room, as a couple might be made of 2 people, but I see it as a single entity..
on the other hand, the absurd notion that I should pay because I should feel indebted with them for letting me join their games/shag the lady... would put me off immediately. it smacks indeed of pimping the woman out...
whether I would not mind paying for the room in its entirety, it should never be expectedfrom me, as I should think if they decide to meet me it's because there is some attraction and mutual interest..and not because I'm a cock with a paid for bedroom available; (if that's all they were after they could pull anyone from the street....)and that should put us on the same "level" as far as interactions go.
yes, I would feel honoured and pleased for a couple to choose me amongst so many alternatives, but if they do, surely it's because they think I'm worth it?
that's funny...I had not noticed this topic..but yesterday night I was just chatting with a girl on another site and she confessed to me the same "kink"...she would do Cowell
well..aside the obvious glamorous commonly fancied girls of the hollywood scene, I have to admit I would gladly spend a night with Kate whom I find myself oddly attracted to
mind you, I'd need to bring a ladder..biggrin
I have vague recollections of random fumblings at 13-14ish..
totally clueless about what I was doing and feeling..and to some extent to the sexual implications and connotations of the whole thing.
I lived 4 km away from the nearest neighbour, at the time, and had little in the way of friends/confidantes with whom to share experiences or opinions..brothers and sisters are all younger than me..
which means I literally had to go by trial and error.
I guess I'm a "self made man" in that way... :giggle:
Quote by Resonance
I always ask my wife / sister to choose it for me. They then all go off together with all their mates, test loads of different ones and pick the one they all like...

can I use yours too? mine live 1000 miles away...would make it kinda
calling it ageism seems a bit extreme to me.
and to be quite blunt and direct..I wonder if you at 30 or even at 40 would have considered a partner of 70...
a fundraising party at the local working men's club?
a weekend fair sponsored by the local stores or companies? you could have all sorts of cheap things going on..races, cooking competitions, tug-of-war.. artsy things... all things that require a minimum of money and give the charity a lot of visibility, especially if you make it a block event or involve the local parish..
give the chance to the local businesses to show their colours around and they might be tempted to chip in.
I was half expecting the title to the topic to be a pun on the movie's title, used for a swinging ad..
but's a good movie..and robin just gotta love the man.
Quote by davej
Princess Salmon would have sounded worse dunno

It wasn't until I read this out loud to the wife that I got it! rotflmao
It's one of them that don't travel well cubes, regional accents an all.
I'm still not getting it sad
Quote by Witchy
enjoyed their shows and good luck to the pair of them most entertaining..

But what about Peter Andre? :dunno:
I did get this one though biggrin:D:D :giggle:
I enjoy stuntriders, parkour jumpers and skaters as much as the next guy..but riding a fence made of rods with no "upper rim" is just stupid. a friend of mine was climbing over a fence, lost his footing halfway through and crucified himself on it (as in his hands were "spiked through")...he got lucky and lost the use of only 2 fingers in his right hand. for one guy that pulls it off and "only" falls down to the side a couple of times, how many people have gone through serious injuries?
as for the rest of the stunts...kudos...impressive skill and amazing balance.
that would have to be...
either one of the following:
nick cave's "loverman"..but in the metallica rendition:

"fever", of course in
and finally, right said fred's
I can't make my mind up..
Quote by Freckledbird
Bleeeedin 'eck opened a right old can 'o worms this one hasn't it think i might retake my sabbatical from posting if this is what I stir up lol

:thumbup: good!
duh..that way it looks like a good thing he's not going to post
which definitely was not what I had in mind... in fact I've kinda hijacked the topic..which I shouldn't have..sorry :P
Quote by splendid_
melting pot, I think that you are taking a tiny portion of users to be representative of the whole and you are mistaken.

my observations come from reading a long range of topics on this forum and observing ads, profiles and general demeanour in the chatrooms... if you think I'm wrong, I'll have to take your word for it, as I'm fairly new...
so far though I have seen little to make me think I am wrong. (and no, I'm not talking about interest in my persona...I'm thinking general attitude)... then again, maybe I'm looking at the wrong people.
as I said, I'm sure that my opinion is not entirely correct and is biased by the fact that I am indeed a single guy..
but your words, minx, do confirm that my "sensation" is not entirely off the mark.
the fact that you as part of a couple have, sometimes, had the same impression, does say something about the majority of the population of this website.
that said, I try not to make too many generalisations and I'm sure there are perfectly sensible couples and, (I hope biggrin) a number of single ladies too, that are a bit more levelheaded and that share the basic respect for the human being that makes me and the likes of me not just a random cock to be used and disposed of.
I appreciate the fact that this website, through it's veterans, has created quite a close-knit comunity..
now to a more specific curiosity, I right in thinking that the majority of the population thinks swinging is such only if it includes at least 3 people?:P:P(by that I mean 2 or more people having sex but at least one of them being part of a couple)
welcome to the other side of the fence...
I'm learning...I was under the misapprehension that vanilla was a term mostly used in the bdsm scene to define what is not part of the bdsm scene.
I guess there are more uses for the term..:P
now an introductory note I've written after the rest of this post:
what follows is not a rant and is not intended as a moan, criticism towards anyone or anything like that. it's just a series of observations derived from a couple of months of perusing the various areas of this website.
I was under the impression that this was a place where yes, the main "thing" is couples meeting couples or singles (or more :P).. but that there was also room for play for single guys and girls between each other...
going by the various posts in this very forum, I'm comming to the conclusion that probably this is not the case...and that the massive quantity of single guys is not the main reason for so many of them/us not getting a "date/meet"... but rather a commercial comodity for the owners of the site
I'm starting to think that the "core" of this website's users are couples and that they are to put it without offending anyone?... looking down on single guys as being somewhat of intruders in their "playground"...
I know this can't be entirely true, because apparently there is plenty of request for men when it comes to gangbangs or dogging etc etc..
but still..I can't really shake that impression.
it's odd though..I've been (and still am) on 3 other websites of similar nature..and this is the first time I get this "elitist" impression.
that said, it is of course quite natural that many single guys don't get to meet anyone, no matter how hard they might given the odds...
I also reckon that for a single guy to meet a single girl just doesn't qualify for swinging... (then again, I'm personally looking for that, but not just for
don't get me wrong...I am quite patient and am seeing someone on an nsa basys, so it's not like I'm here ranting for the lack of sex..
but I'm starting to think this website is just the wrong place to be looking (comparing it to other similar websites), what with being primarilly focussed on couples and "proper swinging"..(still trying to define what that is :P)
right..I have the feeling I'm loosing the plot about what I was trying to say..if I ever had a I might as well stop it before I start to make no sense at
Quote by meat2pleaseu
I'd like to make Lily scream 69position :lickface:

she already does...
oh no...sorry, that's singing..
lol..just messing..I actually quite like some of the songs
Quote by benrums0n
I certainly hope to be if Im not tied to the bed being radished.(As opposed to ravished which doesnt always involve root salad vegetables)

made me think of the hot waitress in 'allo ' "ze wet cellery!"
can I just say that maybe it's not specifically the uk, that some countries want to give a bloody nose? uk-centrist theories that at times crop up do make me laugh, sometimes (in a good way ;) )
anyway...I had it on the background whilst I was doing something else, and could not bear it after a while.. mostly it sounded like being plunged in a bad '80s disco night..
the pair of them stand for everything I don't like in the showbiz and music industry..
I don't mean to pass judgement on them personally as I haven't followed the show nor know them... and all in all, I can's say I care about their marital status biggrin
Quote by __random_orbit__
Don't agree with faith schools full stop!
As far as i'm concerned, religion is brain washing.

I agree on that, who was it that said "Religion is the opiate of the masses?" My humble education taught me something.
didn't teach you who said it did it?
That was god that was, setting up his own little conspiracy theory to keep him in the news.
lol...Marx will be turning in his grave, for you having called him god biggrin
mmmmhh I've just been asked to help "satisfy" a woman, together with 3-4 other blokes, whilst filmed by her husband, sometimes in july..
now that WOULD be an adventure indeed...but I'm not sure I'm entirelly confortable with the idea..
I'm confident in that I know my limits and to some extent my strenghts..
I know that I go mostly unnoticed by most girls, and that a lot of girls just are not into me...and on the other hand a small group of girls find me instinctively attractive and sexy.
I'm trying to narrow down "what sort of girl" that do have an idea..but I will not say, otherwise I'll just blow my
anyway, knowing that most girls just don't dig me, I don't really get a chance to become arrogant...which contributes in some measure to a general shyness (in real life, that is... being shy on the internet is just dumb..)
on average it tends to put me off for two reasons:
1) I don't consider myself an uggo, but I don't have the confidence in my looks to be as selfassured as to promote myself as particularily attractive. I know from experience that when you write an ad you like people to react and show that they've actually read it... and for the same reason I don't react to adds who ask for vwe people, I don't answer to the "good looks" thing.
2) to me it's important to establish some sort of connection with whoever I consider meeting. if their/her primary concerns are looks..and they/she are not concerned about talking, getting to know each other at least a bit..and see if there is a fascination around the "persona" rather than her body alone, then I don't feel I'll get the "satisfaction" from our meet that I crave for.
to me sex is as much a meeting of minds and "attitudes" as it is of I need to get to know the people I plan to meet at least a little bit.
a profile that is focussed on looks and "attributes" just doesn't speak to me, most of the times.
the london eye..because I was supposed to, but the girl that wanted me to moved to brussels before we could get to it.
medieval castles hold a strong fascination with me for a number of name one..
there are more, I'm sure
as a forumite, I tend to perve the profiles of those who write here and attract my attention.
other than that, I'll admit that as a "sh virgin" I don't refrain from perving the galleries and the ads..
in that "area" I tend to go for profiles with piccies, and if I'm attracted to the piccie (not necessarily the looks of the person, sometimes it's the nature/setting/quality of the picture) then I read on to the content of the profiles...
and it's the content of said profiles rather than the piccies, that convinces me to search contact or not to... (with scarce results so far, if I may whine a little biggrin )