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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 126
Bisexual Female, 126
0 miles · Greater London


Hi All,
I'm a decent enough bloke. 39, cambelt changed at 35. Anyway, I've recently split up with the missus and am now living in Nottingham. Bit of a saddo; new to the city, all of my friends here seem to be bartenders!
I was wondering if anyone would like to meet up in Nottingham for a drink or two? No pressure, no stress, no expectations; just a social voddy or two to meet some new folks in the city.
If you want to know a bit about me first, just ask. I'm an open book.
Cheers for now,
Hi all. I (Sour, the male part of SweetandSour), have just recently moved to Nottingham city centre after Sweet traded me in for a newer model. I don't fancy sitting in on a Saturday night and might look a bit sad and geeky in the bars alone. Anyone fancy meeting up socially for a drink or five?
Obviously, if you're a very attractive, brunette woman, that would be a bonus, but don't worry if you're not. A bit of fun and social company is more what's required.
If you are interested, let me know and we'll arrange through pm.
Ian (Sour? me?)
You know..there's so much warmth oooozing out of this computer screen that the living room is turning into a virtual sauna.
Seriously though, there was so much crap flying around just before and during the changeover, that this is a real welcome. Thanks for taking the time Lissa and Dark - we're sure it'll pay dividends.
xx :yinyang:
Hells tits! Whats going on here?
7 thousand billion members, some of which have to be noobs. Loads complain about being flamed and when Lissa here posts a lurvely new thread being all nice and such, nobody ('cept regs) responds?
Maybe they think that there's a trap being set?
Nice thread though Lissa xx.
I'm an attached bi fem - do you want a 4th? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :P
sweet xxx
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement guys.
The thing is though that the study and work aren't the stressfull thing; From an academic viewpoint, I don't have any worries. The stress comes from the financial side. I have a partner ( the wonderfull Sweet) who supports me 100%, but the bills still have to be paid and I hate the idea of her going without the nice things in life for three years.
Here's hoping that after the three years are done I can repay her many times over.
Thanks again.
At the ripe old age of 38, I have eventually started at university :shock:
I've just finished my second week and although I have no doubt that I am doing the right thing, I can't help but wonder if I'll be feeling the same way this time next year.
The course that I'm studying will take my life in a completely different direction to the one that it has followed so far (Assuming that I'll be able to get work), so I was wondering if any others here have made the same or similar decisions later in life and if so, what were your experiences / outcomes.
Sour x
God I'm bored!
Sweet, the missus, has gone off to the big city for a couple of days and there's no uni stuff till Monday.
Any ladies in Nottingham or the local area fancy meeting up for a drink either today or tomorrow? No pressure, no stress; just a drink and a laugh or whatever suits you.
By the way, I'm a student, but I'm 38. I'm an (im)mature student.
Cheers x
Well, what can I say?
There's a war declared on shite posts; pointless posts, one to one chats that should be confined to PM, posts bitching about the quality of replies to ads etc. The Mods aren't going to tollerate this sort of crap anymore.
And then?
Leave requests, (read 'I'm going on holiday').
Head to head posts.
I had this crappy reply......
Now, don't get me wrong; each has it's own comedic points and each has made me giggle. That said, the posts along the lines of 'I'll make u CUM!!!' make me laugh. However, the posters seem to be the guardians of the locked/banned keys. The same guardians who aren't going to tolerate these sorts of post anymore.
The serious point here is this; If this site is to be open for public perusal and free for anyone to join, then the banal posts from chancers should be tollerated. If not, the only other options would be to;
a)Make it a pay to join site or
b)Ensure that the same standards are met throughout
c) close the site to new members and create a social club site for rwenty or thirty members.
Just a thought.
Much as this is quite humorous, I wounder how long 'till it's locked biggrin :D :D :D
Jags, gotta say thanks. Not just for Jaws, have you checked out Pulp Fiction or Rocky Horror?
Cracking hun.
Sweet xxx
It's an annoying little notification that somebody on your buddy list is online. It could also come in the guise of a piece of music or some equally annoying tone, depending on what other people have got set up mad :x :x . It doesn't mean that they're trying to contact you, simply that they are logged on.
There is a setting to disable sounds, just look in help confused: :idea: .
