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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
0 miles · E Riding of Yorkshire


ok, due to my accom for the night going tits up & not being told 'til 5 days beforehand, i'm 99% sure i won't be able to make this weekend.
as i now have no where to get changed i can't go by bike & have looked into getting there by train, but that means leaving at 5 to get catch 3 trains to get there for 7-45 only to have to be on a train again at 8-45 to catch the last one home, so fuck that for a game of soldiers.
if anyone plans another one closer to this side of yorkshire soon, could they let me know as this is the second social i've had to pulled out of now due to someone elses plans.
can i have a list of hotels please & ask as there's a limit on numbers allowed, what's the policy on bringing someone with me?
someone from blackpool moaning about doncaster lol the words pot, kettle & black spring to mind...
best thing to do is have a read of the second sticky down on this forum ( Dogging Hints and Tips ) and then ask questions about any points you need to, hope this helps mate and best of luck
i'm in east yorkshire so whitchurch is about 120 miles sw of me, but if anyone fancies a meet locally ( say at squires ) then a run on somewhere else, i'm game
ok, had a little bit of success friday night :twisted: , so i'm wonderin' if anyone has plans to be out in the hull / leeds / doncaster area triangle this saturday night, and / or sunday daytime? weather looks like it's goin' to be a bit better than last night too biggrin
there must be a blue moon as i have a free friday night for a change, so i'm wonderin' if there's anything happenin' in the hull / leeds / doncaster triangle this friday? open for pretty much anything and don't want to waste the freedom i have for a change lol surprised
ok, had a little bit of success friday night, so i'm wonderin' if anyone has plans to be out in the hull / leeds / doncaster area triangle this saturday night, and / or sunday daytime? weather looks like it's goin' to be a bit better than last night too