Breifly, this is a fun read- from a very interesting site. Its not a commercial site at all, and in fact it looks like they have stopped updating it. Anyway, enjoy- it goes by the title "The Gay McDonalds"
I would advise that you avoid said fell after dark=- a male friend and I were driving there in his car one evening purely for the pleasure of a drive in the counryside and the hills. Anyway, be warned that after dark the area is patrolled by community officers who can be VERY nosy. We were stopped and repatedly asked if we were carrying drugs, what were we doing etc.
Of course this may be due to our age etc as much as anything, but the strong implication was that there was some trouble going on there.
Please don't treat this as a whine, it is more of a genuine question.
What purpose does this forum serve? Most internet forums exist either as contact points or discussion forums, but as I will exaplin below this forum doesn't really seem to be either.
Reading through the posts below there is a host of unanswered single male requests.
Other than that there is are a few posts which attempt discussion but seem to have been dominated by sarcasm, such as the indoor dogging post and the guy who was "looking for sex in GM area." There seems to be an "inner circle" of regular posts/moderators who seem to quick to dismiss people they don't know. This is of course understanable as there are almost certainly many people here who have little or no interest in the subject. But to this extend might it be a good idea to keep membership to this forum more limited?
I fully understand the need to keep locations secret, but it does slighly beg the question as to the purpose of a forum at all- pm's and proper contacts could be sent through the ads sections, as ultimatly a pm in itself is little safer than a forum.
Re-reading through my own comments this does seem rather "preachy"- please don't treat it as such!
It would be good to see some genuine and positive feedback here!
I'm getting confused- I don't know what deja vu means.
Commenting on the repetative nature of my posting with what purpose? Blue did PM me, and she was helpful.
jags??? If you sent me a pm I didn't get it?
Ok, breifly, my (male) freind and I are interested in dogging, but (single guys) please don't take this as an excuse to send me one-line PM's asking for dates or to swap pics - I got rather swamped!
I won't give the location but one spot in Lancashire that is mentioned here DID have cars parked around it, but they looked more like young people/boy racer types than anyone interesting. Its hard to say.
Anyway, if you want to talk about this place, and offer some advice, please do PM me.
Possibly- depends on the weather eh- thanks for the PM too, Darren. Probably that as much as I can say on the main board!
When we were at Uni we used to go there and have BBQ's, and let off fireworks sometimes when it was the right season, but there are Wyreside rangers who do patrol there after 10pm.
Well, I have gotten about TEN private messages from single guys (which is not what Iwas looking for), I wonder how many more I would have gotten if i HADN'T been so coy.
And yeah, coy is a better word.
What worries me is that he will think I didn't mean it! Nah, its not so bad really, just daft thing like how much I liked his hair...
Not 100% sure if he uses the forum, but he DID mention the site, and from what I posted he will know who I am- can't be worse that what I said to him when I was drunk!
see my reply on the "sober" thread, pretty much cover it. What have I said to make myself look silly?
Are you always this rude to women bluexxx?
Again, why not PM that to me instead of trying to make me look silly on the forum.
bluexxx that might have been better as a PM, no? At what point have I suggested that I wanted to cause trouble?
Also is it not a woman's perogative to say she isn't interested etc, sometimes being persuaded is half the fun!
Right, thanks- also add area round Bowland- and to be clear I'm not looking to dog or be dogged as such, rather I am just wondering what this "midnight society" really is!
I don't mean this to sound racist in any way, but I presume that these people are gangs of angry white youths, who seem to be on the lookout for a target to bully?
The reason I mention this is that from the posts above (especially the "dog hunter" who uses NF fronm his avatar) I get the impression that these gangs are the rent-a-mob trouble makers, and NOT the boy racer types who just enjoy hanging round.
I've posted elsewhere, but Brock is closed off at pm and the Fells close at 10..00pm, no gates or anything but there are wankers in 4 by 4's that patrol it.
Also Waddacer- the Scout area- As well as the Harris End Road and Brow Top/Jubilee tower- does anyone know where I mean?
Just to be clear I'm NOT looking for anything, i am just wondering if anyone knows of these places- they certainly have been the source of a lot of rumours, and if the powers that be feel the need to close them at night this MUST be for a reason.
Oh, hell, i wasn't looking for action!!! I had no idea that this sort of thing existed- It all seemed like so much after-pub talk!
I think you may be missing the point- its a boy racer CAR thing- thats why these guys use car parks- they want to show and compare cars, and of course they want to be as near to their cars as possible. To them they enjoy nothinjg more than spending an evening with their car.... Oh Well.
But after all these ARE car parks, and they are allowed to be in them.
Some places, eg Beacon Fell, don't let cars up after , I think for this reason. Also at Brock its in summer.
Breifly, we were driving back from blackpool, and were going to pull into a layby for am pee, but some clever "joker" said "Don't stop here, because it's used for dogging...." To which we ask "Whats that..." So to cut a long story short i though he was having a joke, but I check here and find he is telling the truth! Crazy.