I don't see how any verification system will improve things to be honest. They "prove" nothing whatsoever.
I've heard that word used a lot on this thread. It worries me to think that people assume that because Mr X of Derby says you are a "tonking shag" that you are suddenly compatible with everybody else seeking a quick fuck. Is this how Swinging is to carry on? "Shag them because they said they are good?" It frightens the living wonkers off me. Why entrust your spouse, or yourself, to the subjective opinions of others?
I've also heard it said that established members have loads of contacts and seem to be the most opposed because of that. I'm not sure that is the case to be honest. It seems all too easy to suggest that those with post counts of 5000 or more can barely drag themselves away from the bedroom long enough for a post-coital rant about verification, before being dragged back by fuck buddy number 38 for the afternoon.
I think the long standing members are against verification because when they joined, they were promised it wasn't part of the site's central tenet about swinging. That's all. I think they feel slightly betrayed of the direction the site has taken compared to the original intentions it was set up under. Yep, things have changed for the site but perhaps this is an issue that is as important for those who don't want it, as it is for those that do? I don't think it is just a case of Luddite philosophy opposing progress, just that it is not what they want for whatever reasons they have.
I also don't believe that the adverts, profiles or even verification are 1/100th as useful as a form of verification as getting your backside to a meet somewhere, to meet likeminded people. My concern is the verification system will sate a market for "fuck me now! Immediately!" I am not sure how many people think that's a good thing. I personally don't. But then again I'm not desperate to shag anybody to feel it justifies my subscription. This for me is fun and enjoyment foremost and from that comes the rest of it, including the sexual aspects. I think a lot of people can't be arsed making the effort to properly get to know folk. They see sex as their right given they are on here and want to fuck and they see verification as an ideal way of weeding out those "timewasters" (probably like me and Mrs R) who won't fuck them within a certain time limit and at the least expense and inconvenience to them.
That's not saying everyone for verification thinks that way, of course not. However that is sometimes how it appears to me. It all seems geared towards sex on tap. That's never what it has been about for me. I have that at home anyway.
I'm not that needy for sex to require verification. I'm happy to wait until the time and person is right for us. Not everybody is I know, but then again when the sites direction in recent times has been geared towards the need to sate an immediate desire, then it is easy to see why weeding out the timewasters has become a priority.
If safety is the priority as I have seen mentioned then it's simple really. Stop fucking each other. That's much, much safer than anything else. I think a lot of people are doing this anyway as they've become disillusioned with things.
Verification isn't the death knell of swinging or this site by any means, but it isn't the saviour of it either and it will bring with it its own baggage and problems. Other than couples/singles providing lengthy intimate details of every meet they have, complete with supplied photographs, video and signed copies of the order of fornication as evidence, I fail to see how any verification system cannot be open to some degree of misuse. Though I have no doubt that admin & co have worked hard to make Shrep as resilient against this as possible and this is not a sleight on their efforts in any shape or form.
There is also the very good point that someone coming across as being desperate to meet up and wanting sex right here, right now, can be equally as off putting as someone who isn't sure of meeting and may or may not want to meet up. Equally off putting to some, maybe a swinger who is very active and has a list of verifications as long as your arm. I find that more off putting than someone who says that they are not sure and lack experience. But then again, I am weird.
I don't know the proportion of singles/couples males/females on here. I can make an educated guess. However I do think that a significant proportion of those who do swing, WILL make an effort to go to meets and to me that is the best way of finding people in a no pressure, face to face environment when you have so much more to go on than what they say (or don't say) in their profile, a list of their conquests with match reports and ratings out of ten, the posts they make on the forum or pm, how they are in chat and what they look like in their photos/videos. If you want verification, go to the meets. If you can't be arsed going to meets, then by all means use Shrep, but to me that is much, much inferior way of finding the person(s) whom are right for you.
I also bristle at being labelled 'a timewaster'. We've not met anybody for a very long time for personal reasons. We've not stopped swinging completely, we've just not swung recently. However any Shrep system would no doubt cast us in the eyes of some as potential timewasters, as nobody who has pm'd us in the past 12 months or so, has shagged us or even come close (does a Chinese meal count?). Am I, therefore, a timewaster? If so, why? Who defined that true swinging is something you have to do on a daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, half-yearly basis? Could it not be that all these people who are so keen to weed out the timewasters, are equally just a bit impatient? If we are having a category for "timewasters" can we also have one for "will fuck pretty much anything provided it's available within the next 48 hours and genuine"? No, thought not.
I really hope Shrep fulfils the need for many who seem to need it. It is of no interest to me and has no value for me. It won't be used, I won't use it, but I have no doubt I will be labelled by some because of it. I think that's unfair and I think that's why when my current contract runs out, I'll be asking for a Bosman to join Bonkers United.
Also, the rather repugnant notion that if you don't buy into the verification system, then you won't be missed here is quite laughable really. In addition to being sneeringly inaccurate as I'd venture that a great many of the people, certainly here in the forum, who don't want the system are the very "genuine" swingers it aims to attract.