Quote by Sassy-Seren
Ah, no wonder you flamed me. You obviously can't answer my question if it takes something that size to almost touch the sides!!!
Bend over and we'll soon see :twisted:
Please no, not again! That thing makes me sore......
Quote by Katy
Hi guys
I have just done something bad - I looked in my boyfriends email.
I knew his passwords as I set up his account for him and he has never changed them. He always said I could look whenever I wanted as he had nothing to hide but have never done it until today. I always said I trusted him and didn't have to look.
So what changed? He has been quite quiet and we haven't contacted each other as much as usual recently (its a long distance relationship)so I figured something was up and while I was checking my emails I would have a quick peak at his.
I found an email from another swining site addressed to him and another girl. It was his initial registration so I used the passwords they had emailed and logged on to that web site (its not as nice as this one!!) and looked at his profile and sure enough he is registered as a couple with someone else. :shock:
Her profile is really similar to me same height hair colour etc and even a mention of a nipple ring.
That is making me feel worse; he asked me to get mine a few months ago all of a sudden and I keep thinking was it because of this other female? When he asked he said it would be something special between us etc etc.
Also this female sound so like me its as if he has tried to replace me with a clone.
So even though we have an open relationship we are supposed to tell each other when we meet people but I have heard nothing about this woman. I don't even know if its technically cheating as it is an open relationship. I just feel confused and betrayed. Worse thing is I have to see him tomorrow and I don't know how to react. I cant tell him how upset I am or even why because it would mean saying I finally didn't trust him enough to look at his emails.
Am I being stupid reacting like this?
Should I admit to what I have done?
Should I just dump him?
Should I ask him if he has just got my name wrong?????
Has he technically done anything wrong
When will I stop shaking and feeling sick??
Answers to the usual place!!!!!
Quote by duncanlondon
I made out with a chinese woman for a while. She had a peculiar habit.
As she orgasmed she held her breath and various complicated things. The result was that she farted from both ears.
Not exactly very thrilling or desirable. Just really really silly.
I had to tackle someone for using a very inappropriate joke about the Special Olympics a while ago. I was absolutely stunned that he deemed it fit for repeating these days. When I challenged him on it, he proceeded to complain to me about a joke someone else had told about a lisping midget (you prob know it) - I couldn't seem to get him to understand that a lisping midget (or little person as it should have been according to him) asking a man in a wood to show him a horse is a highly far fetched scenario and really not terribly offensive whilst referring to participants in the Special Olympics as retards is beyond ignorance.
No you cant help it and its worse when you do it in multiple... one with each pound...
Quote by bolton_boss
sorry if this sounds like a brag but i have to tell someone! ive just been signed by a "bigish" local football team thats going to pay me!!! im soooooo excited! i bet sven will be ringing me up after the england game tonight! haha! sorry once again but im really happy! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Quote by edinbughchris
What kazswallows says and a bit of tommi too . . . agree
quick answer:
your friend met her when *she was already depressed*. The time in her life when she became depressed becomes associated with her new lover. This is a tough break but very little he can do about it. He represents the onset of her depression, however unfair.
There might have been a 'make or break' point where he symbolised the knight in shining armour that rescues her, but it didn't happen. The ex-husband holds too many cards. He knows her inside out. Major bad move crossing him.
Right now it will seem like his world that was in his hands has just been passed to another ball player out of sight mid-field. As a (non-romantically-involved) friend you can be there in a supportive capacity. Just let him know you are there to listen if he needs to talk. You don't have to do anything else. You don't have to supply answers - there probably aren't any anyway. But he may remember and treasure a friend who valued him when the person whose opinion he valued more than anyone in the world basically said you're not worth even talking to.
Feel special that he values you to confide in at his darkest moment. He's probably bared his soul. Value that and be there as a listening ear. (If he goes on too long, as he might, just draw a distinction in the conversation - ten mins listening time then "so let me tell you about what I've been doing . . .") Your his friend, not The Samaritans.
Quote by Wilki
Thanks for your views,
Hes never lied to me before, far from it.
The facts are as he sees it, he bent over backwards to help her, she told him she loved him, she did say that she needed space and he couldnt understsand it. which yes in hignsight was wrong, and yes he did phone the husband back to basicly tell him to leave her alone which turned into a slanging match, which to be honest i "dont" think was wrong. i think he had every right to give him a mouth full. She didnt leave a note which again i think is wrong and he did try to contact her, but she didnt take his call.
So the way i see it. Is she still feels something for the husband wether it be lust or grief, the illness is life threatening, that is if hes actually got something and not making it up.
or the deppression has compleatly screwed her up and she does need some space. Just to complicate things further she still left some cloths at his house???
Gues ill just listen and learn.
God im glad to be single
Quote by equi-princess
Kissing can take so many different forms.....
The light 'air' kiss designed to greet those you dont really wish to connect with....
The gentle kiss on the cheek for friends and family....
The lightest brush of your lips on that special person... whom you are kissing for the first time...
The deepening kiss, entwining your tongues sensually around eachother... the long lingering kiss of passionate desire.. the precursor to more delights.....
and many more ............. lol
If you had to describe your kiss... how would you define it? it doesn't have to fall into any of the groups i've suggested above.... but a simple description in your own words......
How do you kiss??????????????
equi-princess xxx
The storm hit Breton Sound with the fury of a nuclear warhead, pushing a deadly storm surge into Lake Pontchartrain. The water crept to the top of the massive berm that holds back the lake and then spilled over. Nearly 80 percent of New Orleans lies below sea level—more than eight feet below in places—so the water poured in. A liquid brown wall washed over the brick ranch homes of Gentilly, over the clapboard houses of the Ninth Ward, over the white-columned porches of the Garden District, until it raced through the bars and strip joints on Bourbon Street like the pale rider of the Apocalypse. As it reached 25 feet (eight meters) over parts of the city, people climbed onto roofs to escape it.
Thousands drowned in the murky brew that was soon contaminated by sewage and industrial waste. Thousands more who survived the flood later perished from dehydration and disease as they waited to be rescued. It took two months to pump the city dry, and by then the Big Easy was buried under a blanket of putrid sediment, a million people were homeless, and 50,000 were dead. It was the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States.
When did this calamity happen? It hasn't—yet.
Quote by just2and1more
First off i would like to thanks to all those who gave some advice in the chat rooms.... but dont know if we were expecting too much but after i dont know how mant ad replys, nothing..... not one reply back... not even a thanks but no thanks. Have come to the conclusion that most on here are messing about (apologies to the genuine ones out there.) The other half has lost hope and now now so have i.... once again thanks for the help and advice... good luck to everyone..... bye. :giveup:
Quote by hotcoupleincar
:uhoh: This we must admit may be a bit of a dark post. :uhoh:
But with whats going on in the world these days, what with freak weather and crazy
wars, an up surge in terror, giant wave's etc etc.
What could be next, is it time for the next big bang.
So would anyone like to hazard a guess at the next big disaster to happen and maybe
find out if the next Nostradamus is a member of SH .
P.S No prize for the winner :cry:
could get my tits out hwoar: , is that a prize, could be to some