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Over 90 days ago


Quote by Dino.
the sole intention was to create a feeling of disharmony on that thread causing people to ask for their names to be removed from the event.

Just to make it quite clear, this is not the reason we dropped out.
Read my previous post mad
Woah! Hold on Dino m8... that's not what I meant at all.... you dropped out for your own reasons - as have others. My comment was made concerning the time of Polo's post and why she posted.. and at that time you were both going... your reasons are your own and you dont have to justify to anyone why you don't want to attend a particular event, I respect that. Your business is yours and no-one else's. It was nice meeting you both on Sat. (albeit a slurred Hello... lol)
Ok, I was hoping to stay off this subject since my last post on it but it's been resurrected again so now I'm going to tell it how it is. It seems my Chams thread started this whole thing anyway and there are a lot of things that need bringing out into the open and dealt with.
Quick History:
Sunbunny and I parted on not so amicable terms a week after the glastonbury concert
I post the Chams thread many weeks later arranging a meet. The post was started because a young couple asked me to take them to Chams and I opened it up into a much larger event.
PoloLady posts on the Chams thread asking for herself, SunBunny and one other (we now know to be Libra) to be included on the lst
I decline PoloLady her request to be added to the list as I believe that the post asking to be added was made purely to disrupt the event. (This suspicion has since been borne out on THISthread by both SunBunny AND PoloLady stating they have no intention of going to Chams on the 22nd October). I also made it clear to PoloLady that if she wanted to attend Chams on 22/10 then she was free to do so as part of HER OWN CONTINGENT and I explained my reasons in PM to her as to why I refused to include them on the thread.
Ok....... so now we have the situation whereby Postie posts on the Chams thread stating his feelings and thoughts as to why PoloLady posted - which he has every right to do. How this got to include Mal or anyone else for that matter is unkown to me but the fact that this thread has opened a can of worms involving PoloLady, SunBunny, myself and Postie means that a key issue needs to be resolved if we are to put this behind us and move on - and that is, in my opinion, should a member be permitted to deliberately disrupt a meet purely because of a personal spat between her and the meet organiser? This is malicious and it's using the forum and PM system to conduct a personal vendetta. It's unwholesome and leaves a particularly nasty taste in one's mouth.
PoloLady knew full well of the antagonism and bad blood that exists between SunBunny and myself so why SunBunny would want to be included in a meet that I am organising is beyond my understanding - we simply don't get on - unless it was purely to disrupt the meet, and many people have picked up on this. PoloLady et al could have attended the club on the night in question without telling anyone of their intentions and none of this would have happened - so why post on my thread knowing that SB and I dont get on?
I think the writing is plain to see here, there was collusion between PoloLady and SB to form a post whereby the sole intention was to create a feeling of disharmony on that thread causing people to ask for their names to be removed from the event. That's unsubstantiated of course as it's impossible to prove a thought-stream as fact, but it is MY belief and I stand by it.
Now, what remains to be seen is whether it is deemd as acceptable to allow several members to 'gang up' to intimidate, terrorise or otherwise post malicious content on this forum aimed specifically at other members without recrimination? ... and now having read through Postie's last post it is clear that a continued and targetted campaign has been waged by these three members which HAS been subjective when looked at as a whole. My PM box contains messages from people that I have not spoken to before detailing their experiences at the hands of these three.
It's happened before and unless it's stamped out it will happen again. I clearly remember a thread on which both kinkyluton and myself posted whereby SB turned it into a mud slinging match. We were all warned at the time that if it happened again action would be taken, but action hasn't been taken. Naturally, I face action taken against me by reminding the moderatores of that but I am at the stage now whereby I WILL defend myself publicly regardless of the consequences if someone takes it upon themselves to continually take pot shots at everything I post simply because she feels hard done by. I will say it like it is in future as I have held back many times in the past. Not anymore!
Think I'll leave the bold text off on this one as it's quite lengthy ...... hehehe
Quote by tattyxpx

I'm sorry, thought this had degenerated into a giggle now ...... hehehe.... just thought it was funny.
OK, change of subject ................ Milk!!!! Never bloody got any ......... I buy some every day yet at the end of each day I go to the fridge ...... and it's gone........ Gone! Gone! Gone! .........
Who keeps nicking my milk???
I'm such a lazy git that I've actually got used to the taste of black coffee .......
Why can't we have milk on tap like water???
This is a conspiracy!!!

