i voted no, after all, what's an "appropriate picture" & who would be the judge? one man's meat is another man's poison.
if you look at a profile & it ain't got a photo on, jog on & ignore them if you don't like it, that's your right, just as it's their right not to put a photo up...no one's forcing you to fuck them, are they?
what's next, kick every single guy off the site if all they have is a cock photo? or everyone out of chat if they ain't on cam?
to paraphrase abraham lincoln, "you can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not please all of the people all of the time."
by the time i found the listing i couldn't remember what i was going to put lol
aye, put me down pls. just need to sort out which one of 4 is sharing me room lol
ok, payment is finally sent for,
sorry for the delay
ok, change of mind again lol. can you add me & sudan back to the list coming pls? ty
can you take us off the list pls as we won't now be coming
ok, can you put me & sudan down please? and can we have a list of hotels as well, thanks
great big thank you to you both for organising a great night & a big extra snog to tanina for the wonderful breakfast.
also a ty to everyone there for making us feel very welcome considering we knew hardly anyone. we can't wait to meet you all again sometime.
just had an idea, as stuart was dressed like a drag queen at one point singing on the karaoke (i have photos lol), can't he be like hrh queen elizabeth & have 2 birthdays a year,so we can have another party soon? pmsl
tony & storm (she's known as sudan on sh btw lol)
can confirm we'll be there for sure and crashing somewhere if you have room for 2 laid down pls lol
tony & storm
can't be arsed editing me first post, so will just type here to confirm me & storm will be coming, now i've checked with her & she's said yes...unless she changes her mind of course lol
if possible, can i put myself & sudan(storm) down as coming please?
jo & susie,
a big ty to both of you for a wonderful afternoon, well worth the 140+ mile round trip lol
for reasons i'm not going into here, myself & storm will now not be attending the munch.
hi jo,
know it's full etc, but if you get any drop outs or no shows, you're not that far away so count me in
hi freckledbird,
i've heard on the SH tom-toms that a few have dropped out last minute, so will a up-to-date list of those going be sent out?
count me & sudan in please,she's coming with me on the bike again
just re-confirming that i can make it, ty
ok, why do i need to "chill out" in relation to my last post? i was in a good mood when i posted it.
where in it do i slag anyone off for not saying hello to me? nowhere!!!
all i said was, quote "a big ty to those that actually took the time & came up & said hello to me, was nice meeting you lot (those that didn't, your loss pmsl)" end quote. notice the "pmsl" ? that means it was a joke & to be taken as such.
as i could only reconise about 7 people out of 40+ there from having met them before or from face cams (i was even looking for smiler at one point, stood not 3 foot from her & failing to know it was her, even though she has face pics on her profile), unless they said hello to me first (which some didn't), i never got to meet them & thus them meet me (which i do belive was the whole point of the social, to meet new people, or did i get that wrong too?).
i wasn't going to go up to people saying "hello, i'm bikertony, who are you?" & get a strange look 'cause i was talking to a joe public & not someone off here...
i now notice that the post this was refering to has been edited...
ok, first off, huge ty to smiler for last night, had a great time hun xxx,
huge ty to popeye for picking me & then kat up so we could go (popeye, i owe you a couple more beers i think lol & kat, you were drunk, so stop saying you wasn't lol)
& a big ty to those that actually took the time & came up & said hello to me, was nice meeting you lot (those that didn't, your loss pmsl)
hope there's another one soon.
ok people, bad news...i'm coming saturday lol
hello, i was on the main list but then things changed my end. well, they've changed again so now i am able to go if i'm still on the first list(on me todd, not as a couple as first planned). if not, it's ok, i'll try for the next one. sorry for the confusion, tony