child A
child C can obviously make another one, and has a talent for woodwork that probably excedes his musical talent
child B can be entertained by child A (viceversa is not possible)..learn something about music and maybe borrow the flute from him.
also, that way the flute will be put to proper use, without causing screeching noises (children can pursue making chaotic noise for no purpose at all for hours)
front row of a packed cinema
front garden (high fences with several holes in a busy street)
train toilet (never again!)
I find beauty in girls independently from their race.. and have been lucky enough to "sample" with some variety.
from purely an aestetic point of view, I have no favourite as I've seen some stunning beauties of virtually every colour of the rainbow.
as for bedroom matters, however, I do have a particular fascination with far east girls, chinese and japanese.
(by saying so, I'm not blowing my chances with the other girls, I
trouble is it's always hard to tell.
if it's somebody you know very well and know the family situation off, you might be tempted to do it, but you wouldn't, I guess, because you care abou those people and it's a cruel joke no matter what.
if it's somebody you despise for whatever reason but don't know very well...then..well, it's too easy for such a joke to go horribly wrong.
even the most stuck up arse might have problems they don't share with you or anyone else.. a sick relative who needs costly care, troubles on the job, health issues they keep shtum about.. a wad of money might bring their hopes of solving part of these issues up..
only to be crushed when the game is up.
I'm not saying everybody who is an arse is so because he has problems at home, or that people can't just be mean, I know people who are... I just don't presume to know people that well to want to judge them or put such a potentially "cruel" prank in existence.
for that reason I choose not to pull such a joke, because on average, the chances of it being misunderstood and actually hurting people are too high.
well that doesn't help me at
I'll stick to common posts and not bother with the polls
thanks for the heads up anyway..I guess I'll keep the ad after all.
kent, dude, I might have worded it badly, but the phrase you highlighted in my post was actually fully agreeing with you...
you're thinking of dick "mary poppins" van ..who indeed played mark sloan in diagnosis murder..
guess they're namesakes
Seven of Nine,
Daisy Duke,
René Artois,
Lord Blackadder or Al Bundy..not sure
and of course Max Guevara..she kicks ass, goes in heat and has the looks of jessica alba..can't go wrong
pah..amateur..I manage to be overlooked even when dancing alone at the center of the dancefloor :S many times do you get the feeling "am I invisible"?? I reckon that's where most of the shyness comes from in the first place
many currently accepted "real" illnesses were initially met by the same disdain and disbelief..and are today treated clinically...I'm thinking depression, post natal depression, etc...
so I wouldn't dismiss it so out of hand.
that said, I have little love for most of the psychobabble and consequent lack of self esteem and of "solve it" seems to me that way too often we call for "professional help" as a cheap way of getting of our arses and face the music.
and way too often the so called "experts" are talking rubbish and looking at charts instead of at the people they're supposed to help
I agree that probably the "clip around the ear" school of handling things should not be totally dismissed as violating the child's right and being abusive.
there must be a breaking point where pampering and "gently nudging" and standing firm and acting decisively must meet, if parents are to give a child a fighting chance in the world.
I have mastered shyness to the point where I suffer from different degrees of shyness, depending on the context
as a salesman, opening doors and introducing myself is part of the in that field I've mostly overcome it, but still manage to blunder my way through the easiest of confrontations (lastly I was on a meeting with a buyer, and knocked my glass of water all over her desk...hence the lesson, "always drink up!")
in more social things I am not really shy with blokes, but can be reeeeaally awkward around girls, especially on the first approach
the simple art of walking up to a girl and tell her "n'importe quoi" eludes me, mostly because I think chat up lines are stupid and mostly unwelcome...and if I start of saying something stupid, what does that say about me?... and if she's with friends...well then she's totally off stupid as that may sound
once the ice is broken I tend to come over quite confident and proactive.. but that first hurdle is more often than not quite too steep for me.
in that picture, thank god for internet.. I never really look shy or lacking confidence, when I meet a date, simply because the first hurdle of getting to introduce myself is already behind me...and inrtoducing myself on the web takes little if no courage at all.
it's not really naivety... It's quite a common thing, and the basis of a large number of scams, to make people believe that for once they've struck gold.
I sort of can see the funny side of it if you reveal it's a fake straight after the first moment of elation..
but to let somebody actually believe it to be real for a day or two, and probably start making plans about how to spend the money, in the back of their just cruel and stupidly inconsiderate
I'm just wondering if the "photo ad" instrument is of any use to any of the men that use it.
does anybody actually check the ads listed under "single male"?? (other than the gay or bi males, who seem to be more in demand, if my perceptions are right)
I'm not complaining..I'm just thinking that I've read several ads all across the board, and several profiles. most of them, couples and ladies is what I've focussed on ( :evil2: ), seem to say the same thing "single males, if/when interested, we will look for you"... wether that happens, I doubt, simply because I'm sure that there are men that ignore the above message and still contact the couples and ladies... which means that all they need to do, when they actually want to meet single guys, is to select amongst those that have made contact.