Can't you just buy more milk each day ... dunno
It makes no difference Tatty............. none whatsoever......... the more I buy the more it gets stolen.... I've sat outside the kitchen door all night in pitch blackness on a swivel chair with a torch strapped to the end of a twelve-bore looking like a fookin' lighthouse ...... and in the morning I open the fridge .......... and it's gone!................. Gone! Gone! Gone! .....
I've lifted the fridge up to see if there's a hole underneath and there isn't (or I would have gone to the flat below and shot the little old lady who lives there for nicking my milk!!!)
Ive padlocked the fridge door, I've deadbolted the entire flat ... but its aaaaalways the same .... no fookin' milk! grrrrrrrrrr....... there must be a rational explanation for this.... maybe equi's thread has sommat to do with it .... maybe I'm putting it in the wrong place and just not looking!!!!.... maybe it's still there...... in the fridge, mounting up ...... there's must be tonnes of it by now.... I just CAN'T SEE IT!!!
Quote by Dawn_Mids

Why can't we have milk on tap like water???
This is a conspiracy!!!

Buy a cow!
You called dunno
I am sooooooooo not trying to stifle my fits of laughter here....... hehehehehehehe
Dawnie...... you're not a cow hon ........ tough old witch sometimes... but lovely with it... hehehe ... now.... about this thing you want fulfilling ...... did I really say that pmsl.
Quote by northwest-cpl

rolleyes I'm right with you on the sighing. Isn't it funny how people have to have the last word. :roll:
I'm sorry, thought this had degenerated into a giggle now ...... hehehe.... just thought it was funny.
OK, change of subject ................ Milk!!!! Never bloody got any ......... I buy some every day yet at the end of each day I go to the fridge ...... and it's gone........ Gone! Gone! Gone! .........
Who keeps nicking my milk???
I'm such a lazy git that I've actually got used to the taste of black coffee .......
Why can't we have milk on tap like water???
This is a conspiracy!!!
Quote by Steve_Mids
Passing on a message...
Libra says:
Chris, you can tell your cronies on sh, like Jon, if they antagonise me anymore I will become that ticking time-bomb. I've fucking had enough of them going on about me when i don't have a right to reply
Libra says:

Don't shoot the mesenger.
What a sad bitter twisted person she is....
Hopefully her "friends" will see her for what she is and act accordingly now...
Errrr............ won't any reporter worth his salt want to know the full story???
Newspapers do not go to print without being sure they don't face a million pound lawsuit or ending up with egg on their faces......
I can imagine the headline.........
I'm not worried, 'exposing' us exposes herself. Do ya worst!
Quote by little miss 2hot2handle
we also, would like mine and Chief Moo's name's taken off the list please.
Lm2hot2handle & chief

Hey Lm & Chief Moo........ it was for you two I started this meet lol ........ you asked me to.
Don't ya wanna come n play with us now .........
Happy Belated B/Day Morbius
........... Hope ya got pissed as a rat and shagged like a lord.... sounds good to me!!
Quote by equi-princess
Repeat: Bloody Hell! I'm getting old! ..... 49 times annually.... hehehe

Isn't that just stating the truth though??????????????........... you are.......... lol
equi-princess xxx
Watch it! Cheeky!!.......... xxx
Quote by notstopping4long
As I was the one who started this whole thing off I sneaked in to reply. No doubt this will be deleted (and I'll be banned but that's a given lol)
I was banned from SH WITHOUT having broken the AUP!
I corresponded with Mark who left the decission of unbanning me to the mods, who sent me an email of no explanation for my banning but let me know they didn't "have the will" to unban me. See, they do have a hit-list lol.
That got my hackles up, I retaliated and told them I'd get even. The mods response was, we don't care. So I showed them they would! It was from THAT point that I plotted to fuck with the mods and you guys.
(Now, how long after?, I hear rumour it was a temp ban on me. Bull-Shit!)
I found an opening and advertised my site in the chatroom. Hey they ban me without me breaking the AUP so I had to!
And from there....
Yes, I phoned the Leicester Council to inform them they needed to be aware of the 200+ ( slight exaggeration goes a long way) coming to the city as they were about to be set on with queries regarding this event from members of the public.
Yes, I phoned 4 churches in the area too, got them doing the Jesus dance over swingers in their town!
And finally I called the Leicester Mercury to let them know "Good ol' Stan's" swinging site was coming to town!
Unfortunatley (well, not really, was a fantastic payday) I had an overnight booking the night of the Leicester munch so couldn't be there myself. If I could have made it the venue would have been exposed once again.
During all this I let everyone on my msn know what I was doing.
I was angry at the mods who run this place so I targeted this place as a whole. I did NOT target individual SH members or individual mods. And God knows I could have abused a certain mod who's phone number I have. But it just aint worth it. That's when things become personal and I don't think I'd like myself much if I intentionally violated someone.
Total disregard I CAN do.
Why did I do it?
For the same reason the mods banned me that day.
They fucked me off so I pushed some buttons of my own! See, it works both ways.
Seems there's been more bannings and munch incidences again and only now is this area of moderation being called into question and the SH bong-drums being exposed
Anyway, that's what I am accountable for. If there are other misdemeanors you may feel I'm responsible for, please feel free to accredit to me.
Just kept a few good friends and fobbed off a few faux ones.
Ok, delete away mods. Hide the truth again.
And yes, I know, I'm banned.
Don't worry, I'm already headed for the door.
lol...I wouldn't be a good whore if I couldn't find THAT hole and wood!
Libra+Love (Take note Postie, it has a + in the middle...focus on the positive for a change)
And she keeps on loving wink
No longer swinging on MingingHeaven wave

