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2 days ago
Straight Male, 57
0 miles · Oxford


Hilarious and relatable! A rule of thumb with any photos is that a 10% success rate is pretty good, so when you're taking photos blind and can't even see the shutter release, let alone what's in frame / what's dripping all over the frame, then the odds are against you, however attractive the subject of the shot. Yes, tech can help but by the time you've learned all of the tech a). all the tech has changed and been upgraded and b). 'the moment' has very much passed by 😉

Thanks for making me chuckle whilst also giving it a saucy edge. Love it.

By 'roughly' I mean coastal, Downs, town . . .Nothing specific.

I'm just along the coast from you for the next week or two. Limited dogging experience but thinking I should enjoy more of it. Whereabouts (roughly) are you looking to meet?

I may be naive or perhaps just becoming cynical but I notice periodic flurries of 'New' single female members all within the same area from time to time. All are svelte and slim, most seem to have profile text along the same lines - almost to the extent that you could believe it was written by the same person. All look too good to be true. The words "pop-up" spring to mind.

Office sex? Great unless you're self-employed - in which case you really are just self employed!

Sometimes it's the thought, fantasy and expectation that gives the greatest pleasure. It's a bit like flicking through the travel brochures and looking at the carefully-taken pictures: being there isn't always the same, as there are all sorts of things that the pictures can't convey.

It could be that you do, ultimately, indulge in an entirely consensual threesome and all enjoy it but then never do it again, the remembering of it being enough added spice for your wife in your own sexual games. Fantasy and reality are very different places (that's rather the point, really). Let your wife find her own way. Perhaps see if she wants to exchange messages with someone and share them with you. If she wants to explore, find someone who's happy to go entirely at her pace and who's sensitive enough to her feelings to stop at once if she's at any point uncomfortable, otherwise it could go very bad indeed. It is meant to be fun, after all!

What feels good don't always do you good! Nature works by giving us an instant reward to encourage behaviour that can be short or long-term beneficial (such as eating good food or shagging someone who gets the sap rising) but tends to only instantly punish us for things that are immediately dangerous (such as burning our fingers or trying to shag a tiger). If it's long-term dangerous, there's less of a warning - and that means that critters can take advantage of the loophole. As well as being the source of much tasty pleasure, vaginas (and mouths) are great places to grow things, and cocks (and mouths) that visit more than one apparently healthy fun-park are great ways to spread those things liberally around. The same goes for rectal passages, with the added bonus for the micro-critter that the added abrasion makes infection so much easier. While the cocks and vaginas remain healthy and don't resemble respectively an off-putting flayed stoat with a heavy cold or a month-old taco with added mayo, then they can continue re-homing any freeloaders they carry.

So unless I know what's lurking in every crevice, under every tempting little hood or within each invisible pimple, then I'm putting a barrier between me and it, thankyou very much - even if it does reduce the sensation or require continual readjustment. Better that than waking up peeing lava and becoming a one-man walking petri dish!