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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63


PMT !!!!! now as a bloke I have to say THERE IS NO SUCH THING !!!! its all a ruse to make us feel sorry for you all....
quick Andy leg it before the gang find u and beat you to a pulp lol
yep sorry Blue you are totally correct.... no offense meant... but never having had a blow job from a bloke I cant comment but I would guess that like all things you get good and bad so to expand on the question... Guys/Girls what do you do (if your one of the gifted few that are great at giving blowjobs lol) pass on your tips to the world lol
After all the questions from blokes asking women what is best BIG/average/small dicks.... long/thick tongues etc etc it got me thinking.... what goes to make up a great blow job ?? I can never work it out lol... although I do know that for me most of the time its a massive let down lol.. maybe Im hard to please I dont know but very often Im thinking shit I wish she would stop doing this Im bored stupid... but then occasionally you find someone that somehow blows your mind... what the hell are they doing different ??? I wanna know cos I want to pass the secret on to all women for the sake of mankind lmao
My 1st sexual partner was oh errrrrr 26 yrs ago now at the ripe old age of 14 and i still remember every min of it and hold the girl in question with great fondness... does everyone feel the same I wonder ?
Sorry Corrie I have never heard of it either but going by what normally happens no doubt its some sort of trial which will be rolled out with a fee for the course and it will be just another form of indirect taxation on the poor motorist
WOW ok ok I didnt mean to court danger lol
RIGHT all the women line up here lets do a head count ! lmao
Should we advertise for some women folks as there never seems to be any here lol
Never tried before but thought about it and now want too.. any suggestions for good places around north wales or even better any women wanna come and try it with me lol
A question for all ... does size really matter ? whats more important looks or personality ?
hiya all now as I said before Im new to all this so be gentle lol.. Ive heard lots about dogging but must admit im intrigued as to what goes on !! anyone shed some light
Hiya all... well managed to get to Tuesday and nobody can say I havent given it my all but I just cant get into work at the mo.. must be spring in the air lol... any suggestions welcome for alternative way to spend the rest of the day lol
Ta Mal... well where do u start??.. I live just outside Chester although not from here moved up a year ago from Brighton... love it here tho and wouldnt go anywhere else for the world.. work far to bloody hard and have decided that lifes for living.. must be a midlife crisis thing im 40 in august lol
Aww thanks busty your hospitailty is very welcome ! Im new to all this so hopefully the ones in the know will show me the ropes although I tend to learn quickly lol.. anyway just stumbled over this site whilst bored at work nr chester and thought you all sounded fun and a thouroughly nice bunch.. oh andy stop creeping ur in now lol.. anyway hopefully my inbox will bulge with welcome notes xx