Will be popping up to a mates house in Manchester this w/e and wondered what life was like further north.
Anyone fancy 'bumping into us' whilst we are out? One shy, one not.
AOL user reporting no problems, I get to see all the boobs I like and occassionally see something orrible by mistake
Whenever I'm out running along the canal I pass lots of Narrow Boats and the curtains are always shut. Now, obviously they are watching Eastenders and don't want the sun reflecting on their TV sets but...
Does any swinging ever go on inside these Narrow Boats or is that as likely as dogging in a Reliant Robin? :dry:
Hi Claire, hope you had a great weekend.
I dont what to cast doubt on your character but I'll except anything your offering. You are so sexy I would even experience the joys of driving in Grantham at 5 o'clock for a chance to see you smile in the flesh.
Maybe you could adopt me, I'm well trained. :taz:
:idea: How about a compromise? :idea:
You change the avatar to the secretary look (must have the glasses on!) and show a little cleavage, perhaps a stocking top if Kb's permit.
If that offends any boob lovers, you could always send them a photo via PM.
I have noticed something recently, that the stories by men don't last very long!
Anything in that?
My vote goes to Claire
Not only are they great looking but its the way they seem to be being offered to you!
Erm, when you send a PM the file has to be under 50KB. We are trying to send a PM but our JPEG is 98KB. Help!
Thanks in advance
A packet of Smash
A tin of corned beef
A kettle of water
Take a bowl, make up Smash using boiling water. Whilst its still hot, mix in the corned beef and serve from the bowl.
Add a knob of butter, if you want real luxury.
I agree that they should be enjoyed, rather than taken as a life experience you have missed out on that "normal people" are experiencing every day. In fact the slightly dubious ones are often the most enjoyable.
Whats the other option? Adding BASED ON A TRUE STORY will only lead to the trend towards every story being true, then some being somehow truer, leading to the truier, the truiest, the truely true and the stories that are preceeded by A N Other's: The Best Night of My Life.
Thanks for your thoughts so far.
Just wondered (not doubting anyone) if the stories are... erm... 100% accurate?
Some seem a little... too good to be true.
Not suggesting "prove it or remove it" or anything, was just curious.