I would say, as many others have already said, be honest.
If you see it as important then treat it importantly if you see it with humour then treat it that way. ie. give the viewer some idea how you feel in the situation being the disabled person so that they have an idea how to act.
What is your ad number? Just so we can see that. maybe we can give a few other tips on the rest of the ad.
All the best
LOL Wilma.
It is astounding, is it not? Did you check the price? $1315!!!!
It would want to be soooooo good that men start to loose they're appeal.... umm can't quite see that happening but you know what I mean.
Very tempted to give it a try.
Have you seen ???
Definitely has to be a mental click for me.
Most people have posted some physically attractive people and I've thought "well they're okaaaaaay" then Eddie Izzard is mentioned and zingo!
Yep I find him incredibly attractive, both physically and mentally. And I love him in transvestite mode, you can tell he is really enjoying himself like that.
nice one guys, looks like you all had a great time.
It doesn't really matter what order they are in if you know which way they are ordered.
Except where they are lots of them then it's probably better to have the recent ones at the top. :-)
IMHO :-)
sniggers dirtily
don't you remember
As a little question/suggestion in the clubs pages, can you put the date a review was added about a club.
I was browsing through them the other day trying to find a club with spa facilities in London that would be nice to go to but there were so many comments for and against some of the clubs that I had no trust in the opinions expressed. Perhaps it's changed since that review was posted etc.
I eventually assumed that the most recent are at the bottom but not sure about that.
Hi guys,
I've had a couple of meetings with a guy from here ;-) but we met elsewhere and he pointed me here. And yes it was fantastic. :-D
What about being shaven by the other person???
I imagine the "I've got 10 inches who wants it?" brigade aren't actually interesting in socialising. They just want to get their dicks wet.
Probably not this sort of thing...
I agree with the txt speak and punctuation comments. Txt speak does make it hard to read and breaks up the flow of stories.
Punctuation and paragraphing break it up where it is supposed to giving a proper emphasis to the parts of a story and it gives you a chance to breathe.
Hi Jags,
Can I just say I don't hate dick pics but it is not the first or only thing I want to see.
If guys think that is all they are then they are selling themselves short.
Come on guys, lets see YOU not just a small part of you.
I have never bothered to iron my bed linen, and no-one can make me. I hate ironing!
hmmm how did I miss this thread???
heh heh
it's ok by me
LOL Kat!
it is fun discussing alternatives and finding out what other people like.
At present I prefer anything between shorter hair and bald (inclusive).
I've never had a guy with long hair, but it doesn't really get me.
tho' I am willing to try. ;-)
That really is sad to see.
I know I'm very much a newbie but maybe they should take more effort in chatting via email or PM on here before meeting the other person. If the other person is serious then they'll accept that.
Also a meet before the action is surely a good idea. Especially if she is so new to this.
Hi Matt,
Hope you enjoy yourself here.
So you reckon Rios was ok then? I am a newbie here (and to swinging) and was having a browse through the clubs page last night.
It all looks so fun.
I doubt Will has a problem being on your wish list.
Who cares about the telly.
Theres a naked Will to pass around. Assuming Blueeyes doesn't mind sharing.