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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 52
Straight Male, 54
0 miles · Colne


Warming the Bed
We have been to Club Manchester, Silk, Xanadu, Fun 4 Two (Preston),
Liasons, Partners, Cupids, Townhouse and Chameleons.
The first four have all closed down but of the rest, we prefer Cupids and Partners due to their handy location not far from the motorway.
Either are OK for a single guy but Cupids may have the edge as it has a proper bar and is more pub-like and it’s easy to get chatting to other people at the bar. Liasons wasn’t our cup of tea because we didn’t like the fact that the private rooms could not be locked from the inside but they also have a good bar area that should be good for a single guy for socialising and meeting people.
Partners is good and has a lounge area where I have seen people socialising but not as much as the clubs with a bar area. Townhouse is very nice, well run and also has a bar area where people are friendly and chatty.
The other consideration is that from our point of view as a couple who only play with single guys, if a couple like the look of you, then the chances are they will approach you.
We have also found that most single guys who are genuinely friendly and make an effort to chat to couples, will usually end up having some fun, even if it’s not the couple that they first started talking to. Don’t be too shy but don’t be too pushy. It’s about getting the balance right and then just going with the flow. Obviously, the more times you visit clubs, the more you get to know people and therefore increase your chances of having fun. Put the effort it and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results!
Warming the Bed
We will be at Partners tonight and wondered if there would be any single guys going that would be interested in a straight couple for threesome?
Warming the Bed
We have to stay in the Midlands in a couple of weeks on a Friday night and we can't decide which will be the better club, Chameleons or Libertys. We've heard good reports about both but would appreciate some advice from people who have been to both.
We are a straight couple looking for a straight single guy for my gf and we have attended most of the clubs in the North West, so as far as club etiquette etc, we're not newbies by any stretch but really don't know the Midlands scene at all.
Which club is likely to be busier? as we're just going for one night and we'd rather maximise our chances of meeting someone rather than paying our money, only to find it's a quiet night!
We would also like some advice on decent hotels within a taxi ride from Chams.
Warming the Bed
As we are having to use condoms for a while and it's years since we bought any, does anybody have any recommendations to which is the best for female pleasure and male sensitivity?
Warming the Bed
Thanks again.
I'm sure we'll still have a good time despite no single guys.
Do you know if they are still offering the hotel option to book and stay over?
I'm presuming that the club is upmarket and has more of a nightclub feel to it? It would be great to hear a description of what a typical night might entail.
We aren't newbies and have visited seven clubs over the lastfew years, so know the score on the swinging side of things but we were hoping that this place would be more luxurious than the bog-standard clubs such as Partners or Cupids (no offence to those places, which are great btw)
Any advice would be welcomed.
Warming the Bed
That's really helpful, thanks.
We are looking at going on a Saturday night in April, are we likely to get any decent single guys in on a Saturday night?
Warming the Bed
Can anyone tell me if Liberty Elite is worth going to?
The website looks great but says the place closes at which is very early for a club and puts us off a bit. Most clubs close at 3 or 4 am on weekends.
Warming the Bed
Thanks for the responses and in particular the idea about filming.
It would be really helpful if anyone could offer advice on the best way to set up a way of filming them without me being in the room but to get decent results.
I don't have a video camera so advice on what to buy and how to set up a video camera (or webcam?)for this situation would be really useful.
Warming the Bed
We have a great arrangement with a very close friend that’s been ongoing for about three years now. It started when we all shared a hotel room with two double beds and after a night out, we had an mfm which later lead to one on one between my gf and him whilst I watched from the other double bed.
Since then our friend has stayed with us about four times per year and my gf goes to him in our guest room and they have a one on one. We never discuss what we do between the three of us and the only talk that happens is between the two of them in bed and this has generally been about protection issues and whether to involve me in a further mfm, which our friend has said he’d prefer not to do as he would rather continue with the one on one. The following morning nothing is ever said and I have to say that this add to the thrill of the whole situation.
