Join the most popular community of UK swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 57


Quote by Jas-Tim
I'd love to have a proper little bookshop where I coukd just sit quietly and read, with the odd customer popping in for a chat and a purchase now and again;

Jas - I planned that for many years! Then I did the sums and worked out I'd have to live in the shop too as it would never pay my mortgage :cry:
So - wanna bring your new outfit and come and read in my bookshop? :twisted:
RSxx :color:
Quote by LadyFeeBee
:twisted: :twisted:
How about I send you some private ones? wink

Well if you insist cool :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Oh dear - I am in trouble now! Hello Mrs R :wink:
By the way - you trying to tell me something with that new av? Hey hey! lol
RSxx :color:
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Ah, now that I know that I'll renew my profile pics slightly just for you kiss wink

I just have a Fee fetish :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Can you adapt your gallery for me please? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
RSxx :color:
Anyone know where Dildo (Dino) and the other Red got to? Are they well? I miss flirting with Red :twisted:
RSxx :color:
:embarrased2: :embarrased2: :embarrased2: :inlove: :inlove: redface
I'm still here! At least for the winter!
Easy - Warwick, Warwick and Warwick have been spotted in da house.
RSxx :color:
Okay so it is a known thing that I am not here to play, but I do sometimes browse the ads section if I am on line. I like to see who is on from around my area rolleyes Oh and okay - I'm a perve and some of the photos are quite interesting :twisted: redface
So I was browsing yesterday and today I get a PM from someone who's ad I was looking at. So now I find out that you can see who has viewed you and it just made me wonder whether people find it useful or a little intrusive? It would stop me browsing the ads now for one. But what about those of you who have ads? Do you find it useful to see who has viewed you? Would you contact someone who has viewed your ad but obviously chosen not to contact you about it? This isn't a complaint about receiving the PM by the way - it just made me think.
So - Intrusive or Useful?
Oh and Helen darling wave :wave: :wave: :wave2: :wave2:
Okay so I don't get loads of PM's - which would be about right becuase both my sig and my profile say I am not looking.
But I still get the odd one who can't read.
So here's the kind of thing that happens when I get a PM.
1. PM normally goes from "You look sexy - wana meet up?" (polite) to "Wanna Fuck?"
2. Mr "Wanna Fuck?" does not get a reply.
3. Mr "You look sexy" gets a reply that says something like "thanks for your PM, but as you can see in my profile and my sig, I am not looking. Good luck with looking for what you want". Polite I think.
4. Responses then range from "Ok cheers" (sorted) to "You sure?" (Umm yes - I promise) to the downright rude. Sometimes the downright rude can come after about 4 or 5 returns to say "No thanks".
If I WAS looking and had loads of PM's of this nature I just wouldn't bother.
So that answers the first bit.
The second bit really annoys me! As someone has already said - don't get upset becuase you get an answer to a question you have asked. You asked why people don't reply. You got an answer. Now grow up and live with it.
RSxx :color:
Personally, I believe that anyone on here who doesn't play is a time waster. After all - why would you want to hang around a place like this if you weren't up for it!?
As for all those bi's and gays. It's a bluddy disgrace it is! I think it is about time SH towers cleaned up its act! No wierd bis and gays okay. And those dogger people who don't let watchers join in. Get them off too!
In fact I am thinking that perhaps we should have separate areas just for singles and couples. Because couples having sex just isn't normal! Especially married ones! Why would they be interested in single people?I have no idea! Perhaps we should get rid of the couples too. That'd clean up the place pronto!
Rsxx :color:
Hey Fire - good question.
I really battled with this when I was swinging. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't divorce the deep side from what you call the "shallow" side. I met 2 couples off here who have become very special friends for me and I knew then that i had to have the deeper side. So in my mind I kinda knew that perhaps swinging wasn't for me. I just knew that I couldn't just be a "shag" with those people. They became too special for me. Which is why I took myself out of the scene. Those peple remain very good friends ( and they know who they are) and I won't play with them because I can't keep that "distance" with them. Then I met Mr and Mrs R and they felt the same as me. Which is how I ended up poly rather than swinger.
Mr and Mrs R mean the world to me and i am happy with the choice I made, but I do wonder some times how I would have "made it" as a swinger. I think that I couldn't because of the need to have a more emotional attachment.
Not sure if that makes sense - but just kinda coming from my view point.
aRSexx :color:
Hmmm. What do I think? confused
When I first joined SH I used to enjoy "watching" the flirting. For some reason unknown to even me I enjoyed trying to work out who was shagging who rolleyes , and who knew each other etc. I don't know whether I have just lost interest in that particular past time or whether it as Gem says - the backwards and forwards flirting can go one for pages sometimes and I just get bored of trying to find the bit where soemone has brought the thread back to reality. And it is frustrating when you find that point and then the same 2 people go off again for another page or 2. Cue me closing the thread 'cos I'm bored now.
Having said that if I had the odd bit of a flirt with someone in open forum I wouldn't easily take that to PM - because at that point I become shy. When it HAS happened I do find myself sending a PM the next day saying something along the lines of "you do realise that was just a bit of fun don't you?". I can't explain exactly WHY there is a difference to me - but there is. I think it is different with people I have "known" for a while on here. Peope who know who I am and what I am about. I will quite freely flirt in PM with Missy or you Gem (Edit - and the gorgeous Lady FeeBee of course): - but then I know you and you know what I am about. I would certinaly think twice with someone I didn't know.
But then I woudl also hate to see a thread being hijacked too much by someone flirting with me. I'd probably send them a PM to say something along the lines of "enough's enough now". I say probably - because no-one flirts with me anymore :cry:
RSxx :color:
Quote by celestria
I tend to agree with Sassy on this one. The gay bars that I went to about 15 years ago weren't too receptive to bi fems.