It does make one wonder who compromised the venue details and whether it was done with the assistance - or at least the knowledge - of current members who also happen to be LL's friends. Did they try to dissuade her from sabotaging the munch?
Coupled with the hate campaigns that have been conducted by these three members over the past year or so it's easy to see that there has been a great deal of collusion between them before they post. There are quite a few people who have been subjected to one of these poison-filled hate-fuelled campaigns and I am but one of those people. My pm inbox is testament to that.
SunBunny seems to have a real problem handling rejection - as others on THIS thread have indicated, they have seen her following my posts with some snipey comment of her own. God help any man who has the audacity to dump her (and there are reasons why guys have continually ended relationships with this woman) - but for the record, she left a cheap pair of handcuffs here and a length of skipping rope (not exactly the crown jewels!!) - both of which have long been binned, hence why I haven't returned them.
I am now at the point where my mouse hovers over the Submit button with absolute trepidation before each post I make at what may be posted after me by SunBunny or one of her cronies.
If SB was a car she would be stuck permanently in 'Reverse' - Move on ffs!..... I have!
Ello Gorgeous!!! ..... Great to see u back sweetheart!
....... Does this mean we can resume our coffee mornings
Quote by Pete_sw
Right, my turn.
I have read a lot about people getting pissed off with this, and pissed off with that. Fine, that’s everyone’s prerogative, now I’m going to exercise mine:
You know what really pisses me off? The effect that all this fucking mud slinging is having on the rest of the users of this site.
Now living at the bottom end of the arsehole of the universe I have absolutely no fucking idea whats been going on, and guess what? I don’t want to know. What I do know is that a few months ago this site was fun, informative, outrageous in its postings, and that a huge amount of people were having a bloody good laugh on here.
Now I knew something was afoot, because some suddenly the fun has gone, everything has become suddenly serious and sedate??? And some of the funniest and friendly people on the site suddenly either stopped posting, posted an awful lot less, or when they did post, did so in a very guarded and PC way.
What the Fuck is that all about? This is a sex site, a swinging site, its about outrageous things, if you want to talk to nuns and priests fuck off and do it somewhere else ffs.
Can we please bury whatever is going on, or at least keep it off of here, and can we please have our old site back, remember the one? Where we all got on, had fun, helped each other out ……………… you know the one I mean.
With best intentions
Pete & Caron (AKA Katie & John)

Absolutely top drawer post Pete............... you are bang on!
I couldn't have put it more eloquently myself.
Quote by SunBunny

Take a peek at the Chams thread.... all is clear ........ I back Postie on this one .. we don't wan't petty big fish / little pond politics here.. SH is about sex & swinging...
........Anything else is just small people trying to be big people wearing oversized clothes.

'We' being whom? You or the people in charge?
Who says all people going to Chams aren't after sex? Is there a knitting circle there we are unaware of?
Why do you have to make the Chams thread something that resembles a munch with 'only people you like' allowed on the list? Is it to make you feel you have more friends? Or less?
If its 'all about sex and swinging' why include some and not others on the list? Who's being petty now wishmaster? Do the people you don't like have less rights to have their names mentioned?
Are you following me........ again!!!...... geez...
Quote by lusty_modesty
Now and then, we get newbie asking for advice on meet and one of the usual recommendations they get is for them to attend a Munch. Would this be a problem for some of you out there?
For me personally, I’d be more worried sick of meeting someone I know from the workplace or neighborhood etc. I wonder if this has happened to anybody as with the case of the major regional Munch expected to have up to 300 people attending.
I’ve actually met a staff from my workplace in my partner’s ‘grandish’ party held outside our region…crikey. Obviously I was very happy to see this person and we chatted merrily but at a Munch, Jesus what would you say?
redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Er........ if you meet ppl at a 'sex' party that you know / recognise they can hardly grass on you coz you can grass on them...
If being 'outed' as a swinger is such a big issue maybe you should be a swinger at all....... I had this discussion in the chat room and got shot down in flames but I still have the opinion that if someone doesn't like me or my lifestyle then fook them .... this is my life and it's expiring by the minute... !!!
Quote by rogerthedragon
In reply to the comment by Mal.... I have just seen it, he is refering to my steam room rant, and I am trying to reply. Without getting myself into more fucking aggro...... so bear with me, while i type... and delete what is inappropriate. Because being threatened by a Mod to explain myself or else suffer a "pointed" thread... even though it is being dealt with by another Mod, and even though i haven't stepped outside of the AUP's, and even though i made no official complaint when it involved bolloxed up rumours started by one of these two about myself, yet felt it right to make a comment when i felt these two were trying to destroy something set up by someone else... doesn't make me wrong. I stand by what i said. I still can't be arsed to, as i said to you Mal, to go checking back over months worth of sly comments... I haven't the time nor the inclination to get embroiled into some kind of vengeance war over the banning of Libra-Love. But i guess i am going to have to now, aren't I ? now you have posted as "just a member" (which you didn't tell me you were when you were saying i had to tell you in pm.. you were acting as a Mod) .... but I am fucked if i am going to report to you.... I will report the links which made me think they were sniping to whichever Mod asks me... but not one who says I have to or else suffer their terrible wrath........
And to make matters worse.... Mal, if i get banned for saying that... I know of one person who told me to tell you to piss off as it was none of your business, and for their advice I am truly thankful . I don't know what kind of fucked up war i got myself involved in.. but it didn't start until i volunteered to chaperone people at the Leicester munch, ... since then.. it's gone to shit. I offer to do something I thought was worthwhile to make a successful Munch and get dragged into all sorts of weird internal politics i want nothing to do with, which may be well documented if you ask around other Mods, And before that... was i even on your radar???? Ask yourself that.....Mal.

You were not the only person to know what they were up to and at least one of the "ladies" in question knew she was being talked about and was particularly smug about it.
The comments they made may have not been blatant but they were deliberately worded to be subtle but inflamatory.
And at the time the people concerned were having a lot of fun at trying to stir a lot of shit.
Roger the Dragon
P.S. - A lot of good having a steam room that is cleared out every few days if you are going to dredge last months dirty washing up isn't it Mal?
Roger is a smart man who has seen through clear glasses..
Take a peek at the Chams thread.... all is clear ........ I back Postie on this one .. we don't wan't petty big fish / little pond politics here.. SH is about sex & swinging...
........Anything else is just small people trying to be big people wearing oversized clothes.
Quote by HornyRed
Im afraid me and dino, will have to ask for our names to be removed from the list.
Hope you all have a good time.

Sorry you can't make it... next time perhaps........ names removed.
Quote by bluexxx

Single guys or couples that I know and have met before ONLY please!!!!!

People either cannot read or they choose to ignore what has been written. Can I say AGAIN..... people I know or have met before does not mean people I do not know or have not met before rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll: .... PLEASE do not PM if you do not fit the bill :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
You'll just have to wait until after the 22nd October then won't ya..... coz I havent met ya yet. lol
...David... put a good word in for me m8... mucker....... pal........ wink
Quote by stoke-cpl
I assume you will be travelling down the M6 towards Brum on the Monday of your tour? If you are going past Stoke/Stafford about lunch time give me a shout and we could have a beer and a bite to eat, help you to break up your journey?

Hi Tom,
Yes, I will be travelling past Stoke - stopping in Stoke too I hope.... so I'll be in touch nearer the time m8 and we'll hook up for a pint.