I’m totally happy with this and get huge pleasure from listening outside the door and then the incredible fun when my gf returns to our bed. The ground rules have pretty much been set in an almost unspoken way (if that makes sense) and we are both really happy with our arrangement and my gf and I have a huge amount of fun talking and reliving his visits, as you might imagine.
It is particularly good that our friend lives in London and his visits are frequent enough to keep the momentum going but not too frequent to make the situation boring.
My reason for posting is that we’d love to hear comments from any couples in a similar situation and to hear if they have any ideas or scenarios that they have found have added to the excitement of having such a long term arrangement, as we have been trying to think of ideas that we could try. Thanks!
Warming the Bed
Has anyone noticed a big difference visiting clubs since the ban and has it made numbers drop?
I noticed a sign in Partners a few weeks ago stating they would strictly enforce the ban - the sign read 'would you rather have a shag or a fag?'
I wonder if all clubs are complying with the law, as I guess smoking wardens are unlikely to visit clubs. Are we going to see groups of people shivering in towels standing outside club doors having a ciggie!
Warming the Bed
Look - we're not looking for comments on whether people think we are doing the right thing or not.
People seem to posting comments voicing their opinions on the morality of what we're doing and that's not what we asked for.
We're interested in hearing from people who have successfully had fun with a friend and to pass on tips of how to achieve it nothing more than that, so please lay off with the negativity and making comments that are off-topic.
Warming the Bed
Thanks to all the posters.
We are meeting our friend this Saturday night
and had considered taking him to a swingers club in the Birmingham area to break the ice but unfortunately there are very few and they don’t allow single guys on a Saturday night. That’s disappointing because we’d be attending as three people, not a single guy in the true sense but we have to accept the club rules.
Anyway we are sharing a room with two double beds and are hoping to have fun with him without having to ask him outright to join us. My girlfriend would particularly like for him to join us spontaneously while we are having sex and we’re still looking for ideas.
My girlfriend thinks she may get him on the subject of sex tell him that her fantasy is to have two guys. We honestly think that the time we shared a room in Manchester, he didn’t get the hint that we wanted a threesome and suspect he held back because of fear of rejection, which must be high for a guy asking a couple for a threesome when not knowing of their sexual preferences.
She’s also suggested dancing with him, which could be very sexy.
The other idea we had was for me to give my girlfriend a massage in the hotel after our night out – she has a back problem, so that’s a good excuse for her to get semi undressed and we could take it from there.
We also thought of watching the porn movie in the hotel room and seeing what happened.
We don’t want to end up in bed separately, start having sex and then having to call across to the next bed to invite him and then feel uncomfortable if he says no, so it’s important that we have a rough idea of how to tell him we’re interested in him.
Any constructive advice about how to approach this would be welcomed.
We’ll be happy to post our results on the forum on Sunday night!
Warming the Bed
What's Xtasia like? Is it nearer Birminham centre?
Warming the Bed
We’re going to be in Birmingham on Saturday 30th June, staying in a city centre hotel and we’d like to visit the nearest swingers club.
Can anyone recommend the best club as we don’t know the area? We thought Chameleons looked good and we’d particularly like to hear your comments on what it’s like and also how much it would cost in a taxi from the city centre to get there.
Thanks guys.
Warming the Bed
Thanks again for all your comments. I have a few things to say.
Firstly we don’t know anybody else on the forum as been suggested.
This is a totally genuine question that some people seem to be reading too much into. My gf and I have been involved in swinging for 6 years and are certainly not newbies as suggested. Clubs we have visited are Silks, Club Manchester, Partners, Liasons, Cupids and Xanadu. We’ve also been registered on this site for quite a bit longer than some of the people who’ve suggested we’re newbies pretending to be experienced.
We had a long term friend that moved back to Europe, that’s the reason we’re looking for a new friend, nothing more.
