Ever willing to oblige I have despatched Mrs V, but don't hold your breath as she is equipped with her natural hopeless sense of direction and a dodgy sat nav set which I aquired for her Xmas present from a car boot sale.
OK I know I should know but please where can I find the instructions for inserting a photo into a post?
I can get as far as pressing the button for img on the post form and then become stuck! Quite pathetic.
And if somebody is being helpful, could they indicate where the link to the post about producing Avatars has got to?
I even tried the search facility before resorting to this post.
Best wishes for the New Year to any poster of a helpful reply.
Suggest you get your own back.
Let her carry out her obsessive depilatory attack on your more intimate parts, and then leave it a few weeks until the bristles have re-emerged.
The sensation then associated with intercourse is about as much fun as having a rabid hedgehog seek to hibernate within those tender depths.
On reflection, though, I can think of one or two who would find that to be one of their "things"
Hope nobody minds if I slightly hijack this thread and ask for help around Yorkshire.
Mrs V is hinting about Xmas approaching. Can anybody suggest some local more specialist type shops please?
(I think she has in mind the kind of basque that can control cellulite and has a special little pocket for a bus pass--but I am probably wrong, as usual.)
PS don't let her know, I want it to be a surprise.
Sorry about that lost post.
So Dambuster thinks telling somebody that they have the personality of an ugly bird could be construed as a compliment, even in a backhanded way?
I am trying to work this through, and can only think that it means that ugly birds must have great personalities.
So why has Mrs V taken umbrage and taken it personally when asked for her opinion and can I blame Dambuster for the fact that I am now eating last night's pizza remnant instead of the promised roast beef and Yorkshires?
Anyway. to get back to backhanded compliments, I can report that the demented gerbil which we keep as a family pet, managed to ensconce itself in my trouser pocket and accompany us to Partners last Saturday.
The creature escaped from our locker and established a vantage point in the pocket of the pool table. From here, it reveals that it heard the following interaction between a wine fuelled, although very delightful, female inebriate and a rather convincing TV.
It went, "Oiy you. Are you a woman?" So I suppose that may have been a compliment.
However, later, the even more wine fuelled, and now even more delightful (fewer clothes) inebriate addressed the same query to a tall (and to those of a more sober state, fetchingly attractive) young lady who was walking in an unstable although admittedly rather masculine manner, due to wearing 3 inch platform with 9 inch heel, shoes
That, I guess, was not a compliment. but it elicited the winning response of "Yep, all woman" with a convincing proof by the display of an impressive pair of boobs and a well manicured bit of female anatomy under the short skirt she was wearing.
The gerbil averted its gaze, but returned home happy and smiling.
If you could arrange your adjectives in order of preference and indicate if 50%, or even less, compliance would suffice, you may achieve an increase in response rate.
So were trying a curry.
Last week when it was so humid we experienced melt down at a club, so do any over 50 couples fancy joining us in the Bradford/uddersfield area for something else which is hot and tasty?
Last minute, so chance a PM to us with phone before
Having checked Redangel's profile I can see she is not a blonde.
That makes it all totally cofusing.
However this thread does show how really helpful the site members are and how much trouble thay will go to just to help a worthy cause.
Don't forget that once infected, the virus can remain dormant and reappear as a cold sore at any time.
So don't be mislead into any silly assumptions that the development of a cold sore implies that the unfortunate sufferrer has recently been in close contact with an infected transmitter.
Partnership breakdowns can be caused by small misunderstandings!
Can't speak for Oxon but Dragons teeth might be found at Partners Sat night, though.
Sure is a possible problem and gets worse with digital which can be "zoomed."
Puts me in mind of a work colleague who got himself dismissed for taking "artistic" photos of some of the female staff, and managed to get himself and his camera incorporated in the mirror of a wardrobe door in the bedroom.
How can Dambuster know about AA box keys at his youthful age!
I bet half the population viewing this site are wondering " what is the man talking about?"
If he really did pick up one, then I guess it must have resulted in a very cosy get together in the little wasp coloured shed. .
Yes, key parties did occur, at the time when sex was first invented. What happy memories.
I noticed in the financial/sociological charecterisations used for defining various groups of the population there has appeared a new set of catagorisations which included one known as Sceniors. This is rplacing Skiing (Spending the kids inheritance)
Initially i thought this was a misprint, but it really does refer to those senior citizens who are still actively enjoying their life. I am not clear if the initiators meant to include the swinging scene, but it seems to me to be a really suitable term for some of us on SH.
Anybody know any OAP club suitable for real sceniors? Both me and Mrs V are all for keeping it up!
We would support the suggestion for Partners at Bury.
Good luck and enjoy yourselves.
Well this is sure good fun.
Its agreat idea to help out we newbies and very kind of sarge to offer to answer any chat room related questions..
How long should I wait and stare at a blank screen?
Thanks for reply.
It's Internet Explorer, but the problem has self corrected after signing off and now returning.
Thanks again---there's always somebody around here who will help!
Please be kind to a computer illiterate.