STOKE Wishy :shock: :shock: :shock: are you feckin mad :silly:
Feckin STOKE :shock: :shock: :shock: best thing you can do when ya get to stoke wishy is keep goin mate bolt :bolt: ya may never get out again if ya stop in stoke :upset: :upset: rotflmao :rotflmao:
Well the plan was to stop by and have a fiddle with Mrs Stoke-cpl but if it's as bad as you say then have her waiting by the side of the road and I'll have a quick grope as I zoom past ...... pmsl.....
Quote by postie

I lost mine btw.... must have been back at the hotel wink

Oh no Wishy :shock: Postie must have been on the loose again!! known (badge tleaf)
must av nicked it when you fell asleep in the corridor lol
Damn... I seem to have come home with my own bleedin' badge.. how wrong is that ! Oh well... have to nick two badges at the North East munch now.... :lol:
Found It!!...... Call of the Witch Hunt.... Free the Postie 1..............
My own fault for being lazy..... its still attached to the T-Shirt I was wearing which is still attached to the coat hanger I hung it on when I stumbled back to my room which is still attached to my suit bag, which is still hanging where I put it when I got home on Sunday morning ....... God I need a woman!!!
Happy Birthday Blue
......... 21???... ............ Again??? ......... 11th year in a row???
hehehe... have a great night whatever you do......... I won't ask
Quote by kazswallows

and Kaz, I was unsuccessful in tracking you down, I was going to smackbottom for making the writing on the badges so small, but after much peering closely at ladies' chests, thanks :thumbup: , you did a fab job
Hope to see more of you at the next Munch.

that was the whole point :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Freckles.....anytime hun wink :wink: long as you dont forget the camera, i'm sure we could fit you in somewhere lol :lol:
kaz xxx
ps I forgot someone in my thankyou's :cry: :cry:
a big passionkiss to my wonderful hubby who patiently sat there stuffing bits of card in plastic sleeves and organising them into cpl's, single male, single fems for easy access once we got there kiss
For all the thanks about the badges, I would just like to say again, it was a joint effort between Ice, myself and SirLee and I promise that I will never think again that it is a quick 5 minute job to print, chop and took hours and hours and hours confused well done Ice you do this all the time :kiss:
NEVER AGAIN :lol: :lol:
Well at least you are as sexy as ya fookin avatar no matter how long ya slaved over them badges....... I lost mine btw.... must have been back at the hotel :wink:
Add my conflabs to that lot too...... lovely lovely couple... been a real pleasure meeting, knowing... and occassionally playing with yas this past year.... wink
Have a great day Tanina..... and a nice time tonight both of ya ....
Birthday and Anniv on the same day confused: ... guess that's one guaranteed shag of the year ..... hehehe
My daughter once explained where babies come from ...... she said ........"There is a big conveyor belt in the sky and we all go along it and when it's our turn to be born God is there with a stamp and he stamps it on our tummies saying 'Your Done! Your Done! Your Done!' .. and that's how we get belly buttons!" ..... this is my fookin ex wife talking to her innit!!!!
Count us in Pebbs!!! (I'll check with poppies later but should be ok)
We'll probably get the whole hotel this time .... hehehe
Chris & Nikki xxxxx
There has been reference made to the rights of the people who use this website and that users basically have no rights, that they are subject to the changing dicates of the site owner (that's not an attack there simply a fact). Yes, Mark has absolute perogative to change the rules as and when he sees fit as it is HIS website. He wasn't asked to build it - he did it of his own accord and if it were my website then I would be bloody offended if someone tried to force my hand in it's administration.....
.....But..... (there always is one)..........
There is a trade off between absolute control and asking people to come to the website and use it. It's not just a question of 'if we build it, they will come' but more 'if we build it right, they will stay'. When new members register and join SH they are agreeing to a set of rules clearly laid out in the AUP and it's these rules that should be adhered to - nothing else.... there is no grey area here..... did XYZ break a rule in the AUP and, if so, is a ban warranted, when maybe a warning would suffice? Continued breaches of the AUP by the same person shows a blatant disregard for the website and the people that use it and a ban is justified - as it is in real life - if you break the law you get 'banned' from society by being locked up. Only here it's locked out, a very effective punishment.
Rant over, now who wants a shag ... hehehe
Happy Birthday Shell me lickle darlin!!!
Hope you have a fantastic day sweetheart!!! ... Don't get too drunk ........ sod it.... go and get wasted ......hehehe....
Quote by hardnlusty owe me STILL! lol :twisted:

How could I forget HardnLusty in my thank you's. grrrr....... sorry .... and Lusty..... ONE DAY for sure babes. wink