No change in 15 years I can assure you. Lesbians are the most bi-phobic people on the planet. And yes I know I generalise - but trust me I was a Lesbian for long enough to know. And I know the reception I got when I came out as bi! It was bye bye friends and Lesbian social circle.
A site like this does give women more scope to experiment with bisexuality in a non confrontational and relaxed atmosphere. They are not seen as trying to decide whether to be gay - or some sort of "apparition" who doesn't fit into any mainstream sexuality (gay or straight). Women are more open to experimenting with other women.
Having said that - this is also a site where men may feel more comfortable with exploring male on male play - although my opinion is that they will rarely label themselves as bi or bi-curious (why is that?).
So - in a nutshell - I think a site like gives people the freedom the explore. And I for one am happy that it does.
RsXX :color:
Thinking about it - doesn't a watered down version of that happen in just about every meet/date/courtship?
My sister and I have discussed this. She flirts big time and is, in my opinion, a completely different person when she is dating a bloke. Things go well until about a year into the relationship when she can't keep up the masquerade anymore. Okay so physically she doesn't change - this is all about the way she acts. My sister's relationships hardly last more than 1 - 2 years.
Me - well she always had a go at me becuase I kind of go with the "what you see is what you get" attitude. If you don't like me at the beginning - well you just aren't going to like me full stop. Okay so I haven't dated as much as she has - but I'd rather be me from the beginning.
As for the absolute blatant lie -( the old photo being a fave for example) - it seems to happen a lot. I have been fortunate and not come across it in my life - but I would have to walk away and feel (if not say) the same as POLO. You are a Liar!
RSxx :color:
Quote by wild rose and the stag
i lknow i missed loads of options out, i wasnt going to try to list them all ........someone else said, london plaything i think...about being tarred with the same situation for life, well surelyu you wouldnt be , could it not be changed at a click of a button like my marital status can be currently.

I guess that being able to change things with the click of a button would be a lot easier on here than anywhere in else - especially real life!
So I vote for at least being able to change that here! I want to be part of a thruple, not single.
So come on SH - let me at least live as a thruple in SOME place!
RSxx :color:
Quote by twin_peaks
So that brings the question to my mind of how i progress further down this route. Do I make contacts via here and explian what I feel I may be looking for ? Do I just wait and see what happens ?