My machine has been away for fixing and on its return and my return to the SH site, I am getting the site in text only.
I know I have seen this somewhere in the settings options, but I really can't find the adjustment.
Also,-and I know this is likewise very basic-all the picture images are coming up blank with a little red cross in them.
Help please, and moderator please lock the post as soon as a sensible response has been given, so that my ignorance can fade from view. Thankyou.
June is a heck of a long way off in a diary, but do please contact us when you need confirmation.
Have you read nothing much on this site????
Try just a little bit harder.
Am having trouible updating/amending account settings.
After changing and pressing "update button" it shows as done, but then reverts to former settings.
Any suggestions please?
Seems to me that this post caused a thread which went off track.
It started with a massage for a couple which lead to sexual chemistry developing betwen themselves, but somewhere became contaminated with a sort of accusation of paid sex and exploitation.
Going back to the starting point, this sounds a lovely scenario for arousal in a civilised and luxurious setting and we would be interested to hear from anyone with experience of how to let matters develop as we are hoping to return to Thailand this February.
On our last visit we definately seem to have missed out on an experience-which with hindsight was obviously available.
Hi all
We went to pub for Sunday lunch and thoght some of the locals were a bit strange.
That was nothing to what we have found now we have popped our head in here.
Having spent too much time watching the umpteenth repeat of a Morecambe & Wise Xmas Special I have been stirred to embark on the production of a new Shakespearian tragedy.
My initial outlines for the play are shown below, and collaboration on the script would be welcomed, (but be warned that any nude scenes-inserted purely for artistic reality-should give first rights, on the female lead, to the author. After all, it is my play.
ACT ONE, scene 1
Early November. The pavement on a very busy road outside a very upmarket lingerie shop.
Large lorries pass frequently, stirring up clouds of dust. A pigeon has an asthma attack and the shop staff are busy changing the window display into the Xmas display of downmarket lingerie favoured by males for Xmas presents to themselves, which can be displayed on their partners.
The centre piece of the display is a virginally brilliant white negligee set of a diaphanous nature trimmed with an abundance of white feathers.
Mr V passes the shop twice daily on his route to and from work.
Scene 2
Xmas Eve MrVs place of work.
Mr V is trying to convince himself that the fact that that Mrs V so far remains bereft of any Xmas present will not cast any damper on the festivities planned for the following day. Mr V departs on homeward journey.
Scene 3
Xmas Eve Inside a very upmarket lingerie shop.
Mr V is using his credit card and agreeing to gift wrapping (in a very upmarket box at a very upmarket supplement)
ACT TWO, scene 1
Xmas Day morning.
The home of Mr & MrsV. Gifts from under the Xmas tree have been exchanged. Mr V has received a carefully researched gift which shows the love, affection, time generously given into tracking it down etc,etc (& going on forever) which has been input by MrsV.
Mrs V is opening her extravagantly boxed & beribboned gift.
Clouds of dust fall from a decidedly dirty grey garment, diesel fumes perfume the air and copious feathers detach themselves from the transparent material.
Any help in developing the script would be welcome, especially if it related to any means of redemption.
Open reply to pm
I am sorry that I am not responding via the normal route of a private pm but this has been occasioned by a regrettable incident caused by the family hamster (Ferdinand IV, aged 17months) slipping from his observation post on the Xmas tree and landing nose first on the delete key of my keyboard a mere nanosecond before I could enter the send command and despatch my reply to your good self.
However, we wish to thank you for taking the trouble to include us as recipients for your enticing introductory offer of services.
We congratulate you on the careful planning and research which must have gone into your successful spamming of most of the 300000 (alleged) members of the site. Setting your parameters for the distribution of your message and the casting of your net, so tightly, will, I feel sure, render it a near certainty that you will obtain the response which you so clearly deserve.
However, I must alert you to the fact that setting a limit of 358 miles from your home base, whilst probably retaining the interest of those likely to travel readily towards you, does disenfranchise the poor sod who lives just beyond the Outer Hebrides surrounded only by sheep and seals (none of whom have expressed any interest in swinging activities). Jock of Kintyre, as he is affectionately known to his paramour, (a well presented black faced ewe) would have been a far more likely prospect than many others who did receive your pm.
None the less, I must tell you that on seeing your 3 line literary masterpiece, Mrs V was clearly overcome with emotion. Her eyes glazed and rolled upwards which, I am assured, is a clear sign of intense arousal.
Indeed, it was only my quick thinking and rapid response of hiding the car keys within the contents of a half consumed jar of Branston pickle, that prevented her from journeying northwards forthwith to avail herself of an opportunity of a shag. Bearing in mind, of course, that it was not any old shag, but one made available from within the heartlands of BNP activity in mid Lancashire from an unknown and undescribed male..
How could a girl resist? A" profound and sensitive piece of literary foreplay", was what I think she described your message as being.
I wish you well with your efforts and look forward to receiving many more Spam adverts masquerading as PMs.
Can things get much worse?
So you now have to be numerate to post.