......then check this out;

There should be something there to put a smile on most peoples faces ;-)
Sour x.
Eloquently put Neil; you got it out in the end.
But, do you really think that you should be spewing this kind of propoganda and scaremongering? (Or should that be voicing informed, reasoned, opinion?)
Either way, well said.
Let's try putting it this way;
"If you have nothing to hide you’ve nothing to fear..."
If some body came to your home to look at all of your private papers, you would probably tell them that it's none of their business. Then they say: "Gotcha! You must have something to hide!" But deciding to keep personal information private should not make you guilty of anything.
It won't just be a card, it will be a chipped card, so it will be able to carry huge amounts of information about you. You won't be able to access the information on the card. But a great many organisations will. Some will be government departments. Some will be private organsations the government sells your details to.
Also, it will be linked to the proposed national identity register, which will be able to access everything about you. That’s very different from the present situation.
Imagine you're in the local Council offices applying for a rebate on your Council Tax, to which you are entitled. You're a good citizen. You also happen to be gay (but can pass for straight, and usually do). As a responsible person, you've had an HIV check, and you came up clean. This shows on your medical records. Unfortunately the jobsworth behind the counter happens to be a raving homophobe.
Imagine you get stopped at a police traffic check. Nothing out of the ordinary; except you are a member of an organisation which campaigns hard for the procedure for complaints against the police to be made more effective (you joined it because your wife got beaten up by one of the small number of rogue policemen who disfigure the Force), and your bank account shows a regular standing order to this organisation.
Imagine you are a member of a minority religion. Say, for example, you’re a Pagan. You’ve asked for this fact to be officially recorded with the NHS, so if you end up in hospital for any reason, (car crash? heart attack?) you don’t have a Christian priest praying over you, which you’d find offensive. Under the current system of fragmented records, this information would only be available to your doctor and the hospital staff. But with ID cards and the national identity register, it will be very different. The Planning Officer who decides whether or not you get permission for your kitchen extension just happens to be the sort of fundamentalist Christian for whom the word “bigot” would be a gross understatement…………
Imagine you once got a Social Services referral under the child protection legislation. You’re not a , in fact you’d never harm a child, you’re a devoted parent. You got the referral because of a malicious, busybodying neighbour. They just wanted to get at you, and so they told lies about you. But the referral is on your record. One of the clerks charged with maintaining the database supplements his income by selling a bunch of records to a tabloid. All of a sudden there’s a crowd throwing rocks through your windows.
Or you are none of these people, but you just happen to share an address with them, as you (and they) live in a house which has been split into flats.
If bigotry and prejudice where not the ugly realities they are, we’d all have nothing to hide.
If mistakes were never made, we’d all have nothing to hide.
If all public servants were completely fair-minded, hard-working and efficient at all times, and never ever lapsed from these high standards, we’d all have nothing to hide.
If innocent people were never wrongly accused, we’d all have nothing to hide.
But we don’t live in some idealised, imaginary, perfect world. Or to put it another way, we don’t live in candy-floss cloud-cuckoo land. We live in the real world, as it is, sinful, and full of dirt and chaos. So let’s get real, for once.
We all have lots to hide, don't ever forget it. It's called the right to privacy.
Or to put it another way, some things should be kept personal. Under the proposed measures, no-one will have a personal life any more.
Let me start by stating for the record that I am in no way a 'softy liberal'
as is often thrown out by the 'nothing to hide....' brigade. I am hard
working and pay my taxes. Mr Average. I served in the British army, have no criminal convictions; have never knowingly broken the law.
Surely that sounds like I have nothing to hide. But I do; I have a private
life and I intend to keep it that way. I can assure you that I WILL NEVER
carry, or even register for a national ID card. If need be, the government
can take me, an honest member of society and criminalize me.
The issue isn’t necessarily about the ID card itself, but more the National Identity Register behind it. The basic information on this is iniquitous enough in itself, but the potential of the database is the worry. People have rightly said that we are already monitored and tracked; true enough. However, if a beurocrat wants to dig out your history from the system, they would have to delve amongst multiple individual systems; this is a disincentive for some scrote in officialdom that you might have upset from finding out all about you. With the NIR, everything would be linked; so if you piss off some dickweed at the council, they’ll be able to access your entire personal life through the register.