Talking/chatting to other bi folk is a good place to start I reckon. And this place is a pretty good place to talk to people.
I don't play but you are always welcome to PM me
Rsxx :color:
You missed one out there Wrats. Not that we play but if we did it would have to be as a "thruple" (tm Mrs R). Would we have to sign up as a group? :shock: dunno
Its much the same as those forms I used to refuse to fill out at work when I was in a Lesbian relationship. The type that only gave you the choice of being married or single. Umm - loads of people left out on those!
Rsxx :color:
I think the vital word is "communication". If I were meeting someone who was curious and not sure how they would feel or whether they would want to pogress I would make sure that they knew they could say "stop I'm not enjoying this" at ANY stage. I'd hate for them to carry on just becuase they thought they should!
There is nothing wrong with saying no or asking someone to stop becuase you aren't enjoying something. But I would also ay that if it is your first time, you make that clear up front and explain how YOU wish to proceed to help you feel the most comfortable.
RSxx :color:
Edit - addition: - as for "bi with the right person" - I think that can be interpreted in so many different ways. I have known a couple of women who didn't " label" themselves as bi but could possibly have "labelled" themselves "bi with the right person".
I hate the fact that you are virtually forced to like Christmas. I don't like Christmas. I have my reasons. When I tell people that I don't like Christmas I am made to feel like some sort of scrooge. Like it is abnormal to dislike Christmas. Actually it isn't abnormal and it can be the very worst time of the year for a lot of people which is why the suicide rate increases at Christmas.
But try and explain to people and they won't listen. I have had my desk "sabotaged" with decorations at work and when I removed them it was looked upon as being the worst thing I could do.I give in now and smile and pretend to join in with the "fun".
I look forward to Boxing Day - it means it is over for another year.
Quote by Kiss
The BEST place to shop is...

And I've shopped at a lot of places over the years. wink

Beat me to it! Expensive but made to measure with a great selection :twisted:
Rsxx :color:
Oooh - I was wondering when the subject of the click clack (clicque) would rear its head again! It has been a subject for debate since I can remember (and before that I am sure). I remember a damn good post by Venus on the very same subject. In my opinion there will always be a perception of clicque on a forum of this size, as there is in every sphere of life. People who have "known" each other for ages will bounce off each other in a certain way, or learn to ignore threads that aren't worth getting involved in. New people may join in, or find themselves feeling isolated until they find those that they click with. Its life guys.
I don't post as much as I used to and sometimes when I come back I feel a little "isolated" - but that is becuase I haven't had a chance to get a feel for the new posters. If I stuck around long enough I may find that I click with them. I may find that I don't. No point getting upset about it. I have the choice to log in and I have the choice to reply to threads. Or I can choose to log off and not repy to any. I view it in the same way as I do my local pub. I haven't been in ages and if I walked in now the chances are I might see a few old faces, but I doubt I would fit back in in quite the same way as I used to. If I kept going back I'd start to feel more comfortable again. But I still wouldn't gel with every single group of people there. But I wouldn't stand on the bar and shout at them for being clicquey. The difference on a forum is that every view and every "conversation" is there to be viewed and "listened" to in a way that you don't get in real life - so you can get that feeling of isolation or cliqueness amplified.
And believe it or not - in real life people have different opinions and argue and flounce too.
Rsxx :color:
edit addition: Always found this a good discussion:
Both of you - congrats and big hugs!!
We were just saying the other nigth that it must be about time!!!
Rsxx & Mr and Mrs R as well :color:
Oh yes! I wrote an extremely sexy text to my new gf and sent it to my recently ex gf by mistake redface . She didn't see the funny side AT ALL!
Rsxx :color:
Was browsing the sports science section of ebay earlier today looking for some books for my latest course, and came across one called Knife Fighting: A practical course (tem number: ).
I have to admit to being a bit horrorfied that a book like this could be sold as a sports book! I know it is meant for martial arts, but with the number of knife attacks you hear about (and the police offering knife amnestys) I consider selling something like this on an open site like ebay irresponsible.
Am I being over "sensitive"? Is this just my dislike of anything violent? Or do you agree with me, that this book in the wrong hands could be dangerous?
Quote by wooha
All you regs have been as friendly as pie to me and I can honestly say you have stopped me from climbing the ways and losing my sanity.
So Thanks again and I hope this caring sharing community grows and prospers!

Can I just say that over the years I have been on here I have found this community to be one of the most supportive I have ever come across. Yes we argue. Yes we disagree. We get heated. People flounce etc. But people on here also come together and give support when it is needed.
Some time ago I posted about my best friends reaction to me telling her about Mr and Mrs R. I got overwhelming support from people on here and they got me through the worst. When, a couple of months ago she finally decided that our friendship was over I knew that if I couldn't handle it I could just log on here to get a virtual hug if I needed. That (and Mr and Mrs R) got me through it.
A great community indeed!
RSxx :color:
I have never squirted, that I know of, but recently I had the pleasure of having Mrs R squirt and I can only say that I came up with a HUGE smile on my face biggrin .
I REALLY am off to bed now! To dream :twisted:
RSxx :color:
Interestingly enough my local paper had an article this week on how the police return these kids to their homes only to be met by abusive and non interested parents. Parents who were actively encouraging their children to be out on the streets becuase they didn't want them hanging out at home. What a shame!
I don't have any answers on this. I know I was shit scared of doign anything that would get me into trouble as a kid, but then I was physically abused and I can't condone that either. But I must ask how some kids turn out well adjusted, law abiding kids and others don't. I am sorry - but in my opinion it is - the parents. It isn't the role of schools or police etc to bring up kids correctly (although they can certainly help) - it is the primary role of parents, and there are a load of those out there who just don't care - or find it too hard to deal with soemthing they know so little about.
Oh I know that doesn't make sense - but is late and tiem for bed confused
RSxx :color:
Quote by Missy
Oooops redface Just looked at the other posts - I'm doing it wrong aren't I? :undecided: surprisedops:

rotflmao :rotflmao:
No - you're doing it just perfect! Actually it's Rising who got it kinda wrong. Gotta be more difficult than just songs about sex Rising. Try again ;)
RSxx :color:
Sorry if this has been done before - I did do a search but after a night at college I just couldn't be arsed trawling through over 40 pages of threads devoted to music :shock:
So to lighten the mood of SH I propose a kind of music quizz cum game type thingy.
You need to either post the name of a song that you think was either written by a swinger or sung about swingers. Or even refers to swingers. And if you can't think of any you need to put down your own lyrics that would fit to a popular song - but has to be about swinging. Got it?
I'm gonna start with a song where the title just oozes swinging:
Marianne Faithfull: Sex With Strangers
RSxx :color:
Quote by Sassy-Seren

Can I get another invite?? wink

:shock: I've just looked at Kiss' profile (yes I am soooooo busy at work today) and we probably drink in the same pub :shock:
Ohhh me gawd!! I just checked yours too! 1 mile apart? :shock:
Well you can relax Bows because I'm a t-totaler! lol
'kin ell! It's enough to make a girl move house! ( 126 miles in your direction that is :wink: )
:twisted: I have of course been going through every person I know in the area trying to work out who Kiss is :lol: :lol: , but then I noticed her age and she's way younger than me confused . At least I know we aren't going to bump into each other in the pub as she don't go there and I have hardly been back since I was told I had "brought the pub into disrepute" becuase I took Mr and Mrs R there. rolleyes :roll: . (That was the same night my best friend threw a wobbly and now no longer speaks to me). I wonder just how accurate the old distance counter thing is?
Rsxx :color: (still not doing any work!)
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Can I get another invite?? wink

What!!!??? You didn't receive it already? Bluddy Royal Mail. Must be them pony trap things you have up there in Scoootleland! I went there once you know :smug: .
:shock: I've just looked at Kiss' profile (yes I am soooooo busy at work today) and we probably drink in the same pub :shock:
Most of the gay pubs have rainbow flags flying outside. Bit hard to miss really. Been ages since I actually went out in Brighton and only really know the girlie pubs - so not much use am I? rolleyes Used to go to Kruze a lot, which I believe has changed names but still gay and still in same place. Right next to the big fish and chips place across from Pier (by big roundabout). Good place to start. Sure loads in there will be able to give them more info.
Rsxx :color: