Join the most popular community of UK swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 50


Should one bring one's own readymade list or is there a communal one?
Are there any criteria for being allowed to join this event or is it a first-come-first-serve basis? Will there be enough trolleys? What if I'm a veggie? Must I still follow you all to the meat counter or can I hang out by the fish?
So many questions.
Please clarify - I find your post a little under-informative.
Thank you.
Sunbunny x
We'll I for one am not going to lose any sleep whatsoever about Libra being banned, it was long overdue in my opinion.
Whether you siad it was valid or not, I don't rightly care... but if she is "busy" on another site, it wont be long before she starts pissing people off there too with her high and mighty attitude....
Oh and you don't have an attitude postie????
After all - it's the MODS who decide who stays and who goes, isn't it? It's not really up to us, is it, if we think it is VALID or not.
Well done for stating the flamin' obvious. Am I missing the sly dig at someone here??? Iit feels like you are, and by reading you posts lately, it seems to be your forte, but for the life of me, I am missing it on this one....
I was replying to wishmasters very rapid response to my post - Libra Love doesnt know herself why she was banned, so I was surprised that he did, and found his post very unecessary and irrelevant to the thread.
Say hi to Libra for me when you see her.. if she aint to busy "working"....
Just to settle this one once and for all.........received this morning from Mr Swingpin himself........:
Hi Sunbunny
Interesting! The SwingPin was created 5 years ago so don¹t think we've
stolen anyones idea!
Happy swinging!
Quote by Wishmaster
Libra-love has been missing for a bit ?

Libra Love is alive and well and gorgeous as ever. She is busy on another site since being asked to leave this one.
She was BANNED for a reason though ... a valid one at that so I hear.
Did I say there wasnt a valid reason?
I was merely telling Bushwhackers how she was, not arguing her ban.
After all - it's the MODS who decide who stays and who goes, isn't it? It's not really up to us, is it, if we think it is VALID or not.
Quote by bushwackers
Libra-love has been missing for a bit ?

Libra Love is alive and well and gorgeous as ever. She is busy on another site since being asked to leave this one.
Postie - interesting idea but I think it has been going on for a while anyway - I gather that some people PM others who have not posted much in a while - just to see if they have been banned or not. It's happened to me...and I hear it has happened to others. Let's face it - if you aren't banned you will check your PMs out of sheer curiosity, whether you post a lot or not. It's easy to spot these nosey ones - cos they don't reply to the PM you send them back - seems once they know you are still active they are not as concerned as they appeared in the first PM. rolleyes
Quote by northwest-cpl
The Swinging Heaven pin says you are a member of Swinging Heaven. This other pin suggests you are a swinger. These are not neccessarily the same thing.

Precisely. And so the non SH swingers of this world have access to their own pin.
We have to remember that not all swingers want to be part of SH.........................and its only a pin. If people are stupid enough to pay over the odds for it - why should we care, really?
Quote by fabio grooverider
that is true... Not all swingers are on SH
but if he is a SH member, which we are guessing that he may well have been, isn't part of the thing about SH that it is non-profit???
so where someone had a non-profit idea and the man is making money of an idea that many not have been his kinda stinks.....

Its just business Sean. Enterprise. Not a crime....
May I say I think this is very funny and this neil guy (contact name on website) is most likely an SH member with a very good business head - he should be applauded - he's only trying to make a bob or two. I do think you should lower the price though mate... wink
Not all swingers are on SH, after all...........
Quote by Wishmaster

Experimenting with different condom sizes and / or textures will let you know which one works for you. Make sure you carry the same brand all the time and do not leave it to the woman to provide them.

If I left it up to the guy to produce the condoms I would be 5-times pregnant by now.
Seems to me that some guys on here love to make out they are vastly experienced in all matters sexual.........................and yet don't even have condoms in the house, let alone 'a favourite brand'.
In fact they ask their partner to go on the pill before she can get a decent shag. mad
Well if you think this is going to get you free meals and drinks and smokes all day tomorrow you can forget it. I think YOU should buy US lunch - after all we'll have to put up with your whinging all day won't we? Bloody attention seeker. Bad enough that your hair is pillar-box red - now you're resorting to dirty, shallow tactics to get men to look at you. They're only after your grapes honey.
Don't forget your credit cards..... sympathy costs my dear.
see you tomorrow sexy bird
Quote by little gem
Well, you're still here so it can't be all bad now, can it??

I thought that one too.
I got pissed off with this place so I took a break, did me the world of good cos now I don't care when other people wanna moan, tell me the size of their cock, that they shave it or that it smokes aswell for its little party trick.
Real Life is beyond the four walls and the PC and soooo much more worth grasping and experiencing than whining, whinging and generally feeling a lot of hatred. It wouldn't be a community if there wasn't a range of things to read.
Gem. x
Agreed, there is no one forcing me to read the forum, but like a bad car accident, I can't just drive by without sneaking a peak. And old habits die hard. But I watch with decreasing interest.
Little Gem I agree, there is more to life than the PC and these four walls - I have always known it . I have a very full life in the real world and an even fuller one now that I rarely visit, and what irritates me about SH is that some people seem to forget that we live in this real world where there are certain ways of behaving. This is reflected in the way they treat people. I may come across as angry but the anger is aimed at myself. How I let myself be treated like a dishrag for so f***ing long I really dont know. Maybe I just had a hell of a lot of bad luck.
SH for me, now, is becoming a fond memory. Maybe one day I will see it in a different light. Maybe not. It's not like anyone cares is it.
Quote by PoloLady
I find myself wondering:
G – where have all the interesting people gone?
H – where have all the interesting people gone?
I – where have all the interesting people gone? (yes I wonder about that one a lot)
K – what the fluck is going on?
Q – where have ll the interesting people gone?
R – where have all the interesting people gone?
S – where have all the interesting people gone?
T – do any of these people actually swing or even have sex of the non-marital kind?
U – why is this so crap?
V – what has happened?
Z – where have all the interesting people gone?
:fuckinghell: :fuckinghell: :fuckinghell: :fuckinghell: :fuckinghell:

Well two of the funniest posters have been banned .
A few others have buggered off to other more interesting sites.
And that leaves us with as lot of people who think that the site is here purely to enlighten them on the contents of someones purse/bathroom cabinet/computer table or, worse still, is here to merely satisfy their sexual fantasies regardless of who gets trodden on in the process.
Lovely place. Why not tell everyone you know about it?
Quote by SXBOY
love the quality and they are nice and comfy

Oooh you're such a sexy beast biggrin
I'll be a flip flop. Soft, pliant, brightly coloured and most at home on a hot beach............... good for a little slap on the bum when the flies get pesky.....
do you have a favourite shoe polo lady rolleyes ?
Quote by marmalaid
Youhave never been a disappointment to me SB

Phew. wink
Now leave me be while I go sunbathe in the miserable drizzle. cool
If you are August why are you mostly a disappointment?
a disappointment???????
Explain...... rolleyes
Well i'm August in the calendar so have to say that.........although i like the romance of February and the freshnes of May......
. .......What about you polo lady? wink ...
Hey honey I'm sorry. But at least you saw through them. And you know you have what it takes.
Love the avatar.... xxxx
Well done my girl!!
I'm so proud of you. cool
Can I get a signed copy of your blockbuster? xxx
Quote by Libra+Love
Thanks for the reminder hun, I don't need anymore convincing that that.
:happy: :happy: :beer: :inlove: :evil2: :smoke: :thrilled: :karaoke: :giggle: :wave2: :rose:

Watch out world! :shock:
See you saturday sweetie. I'll bring me mate. wink
Quote by Libra+Love
The more I read this thread the better the idea of the telephone, pubs, social events, real life etc appeals to me.

.....and we all know what happens when you and I hit the Real World, don't we love? wink
Quote by Ice Pie
Isn`t it this kind of thing that these people started to do.
Hitler Germany
Stalin Russia....
Surly if any thread is within the guidelines set down they should be ok and different opions should be respected, after all if everyone made love the same we would have no need to be on this site .

True, different opinions should be respected, and the opinions expressed here that you personally don't agree with should be included in that. They do not deserve to be ridiculously likened to armed conquest and genocide and slavery and all of that. I find your post grossly insulting.
I find Bushwacker's post typical of what Sarge is talking about. Here we are trying to have a serious discussion and he is stood on his desk with his fingers in his ears and his tongue out, refusing to listen to what is being said, like a five-year-old being told he can't get his willy out in class.
Sarge isn't a dictator. He is just a little bored. No need to liken him to a mass murderer.
Quote by Dave__Notts
From someone who used to post a lot....................I took time out and just read for a bit. Why? Because there was nothing that I could reply to. there was nothing there......just drivel.

Well said Dave.
I havent posted for weeks because there really is nothing I feel I want to add to any threads. (except this one.)
I used to spend long evenings posting merrily in the forum - giggling away and enjoying the banter. I used to rush to my pc in the morning to see who had replied to my posts.
Now I just skim-read banal threads and wonder what happened. rolleyes
With you all the way Sarge. cool
For every git that gets a bashing on here there are heaps of nice guys too....but perhaps singing their praises after every meet would go to their heads.
The nice guys are the ones with clear consciences who need not worry about what people may be saying about them.
The bad guys have to expect a certain amount of negative reaction, as this is a small, supportive community.
Quote by midlandsman1970
A friend is one who can tell the truth to your face, A true friend is one who can still be your friend when you tell the truth to theirs.

Hear hear. A friend tells the truth. FULL STOP.
Quote by postie

Sunbunny................ Chin up babe ......................... he isnt worth it !!!

I was giving Swinging up anyway before distracted by a pretend way am I doing this for anyone but myself.
Thanks everyone for your honest replies, on here and in PMs. I will take all advice on board, that's why I asked for it.
You have pretty much echoed my own thoughts - Why should I change to accommodate for arseholes? I quite like being me and would hate to function with less emotion. It is part of me.
What I won't do is swing. I'll leave that for you 'orrible lot. lol
Quote by postie
To me, it seems like you aren't being totally honest here Sunbunny. Is this a thread about " promises and lies" or is it just a surreptious way to get your point over about you being annoyed with someone?
Maybe you are honestly looking for an answer to your question, but I get the feeling you aren't really interested in the answers.

I am angry, yes, extremely, but I have been lied to by more than one man on this site and I am genuinely at a loss at how to continue in my own life with regards to trusting people.
I always seem to get it wrong and end up trusting the wrong people with the wrong information.
People I think are my friends turn out to be fake and in-it-for-themselves.
This has happened on several occasions and not just on Swinging Heaven.
I wonder if I am just too naive and gullible.
This is a genuine question, and I am reading every answer.