We’re totally happy and confident with what we do which is why the suggestion that our relationship will break down and I’ll lose a friendship is totally wrong.
To recap – we simply wanted advice from people who had successfully had a mfm with a friend – we weren’t looking for advice on the pros and cons of it all. We established what we both are happy with re swinging a long time ago and we really don’t need that sort of advice. Maybe we should have been clearer in the first post.
I can understand the comments about my friend’s gf but she’s not a permanent fixture and you’d have to know him to fully understand the situation.
If we asked him outright and he wasn’t interested, it wouldn’t ruin our friendship at all – he’d probably be fascinated in what we do but politely decline. It’s just that we’d rather he didn’t know that we’re swingers if he isn’t interested, that’s all. Not that we’re ashamed of it, just that we’d rather keep it a total secret.
The fact my gf fancies him is fine – that’s what having an mfm is all about and in fact wouldn’t work without it. Total rubbish to suggest it’s a problem. Why would she leave me for him and not any of the other guy’s we’ve had mfms with? It’s purely recreational sex, whoever it’s with.
Any other comments from people who've had successful mfms with a friend and how they've acheived it, would be very welcome.
Warming the Bed
I don't - good point!
Let's ask them.
Have you?
Warming the Bed
Actually it's not a case of taking the advice that I wanted to hear (but I can see your point) it's a case of asking for advice from people who've actually done it with a friend, that's all, and the people who advised cauton hadn't actually done it with a friend had they?
I'd really like to her from other people who have done it with a friend, rather than people who have an opinion that isn't based on personal experience.
Warming the Bed
Thanks for the advice Steve - very helpful.
The other's that have replied seem to forget that we're not newbies and are simply looking for a replacement for the long term mfm partner we already had and the fact my gf finds my mate attractive is great, certainly not a reason for her to leave me lol!
And our friendship wouldn't fail if he found out we're swingers but didn't want an mfm, I'd just be embarressed.
Warming the Bed
I agree there are some lovely singlr straight guys - we've met some in clubs and we reckon the best way to meet them is in clubs, but we just don't have time!
We've had far too many guys reply to us who lie about being married and worse still, the guys who aren't really looking for a mfm they're looking for a single girl but as they're very hard to find, they'll settle for a mfm and pretend they're really into that just to get some action.
We reckonthat geunuine, single, straight mfm loving guys are hard to find. Not that we dislike bi guys - it's just that it's not our thing and so many guys are dishonest on their profiles.
We're also sick of cock shots and guys saying how good they are etc. How about a nice face shot and a line or two about their personality, or is that too much to ask?
Thanks for your advice we'll take it on board.
Warming the Bed
Thanks again.
I may even suggest that she flirts and takes it further and they have a one on one tonight and then take it from there for the mfm on another occasion. At least he'll be back in touch with her sexually, although he'll initially think she's cheating. The mfm can then be suggested at a later date.
Any comments?
Warming the Bed
Good idea, although it would all depend on nobody else overhearing at the party. That's why I thought of taking him to one side and being totally up front.
I suppose I'll have to play it by ear for a bit and if it looks like I'm running out of time, I'll ask him directly.
He already knows my gf is horny, as they had a one night stand a few years ago, so I wondered if I should mention that to him and see his reaction and then offer the mfm, or would he be freaked that I mention the one night stand?
Warming the Bed
It's interesting to see a new club has opened in the North West but we don't want to try it until we get a recommendation from someone who has visited. The website states you must make a paypal payment to join and only then do you find out where it is and what nights it is open. It looks fantastic but I'm slightly unsure about it due to the paypal payment, lack of reviews, mobile only telephone number and all the pictures of members on the website. Any comments anyone?
Warming the Bed
We were at Cupids on the Friday before last and two amazing girls of about 18 or 19 turned up and proceeded to play with lots of people in the club. Anyone else witness this sexy evening?