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Over 90 days ago
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...and for those that have been on here for a while, Mens Taking a Shower Event!!
confused :?
Quote by Theladyisaminx
shouldn't you be in bed dunno

Just going now! Night night!! kiss :kiss:
Ooooh!! I have only just found this!
Thanks for your good wishes guys. I am touched! confused :?
We have just moved into our house in Oz and are just about to spend our first night here. It is warm and there is a possum making a noise on the roof but it feels good to be in our first Ozzy home and not to be living out of suitcases as we have been for the last few weeks.
We have lots of boring things to do tomorrow (open bank accounts, buy mobile phones, change our driving licences etc) but hopefully we can do a few touristy things before we look for jobs.
It will be strange coming on here in the afternoon instead of at night, but I'm sure I will get used to it.
Anyway.... things to do! I will let you know how we are getting on as often as possible.
Cheers!! :cheers: :cheers: cool 8-) sad
Now leave my blue ink alone or I will nick your sound again!!! :2fingers: :2fingers: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
This is as good as it gets:
confused :? :? :? :?
Quote by Ste_n_Kez
I have noticed that and I often see members who have links saying "Click to View my Advert" but when you do, it doesn't take you to the advert. lol
Ste bolt

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
It sometimes amazes me how so called "Grown ups" (dare I say middle aged adults?) can behave like school children, bickering away on an Adult forum like kids in a playground.
I am not taking sides here, but FFS, take a step back, take a deep breath and start behaving like adults!!! confused :? :?
Quote by jumptoit
I live in the Yorkshire Dales when i am home, and we know around here that as soon as the sunshines come on Saturday and Sunday afternoon all we are going to hear is the sound of roaring motorbikes closely followed by the sirens of police,fire and ambulance as they have to be scraped up off the roads with the rabbits and badgers.

What?? The rabbits and badgers ride motorbikes in Yorkshire?? confused :? :? :? lol wink :wink:
As you know, some people very rarely experience the pleasure of receiving a PM! confused :? :?
As a caring community, we have to do something about this, so some time ago we started the PM Victim of the Week scheme. The rules of the scheme are:
As many people as possible should send the victim a PM.
The PM should contain at least one question.
The victim MUST then find the answer to the question and reply to the PM sending them the answer.
The week lasts from Friday to the next Friday, when the Victim will then nominate the next victim.
So, even if you have never had any contact with the PM Victim before, please feel free to send them a PM and await your reply.
Right, all we need now is a victim.
It just so happens that I received a PM tonight suggesting a Victim, so to get the ball rolling the first new Victim will be.................
........ Resonance !!
It is now your duty to send Resonance a PM and ask a question (the more complex the better!!)
:? :? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
To make life easier, just click the link below!!!
Goes to the cleaning cupboard to fetch the Mr Sheen! confused :? :? :?
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by anais
Res, size really isn't that important! Really, it isn't... back me up ladies, its not is it?? Really?
Don't want Res to get a complex :giggle:

It's not????? :shock:
Shhhhhhh, don't tell Res it is! We are pretending it isn't Nola rolleyes lol wink
It's just I kinda like 'em big... and long... and hard. Makes 'em last loads longer I find.
Sticks of rock. Yes?! dunno
I see no point in buying the short ones.
I like to suck mine to a pointy end :lol:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Looks down and sees Voddys hand inside his Thomas the Tank Boxers!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I know what she wants - the Choccy Cupboard Key!!! confused :? :? :?
Quote by Lucyandmike7
Sarge.....Res says youve got a massive one, that right??? wink

You leave my nose out of this!!! confused :? :? :?
Quote by morkandmindy
think it where u keep the coal skuttle

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Quote by Lucyandmike7
Indeed, I shall have a pint of nothing but the best SH has to offer, the fine tipple 'Olde Gussety Dribbling's'. I trust there's plenty of it available on a Friday night in here?
Anais is making a wonderful job of cleaning that Jacuzzi bent right over in that short skirt, it looks so wet, soft, yielding and inviting. I may have to throw my clothes off and get in there...
Oh and since the missus is with me, I'll have half a lager too, once she's finished stocking up on nuts behind the bar of course.

Now then Res...are you sure your good lady is with you?
Or are you really a single guy pretending to be a couple?? wink
Would I be this miserable if I was single?
I'm very impressed with the interior decor Sarge... Not many pubs I know have a Glory hole in the corner and a set of stocks instead of a pool table... As for the bar in the Jacuzzi, that is a work of Genius, though it is a brave soul who tried the "lime and lemonade" last thing on a Friday night.
Whats a glory hole please???
Show her Res!!! lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
oi which cheeky devil just pinched me bum lol

innocent :whistling: :whistling:
Quote by Lucyandmike7
Oh i can clean up gents

I'm thinking you are rude Sarge, ignoring this nice ladies offer to clean up for you!! wink
Did i get that right Mindy, you want to mop the gents loos out??? :wink:
Quote by Resonance
But what? Who? How? Where?
I pop inside this manicured den of blokeyness, expecting to hear talk of gammit ridges, MG Spitfires and farting, and yet the entire place is populated by nubile young women and a chap clad in Thomas the Tank Engine underwear attire that verges of the very boundaries of decency...
How do you do it Sarge? Please don't say a bottle of night nurse and flagrant bribery as I've tried both and they don't work...
Note to self... Must buy some Thomas undies at the earliest available opportunity...

Well this place won't clean itself Res!! Now, do you want a beer while we watch the ladies cleaning?? :cheers:
Quote by anais
wonders where sarge has hidden the key to the choccie cupboard

In his Special Place Voddy!! confused :?
that place wink
whispers a plan to anais :wink: :wink:
Wedgie? :giggle:
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Reminder to self - don't tell Voddy that the key to the Chocolate Cupboard is pinned inside my Thomas the Tank Boxers!!
Oh Bugga!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Lucyandmike7
Now then.....I was just saying you dont need adverts on, on another thread I have just posted on............and low and behold get a sort of lovely compliment off Sarge and my profile pages gets lots of new visitors on it!!!!
Thanks Sarge xx
I'm an ace cleaner by the way, but I dont empty ash trays!!

Do you clean gents toilets???? confused :? :? :? :? :?
Waits for the next lady to come in as the Gents needs a good cleaning!! confused :? :?
Quote by hisandhers
Sneeks in to see if all the cleaning has been done yet lol
Sarge put your eyes back in & serve me a coffee
Lucy come n sit by me hun :rascal:

Hands Hers a mop and bucket and gestures towards the jacuzzi!!:lol: :lol:
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
can i have a screaming orgasum please wink

After you have wiped those tables Voddy confused :? lol :lol: :lol: