Ok, I was hoping to stay off this subject since my last post on it but it's been resurrected again so now I'm going to tell it how it is. It seems my Chams thread started this whole thing anyway and there are a lot of things that need bringing out into the open and dealt with.
Quick History:
Sunbunny and I parted on not so amicable terms a week after the glastonbury concert
I post the Chams thread many weeks later arranging a meet. The post was started because a young couple asked me to take them to Chams and I opened it up into a much larger event.
PoloLady posts on the Chams thread asking for herself, SunBunny and one other (we now know to be Libra) to be included on the lst
I decline PoloLady her request to be added to the list as I believe that the post asking to be added was made purely to disrupt the event. (This suspicion has since been borne out on THISthread by both SunBunny AND PoloLady stating they have no intention of going to Chams on the 22nd October). I also made it clear to PoloLady that if she wanted to attend Chams on 22/10 then she was free to do so as part of HER OWN CONTINGENT and I explained my reasons in PM to her as to why I refused to include them on the thread.
Ok....... so now we have the situation whereby Postie posts on the Chams thread stating his feelings and thoughts as to why PoloLady posted - which he has every right to do. How this got to include Mal or anyone else for that matter is unkown to me but the fact that this thread has opened a can of worms involving PoloLady, SunBunny, myself and Postie means that a key issue needs to be resolved if we are to put this behind us and move on - and that is, in my opinion, should a member be permitted to deliberately disrupt a meet purely because of a personal spat between her and the meet organiser? This is malicious and it's using the forum and PM system to conduct a personal vendetta. It's unwholesome and leaves a particularly nasty taste in one's mouth.
PoloLady knew full well of the antagonism and bad blood that exists between SunBunny and myself so why SunBunny would want to be included in a meet that I am organising is beyond my understanding - we simply don't get on - unless it was purely to disrupt the meet, and many people have picked up on this. PoloLady et al could have attended the club on the night in question without telling anyone of their intentions and none of this would have happened - so why post on my thread knowing that SB and I dont get on?
I think the writing is plain to see here, there was collusion between PoloLady and SB to form a post whereby the sole intention was to create a feeling of disharmony on that thread causing people to ask for their names to be removed from the event. That's unsubstantiated of course as it's impossible to prove a thought-stream as fact, but it is MY belief and I stand by it.
Now, what remains to be seen is whether it is deemd as acceptable to allow several members to 'gang up' to intimidate, terrorise or otherwise post malicious content on this forum aimed specifically at other members without recrimination? ... and now having read through Postie's last post it is clear that a continued and targetted campaign has been waged by these three members which HAS been subjective when looked at as a whole. My PM box contains messages from people that I have not spoken to before detailing their experiences at the hands of these three.
It's happened before and unless it's stamped out it will happen again. I clearly remember a thread on which both kinkyluton and myself posted whereby SB turned it into a mud slinging match. We were all warned at the time that if it happened again action would be taken, but action hasn't been taken. Naturally, I face action taken against me by reminding the moderatores of that but I am at the stage now whereby I WILL defend myself publicly regardless of the consequences if someone takes it upon themselves to continually take pot shots at everything I post simply because she feels hard done by. I will say it like it is in future as I have held back many times in the past. Not anymore!
Think I'll leave the bold text off on this one as it's quite lengthy ...... hehehe
Happy Belated B/Day Morbius
........... Hope ya got pissed as a rat and shagged like a lord.... sounds good to me!!
Repeat: Bloody Hell! I'm getting old! ..... 49 times annually.... hehehe
Happy Birthday Blue
......... 21???... ............ Again??? ......... 11th year in a row???
hehehe... have a great night whatever you do......... I won't ask :shock:
My daughter once explained where babies come from ...... she said ........"There is a big conveyor belt in the sky and we all go along it and when it's our turn to be born God is there with a stamp and he stamps it on our tummies saying 'Your Done! Your Done! Your Done!' .. and that's how we get belly buttons!" ..... this is my fookin ex wife talking to her innit!!!!
Count us in Pebbs!!! (I'll check with poppies later but should be ok)
We'll probably get the whole hotel this time .... hehehe
Chris & Nikki xxxxx
There has been reference made to the rights of the people who use this website and that users basically have no rights, that they are subject to the changing dicates of the site owner (that's not an attack there simply a fact). Yes, Mark has absolute perogative to change the rules as and when he sees fit as it is HIS website. He wasn't asked to build it - he did it of his own accord and if it were my website then I would be bloody offended if someone tried to force my hand in it's administration.....
.....But..... (there always is one)..........
There is a trade off between absolute control and asking people to come to the website and use it. It's not just a question of 'if we build it, they will come' but more 'if we build it right, they will stay'. When new members register and join SH they are agreeing to a set of rules clearly laid out in the AUP and it's these rules that should be adhered to - nothing else.... there is no grey area here..... did XYZ break a rule in the AUP and, if so, is a ban warranted, when maybe a warning would suffice? Continued breaches of the AUP by the same person shows a blatant disregard for the website and the people that use it and a ban is justified - as it is in real life - if you break the law you get 'banned' from society by being locked up. Only here it's locked out, a very effective punishment.
Rant over, now who wants a shag ... hehehe
Happy Birthday Shell me lickle darlin!!!
Hope you have a fantastic day sweetheart!!! ... Don't get too drunk ........ sod it.... go and get wasted ......hehehe....