I'm thinking probably I should pull my ad and focus on responding to as many ads I can, to get a chance at scoring a date...(not that I'm desperate, as I do find dates elsewhere, but 1 date is better than none :P...and I'm still a SH virgin)
before doing so though, I'd like to ask:
do any of the people that actually meet single straight guys go and look for them on the relevant ads page? or do you simply choose amongst those that have made contact be it by mail or chatroom?
is it worth it to keep the ad going? (what I look for might as well be written directly on my profile)
I know of course that having the ad doesn't "cost" me anything, but I like to think in terms of efficiency..and it doesn't seem to ad anything to my chances.
rather than rants from frustrated fellow single guys, I'd like the opinion of those who meet/have met the likes of us,..and I'd like to know how they go about finding the right one to meet
muahaha..that one is just perfect
did he have a problem? yes, more than one... was he an admirable individual? probably not.
his wacko jacko persona was largely a construct of his own fantasy, fed to the media to enhance his outstanding (as in standing out) public image.
was anything remotely indictive beyond alegations by greedy parents (a minority amongst a lot of families, parents, children that went through the gates of Neverland, and testified to his good nature and against wrongdoings) been found to prove his tendencies? nope, not as far as I'm aware.
all that was proved, were a few circumstances that would have given gary glitter the perfect chance for a reacharound but should not be automatically assumed to have gone down the same path.. (I'm thinking of Elizabeth Taylor testifying she had seen MJ in bed with one of the accusing children...which of course is highly inappropriate when it's not your child... but clarifying they were watching Disney flicks... it's worthy of notice that to see this she must have been in the same room..and nobody accused her of being a /voyeur..)
I'm not making him out to be a saint, mind you..I don't much care for his wild antics and delusions of grandeur (albeit partly justified by his success)... In fact I don't believe in the whole "fandom/stardom" thing and I don't really apppreciate the man behind the music..but that's not enough to make him guilty.
the simple truth is that a man accused of being a is automatically guilty in the eyes of the media..if he gets acquitted, it's only for lack of proof, not because he's innocent..a presumed will carry the stigma to his deadbed, and always be looked at with suspicion, even after his death, unless a movie is made about his misfortunes.
... and if he's famous and rich, he automatically has bought the verdict and nobody cares that he might actually have been innocent.
and that, I think, is pretty sad.
it's a fact that we cannot judge, because nobody except the judges that had all the proofs and witnessess in front of them, ever had the means to say if he is innocent or not..and we know, or think to know, that a verdict could swing both ways, because of media pressure, legal technicalities, forged or "bought" testimony and protagonism and "commercial" interests for everybody involved..
innocence or guilt are more often than not irrelevant in such public media events. and the outcome doesn't guarantee that justice is served. but neither does it say that MJ bought his innocence.
in fact, the accusers have been caught talking openly about the economical benefits they'd get for accusing him, especially if he was proven guilty... or so some in the media say..(have these rumors been paid for by MJ to rehabilitate his name? we don't know.. has his sister retracted her accusations, based on hearsay and impressions to begin with, in exchange of money? again, could be, could be she did not.. and the list goes on.. potentially every sliver of proof could have been hidden/destroyed/bought. on the other hand, there is no proof of any of the sort, and it might very well be the other way around.)
what is undoubtely true, because friends, family, acquaintances and expert agree on it, is that MJ was a troubled person, with serious gaps in his childhood (not surprising, given his public life since the age of 5).. and who never really grew into a complete adult individual (I guess that's what neverland was all about... peterpan, ferris wheels, bouncy castles and the lot)
I just think we should, for lack of other ways to determine the truth, accept the legal verdict for what it's worth.
duh..why I got into this pages-long rant beats me, as I'm not even a proper fan..
I guess I don't like what the media does to people, both ways (I'm thinking of the nearly-sanctified Jane Goody just as much as I'm thinking about Jacko)
you have to be born with american citizenship to be eligible to president. Arnie was born in Austria.
anyhoo, you can't get much more american than being their president, unless you're Dolly Parton.
I definitely love Bansky, and Basquiat..
and I've admired some of the "political" graffiti (if they qualify as such, that is..) that I've seen in Belfast
other than that, I absolutely hate the "tags", specially on historical monuments and important buildings..
tags in general, I find quite often ugly and just acts of vandalism.
a proper design and a proper message, I like, but most of the scribblings done by amateurs are really not worth their cost in paint.
to avoid random tags on their rolling shutters, several shops in Milano have commissioned local artists to paint some scene related to their trade, depicting what the store is all about.. kinda like that too, functional graffiti.
that would change every day...
today I'm going with "a kiss is a terrible thing to waste".. meat loaf again ;)
I normally don't go further than "shit" or "fuck"... mostly when I'm alone and/or upset...
almost never in the bedroom (or any other alternative location :P )
..and when I do, it's more often than not in the wrong
(in fact I can get a whole lot coarser in italian, again, when I'm alone...but it's a way to release frustration, and I'd never use it in public)
beats me...I just wish I could find a hat big enough for my head...they don't seem to come in my size :S