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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male


Quote by Theladyisaminx
So give me your address and I shall pop in while visiting my cousins that have lived there for years. wink

I shall look forward to it Minxy kiss
Hello SHers!
As some of you may remember, I left Manchester four years ago and moved to Brisbane because we wanted to give our kids a better outdoor life. Time has just flown by and we have experienced so much since we arrived. The kids love living here and would not want to move back to England. We have lots of family time on the beach, fishing or just playing in the pool in the back yard.
I am proud to be English, but have no regrets about moving to the other side of the world, though it is difficult being so far away from our families. It is a pain having to watch United in the early hours of the morning, and floods and cyclones have tested our sense of humour but it has made us stronger.
Anyway, what I wanted to know was, if you could leave the UK and live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why? confused
Quote by Lost
I think all the reasons posted in this thread add to the demise of interest in the forums and no single factor can be wholly attributed to it,
One other thing that I think never helped was the regurgitating rather than reinventing of old topics. You know the sort of thing. When a subject was posted up, by a newbie to the forums, that had been, or something very similar had been, posted on before. A link to that topic would be thrown up by a long standing member to a time long past where something similar had been discussed along with saying "This topic has been done before ad nauseum" People putting these topics want them to be discussed in the here and now by the people in the here and now. Not by the heroes of swing from the ages of swinging magnificence a long time gone.

Spot on! :thumbup:
Quote by Dawnie
I'm a gobby bint :giggle:

No change there then!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:kiss
..... When you move to the other side of the world but still can't resist popping in here to see whats been going on!! redfaceredfaceredface
innocent innocent innocent innocent

Have unlocked the other one - meant to do it before I went to bed but I forgot - sorry !!!
Quote by Theladyisaminx
redface My lips are sealed, but I have asked Bilko if he has keys! lol He might come and lock this for me now! :twisted:

I have, but now you made me post so I guess I am the winner!! confused confused lol lol lol lol wink
Quote by Theladyisaminx
What was this thread about again??? confused confused confused lol lol wink

Welcome back Sarge! Just a quick visit to see what you're missing? wink
Oi I asked him a question first! lol
I dropped my keys down Dawnies cleavage the other day and we haven't seen them since!! :shock: :shock: :shock: wink
No chance of locking it!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
We don't want riff-raff like that in the LTC!!!! confused confused confused confused wink
Quote by Cubes
One of the mods lives in Australia. :thumbup:
Mind you, the commute to the socials is gonna kill him! lol

G'day!!! wave wave wave
If you have a question for the Mods or Admin then just use the PM system. If you ask questions in public you may not always like the like the answers in public!! confused confused confused confused
I have been suffering with lag in the last 24 hours, but I am 10,000 miles away now so I wasn't too worried about it!! confused confused confused lol lol lol
There is a "Sticky" thread at the top of this forum where you can ask for your room to be closed! lol lol lol
I believe the saying is actually "a GOOD workman NEVER blames his tools."
I know that it may seem a bit picky, but the Devil is in the detail!!
confused confused confused lol lol lol lol wink
Minxy, if you close your eyes and spin round 5 times then server 3 feels just like server 4 did!!! lol lol lol lol wink
Quote by flower411

I do see the pros with controversial decisions, where, say one mod bans a well respected member. It is possible for that one single mod to be blamed for a decision when it was actually a team decision. That's why, I think, with bans, say someone being given a reason for a ban, it must be extremely clear that it is a team decision, not a single person one. Signing an email "Mod Team" pretty much covers that!
ex-SwingMod 1, ooops, Blue xxx lol lol lol lol

I`m interested in the comment about "team decisions".
Is that actually the case ? Are all bans put to a vote ?
I have had one or two altercations in the past and always felt that I was running close to the wind with specific mods. However, if banning is a team decision, it all becomes quite clear wink
I must admit, I have always held the impression that mods and ops can have other identities and could, therefore appear without their mod or op hats on.
Not all bans are put to a vote! confused confused
If it is obvious that someone has broken the AUP and it is deemed serious enough for some sort of ban, then the mod that is dealing with it will decide on the ban, based on the Members previous history and the seriousness of the matter.
When it is not so obvious, the Mods will discuss it to decide the best course of action. confused confused confused confused wink
Quote by davej
me can still talk just about rolleyes
whats a real person like i cant remember :shock:

Fooking ell! they let you out on some sort of day release programme or summint.
Ditto!!! confused confused confused confused lol lol lol
Nice to see ya Dave! :thumbup: :thumbup: