Grrrrr! I hate to do this but my other post has been locked!
I'm leaving the site :!:
I'm a mod on another forum (nursing one) and understand that mods have to delete/lock offensive posts, move posts around if they are posted in the incorrect section but I thought this was "the cafe" i.e a place where you can chat with your friends about anything within reason. (obviously not)
I've just tried to post on my other thread and it's been locked. I haven't even had the opportunity to reply
I just wanted to know why my thread had been locked.
:arrow: my thread was to do with swinging as I knew him off the site
:arrow: i'm assuming it wasn't pointless as I had 4 emails and 7 pm's in support
:arrow: my post wasn't offensive and didn't list the member ( i doubt he'll be back on now anyway)
I was just so exasperated when this guys wife rang me that I wanted to let of some steam and get some support from my friends off here. It's not as if I can talk to my everyday friends about what happened cos they don't know!
I've really enjoyed the site but I'm so hacked off that i'm leaving. :cry:
Thanks to everyone who PM'd and emailed me in support.
May I suggest that you might need to expand the forum and include a time out section maybe? And if posts arn't offensive that you jsut let them drop down the pages?
Poppy x