All valid questions, i hope you find some answers in what i write below.
Before i start, i want to be clear that i am an atheist. I am not a Christian. All these views are my own, based on my beliefs and personal knowledge. I hope nothing below causes offence to anyone, it certainly is not intended to.
Christians celebrate Easter because they belive that the Christ rose again, that he - a man - beat death, which means that all people who belive in him may also beat death. This is why Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar - they belive it is THE reason they have the opportunity to be saved.
Easter is the celebration of Christ rising, not his death (though the death did have to happen for him to come back to life).
Easter is not an anniversary, it is simply when Christians celebrate the resurection. I dont think anyone actually thinks they know the exact DATE that Jesus died (and possibly rose).
THe CHurch does not claim to know when Jesus was born. The Catholic Church (and following Protestant chuch) simply decided to celebrate his birth on 25th December.
I have been told that Easter moves around because the early church decided to celebrate it on the first Sunday that followed a full moon within a certain calender date. Sorry i cant be more procise than that but i'm probing GSCE memories to tell u this ! lol
The Catholic Church has a different Easter date to the Orthodox Church because the Catholic Church (roughly west Europe) works from the Gregorian calendar, whereas the orthodox church (roughly eastern europe)works from the Julian calndar.
These different calendars are named after different popes, who "set" the new ways of dating the year. The Julian calendar predates the Gregorian.
Yes, i'm sure that the Church did impose their own celebrations on to days already made holy by other faiths. THis is not an unusual practice. The same is true with land, once a site is recognised as holy it tends to stay that way in people's minds regardless of what faith is thought to "make" it holy. Personally, i do not think that this is a sign of weakness or falseness in the church.
I'm a big girl who naturally has big boobs (40HH / J )
I LOVE my boobs, but i think i love them too much. Its been pointed out to me that i base a lot of my sense of indentity on having boobs. "oh u know trix, the posh girl with the boobs"
If i had to lose one, or both, for medical reasons then i would definately ask to have implants to replace them. This wouldnt be because i think big boobs are best (i dont) it's just that i've had large boobs since i was a teenager, so i dont know who i'd be without them.
Hope that doesnt sound too daft !
Trix xx
Like has already been said, there can be something attractive and sexy about slim, muscular or larger guys.
I get hugely turned on by the way slim guys look, i LOVE a flat tummy with a line of hair leading my eye ...
On the other hand, nothing feels as good as being cuddeled up by a big guy - lying on his chest or arm and feeling a thin layer of soft fat covering a hard layer of muscle ....
Oh god, i need to go lie down !
Trix xx
After camming in the chatrooms here, I once got offered a job for some sky porn channel. The set-up sounded fair and the pay very good !!! I didn't pursue the offer though for two reasons.
The 1st is that I do what I do for fun, because i enjoy it. Getting paid for it would totaly change the dynamic.
2nd, i want my vanilla life to be pretty regular and i think having featured on porn tv would have a definate, negative impact on that. Its not that kind of thing i can imagine explaining away to Headteachers or potential Mothers-in-law ;)
Trix xxx
I look like Wildhoneybee. People ALWAYS think we're twins, or at least sisters. I dont just mean people from SH or when we're on cam, but everyone we meet in real life too - landlords, nurses, dog owners, shop keepers the list goes on ...
I was on cam in the chatroom here about 6 months ago and was recognised by someone i worked with - EEK ! Unbelivably, it turned out to be a guy i'd fancied rotten for months, so our accidental camming session turned into mutual masterbation in the back room at work lol
I totally agree with Marya. It's a case of supply and demand, there arn't enough girls on the site so we get our pick. That means that u guys need to catch our eyes - in a good way lol.
My advice is :
Put up pics, not just of ur cock ! Let's see a little body and is possible, face. U could always have a face pic in a prvate gallery for girls who are seriously interested.
Write something in ur profile, so she can get a feel for what kind of person u are from what u write.
Join in the chats on here, so people get to know u and ur personality.
When u go in the chatrooms go on cam - u dont have to be doing anything naughty, just to highlight urself and make u seperate from the crowd of faceless, horny, single men.
In the chatrooms, join in the chat. In my experience, most girls are turned on hugely by a guy who makes them laugh.
Just my thoughts, dont sue me if they dont work out ! lol
happy hunting
could u put me down as a possible please ?
Trixie xxx
Thank you, i'm honoured. My mother will be so proud ! :happy:
Name: Fred Flintstone
User Name: BonER
Status: Yes please.
Looking for: Please see above
Profile Text: Looking for a submissive couple for my wife and me to bone. I like a girl* to have a fozy, infectious giggle. As for guys, should not be too bright (want them easily led – if they don’t agree with my plans we’ll end up having a barney).
* Must enjoy being t-boned
Name: Noel Edmunds
Username: Little Big Horn
Status: God on Earth – agree or fear my wrath!
Looking for: A desperate last shot at fame. That, and women who are far too tall and young for me.
Activities: Sulking, smirking, slimeing and styling my hair
Profile text: I want adoration, worship me and do my bidding. I particularly enjoy being rimmed and your voyeurism.