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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59


Warming the Bed
When I'm shopping for porn, I get most of my DVD's from the US as the prices tend to be much cheaper.
Obviously you have to make sure that the material you are ordering is within the BBFC's guidelines, so that means no bondage, watersports etc. Otherwise you might get in serious trouble with HM Customs.
I use as their prices are the best, though their cheapest delivery option is not guaranteed. They've got loads of DVDs for around $5 !
If you order goods worth over £18, you also have to pay customs charges.
Warming the Bed
My first bought mag was "Exclusive" around Jan 1981.
Unfortunately my parents were extremely strict, so I would buy porno mags, hide them in the house somewhere and then terrified of being caught, I would have to get rid of them somehow. Getting rid of them was quite difficult, because you couldn't put them in the bin, because they might get found. Once I was so desperate to get rid of a copy of "Men Only", that I posted into a postbox while on my paper round. It must have given the postman quite a suprise the next morning.
I was on holiday with the parents at a caravan park in Rye. I was desperate to have a look at the mags in the nearest shop, so one day I nipped in and quickly selected a couple of the mags and approached the counter. "How old are you ?" the assistant asked sternly. "15" I replied. "Put them back", she said. "They're for sale to over 18's only". Extremely humilating it was.
First hardcore was courtesy of "Filmnet+" on the old analogue satellites. Quite a shock it was to see hardcore for the first time. There was no Internet in those days.
Warming the Bed
There do seem to be a lot of photo adverts for people from the "South West". The trouble is that the South West could be anywhere between Swindon and Lands End. I wish people could be a bit more specific.
Warming the Bed
There's although I've heard of one bad experience from them (dunno if it's typical); in fact I have quite a few on my browser bookmarks.

I've used Pabo for DVD's and found the delivery to be always reliable but rather slow, say 2 to 6 weeks. No experience of lingerie, but the latest catalogue has a great selection.
Warming the Bed
I'm currently running Sygate firewall and AVG Anti-Virus on Windows XP (SP1) and everything seems to work ok. You can get a free version of .
Warming the Bed
Quote by jameson
what do the folks on SH think, should prostituition be legal

Most personal type services (acupuncture, tatooing) are regulated by local authorities, except the one that needs to be regulated more than any other - prostitution. If Prostitution was legalised and regulated, then maybe this would reduce the coercion and exploitation that goes on. And maybe reduce the stigma as well, after all prostitutes are human beings too. All the WG's I've met have been nice ordinary girls, just making an honest living.
Warming the Bed
As a "meerkat" myself I was wondering what other people think about this. Is it acceptable to spy on people on the beach ? I tend to think that if people strip off on a public beach, they cant complain if they get looked at by members of the public.
On the other hand spying on women in bikinis, topless etc does make me feel like a bit of a perv, so I'm trying to give it up. My new motto is :- If you want to see women naked, then pay them !
Warming the Bed
I was with a prostitute a while ago and she was giving me the best blow job ever and then she suddenly announced "its that time of month so I wont be able to have sex", which was quite a blow as I'd just paid her £90 for what I thought was going to be sex. Anyway she gave me a great tit wank and I went back several weeks later and gave her a good shagging. But I was always thought that "working girls" would not be working during their periods. In future when phoning for a date, I now always ask "Can I have a full service please ?"
Warming the Bed
As a single bloke myself, Roger's article definitely rings true. I’ve been busy on swinging and dating sites for a year now and got absolutely nowhere apart from some chat.
I don’t understand why are there so many single men on dating/swinging sites and so few women ? Are there more men than women ? Probably not. Are men more Internet savvy and therefore more likely to use swinging sites ? I suspect the real truth is that men like sex more than women.
My experience after a very frustrating year is that if you’re desperate to get laid the only way is to pay for it.