Think about it; as members of a society that believes in freedom of speech thought and action, surely you can all look at this proposal and work out the possible repercussions. Google the ID Cards Bill and have a read. It might make you think again. Meanwhile, I’ll ask you this;
How do you propose that ID cards will reduce crime? Use the register to
profile criminals and lock them up before they actually commit a crime?
How do you propose that ID cards will reduce illegal immigration? These people have no documents now, why would not having any in the future make a difference?
How do you propose that ID cards will reduce asylum applications? Asylum seekers would not have a card anyway.....lock them up?
How do you propose that ID cards will reduce identity fraud? Use the register to identify anyone who would potentially have opportunity to commit fraud or anyone who has previously been sentenced for fraud and, lock them up?
What do you intend to do with those people in society who are
disenfranchised; homeless people or even travelers? No fixed abode? No current ID? Lock them up?
As there is no point in a card that can be voluntarily carried, the carrying
of a card would inevitably become compulsory. What do you intend to do with those who leave home without it? This one's easy......lock them up!
How do you propose to verify the identity of an individual who has gone to register for their card? Surely we don't need to do this? No one would try to commit fraud; that's a crime.
And finally, what do you propose to do with people like me who will refuse to have my privacy and liberty curtailed even further? Ah....lock us up?
Mr Liar had better start with a new prison building scheme.
Oh...and for those who believe that ID cards are nothing to worry about,
wakey, wakey; ID cards with biometric data? A national information register? And what's this.... satellite navigation tracking our cars???
Wake up people; we're all born with a brain. If you give away the freedom to use that and think for yourself.....well, welcome to the world of Chancellor Liar.
Having trouble with molbiles Lou?
You oughtta try sorting out my contract.....8 months after they arsed up the contract they're trying to tell me I owe them 850 quid!! mad :x :x :x :x
Tried trading standards, now going through OTELO (Telecoms Ombudsman).
I'm giving them another month then I'll just tell them to sue me. I can't wait to see some scrote from the company stand in front of a judge and try to persuade them of their case. :small-print: rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Mobile phone company beuraucrats... banghead :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Well, caress my bollox and call me a happy man. Hijacking reaches harmony.
All's well.
Sour xxx
We're a couple who are not necessarily new to Sh, but are relatively new to the Forum. We've been reading the posts for some time and eventually decided to join because of the prevalent 'grown up' approach that was generally adopted throughout the site. Over the last week or so however, we have been wondering if this is really the right place to be.
There have been a number of threads that have been 'hijacked'. Not in a humorous way, as was the case when we first started viewing the site, but in a more malicious, self fulfilling and even bullying manner.
Just this evening, we read through a thread in which one poster was villified and bullied by another. It came down to something as personal as to the standard of English language used. It seemed a tad unecessary and perhaps a Moderator should have stepped in sooner to put an end to what were, at times, bitter attacks from one member aimed at another (Mod workload appreciated).
Since viewing the posts, we have consistently heard that this is an open forum, where all opinions should, and indeed must, be heard. It seems now though, that the forum has become a place for only some views to be heard, while others can be ridiculed by a select few. This is not to say that we believe that the forum should be a place for fawning, simply that everybody's view is valid.
Finally, it should be said that SH claims to be a 'club', 'society' and or 'family'. I hope that no members of this 'family' have divorced themselves from it because of the trite baiting that has occurred recently. We look forward to going back to the open, friendly, honest and humorous SH that attracted us in the first place.
Here's hoping that we don't get banned for this.
Love to all xxx
Expected the ice cream answer; simply wondered who would be first rotflmao
Thanks to Dammie for the link; a full and comprehensive answer.
Cheers :cheers:
Nothing further to add. It's as simple as the subject suggests; what's Vanilla?
Hiya Debs
We be Newbies/Virgins, so may be posting out of turn and we're sat here expecting to be shot down by the Newbie Police (based on visting the Cafe on a regular 'just lurking' basis for some time). Imagine how disapointed we'll be if it doesn't happen?? banghead :banghead:
Seriously though; people disapoint. Probably the best way to deal with it is to rely only on those that you know and expect nothing from the rest. That way, you can only be pleasantly surprised.
Take care hun xxx.
Oh, and passionkiss sillyassionkiss: