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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 55
Bi-curious Female, 54
0 miles · Surrey


£20 on its way to you xx wink Px
Quote by Ukwineman
only one reply :shock: come on couples you cant miss out on meeting this lovely couple, I have met them a few times on a social basis at munches and they are definately genuine.
Have fun smile
Sorry we're looking for couples only
Pink x
Quote by surreyswinging
Single Surrey male here, looking 4 meets this week. Wld b very interested, clean, genuine and discreet. Can cam/phone to show/prove genuine.
If interested let me know and will contact you x
Hot, sensual couple required for naughtiness with us on the evening of the Tues 2th August (we have a child free household and can accomodate). Perhaps a drink first, see if we get on and back to ours for steamy sex....see our advert and our profile - just because this is short notice it doesn't mean we forgo all the checks! Few messages between us and pics essential to check we're both what the other is looking for.
Despite our 'no meet' count on here (all our previous meets were before SHREP came in) we are a real couple, who do meet and really have sex!
Get in touch if you fancy the sound of us...
Pink xx
Quote by Jonny48
My offer still stands Pinky biggrin .Like ur sense of humour BTWay.

Thanks Jonny, looks like my mountain bike is gonna get a roasting! rotflmao
pink x lol
Quote by noladreams
by no replies,does it mean only boring old fogeys come on their hol here lol rolleyes ?

Clearly, Jonny there are all boring old fogeys on said Island too as we've had no darn luck LOL sad :roll:
pink x
Sorry for the hijack but kiss Hello blueandpink... long time no see!
Hi Nola, nice to be noticed! Sadly, no want wants a shag though :cry: :upset: :upset: hey ho, looks like a romantic weekend it is then just us two and our mountain bikes :lol2: :lol2:
pink x
Quote by Jonny48
by no replies,does it mean only boring old fogeys come on their hol here lol rolleyes ?

Clearly, Jonny there are all boring old fogeys on said Island too as we've had no darn luck LOL sad :roll:
pink x
Bumping again, surely there must be some hot, sexy couples on the Island?
Don't be scared, send us a PM...
pink x wink
Quote by Sarah
Welcome back

Hi Sarah
Thank you :kiss: Shan't be wearing my old posting boots again, just looking for an honest shag rotflmao during our child free weekend
pink x
Fecking singles males, can't they read? rolleyes :lol2:
Big kiss, Winey my lovely kiss and oh, nice try wink
pink x
We'll be in a hotel chilling for 3 nights with no kids and no inhibitions...maybe we might like the company of a hot, sexy couple for hot and fabulous sex in our room.
See our ad as to what we like, and feel free to PM us with details of yourselves. We can accomodate for the evening but not overnight.
pink x
Quote by Firelizard
There does come a time in everyone's membership I feel when you have seen and answered just about every question there is to ask on a forum about sex or otherwise and rather than inform people of the search button 6 times a day I prefer to keep the way clear for people who want to answer it constructively.

Yup same here. I always hated the whinging "It isn't like it used to be posts" and when I started feeling like I'd run out of steam/interest/positivity it was time to leave. Sadly, I think too many posters use forums to vent their anger/shoulder chips or general shortcomings on other people and then there's the Queen Bees who want everything revolving around them because the forum 'belongs' to them. It's the beast of online forums, whatever their subjects.
However, I believe that this hostility and negativity often puts new posters off.
It's a fascinating thesis on human psychology.
pink x
quick edit: ooh ooh Mr Peasley, I'm under Mr Powers! lol
Howdie forum folks wave
Hot topic for me currently (and close to my heart) as our 9 yr old son is having sex ed lessons this half term.
As mentioned, age appropriate is important (no Lost it is not wordy bollox, it is a sensible, descriptive phrase), but also information appropriate is an equally important factor I feel as many of you have mentioned about drip feeding information on a need to know basis such as the stallion/mare example. Sorry Whips, they do need to know before 11, maybe you are thinking they don’t need to know what sex is till then…but sex ed covers so much more than explaining just the act of sexual intercourse - puberty, changes, sex organs and feelings are all crucial things they need to know and very frankly many many (typically British sexually repressed) parents are too embarrassed to talk about it with their own kids and leave it to the teacher. We should send Splendid into schools in my opinion. :jagsatwork:
For example with some kids starting puberty as young as 8 (again mentioned by Whips), they all need to know what physical changes occur in the body and why it happens. This can be very basic at 6 (great book called “Hair in funny places” more detailed at 8 and so on…
I talk to my eldest son about stuff as he asks and as FB says in a language he understands. I also deliver this without fannying around (‘scuse the pun) and don’t get embarrassed about using proper words. He happily tells anyone about vaginas. They are simply girls’ bits just as much as his willy is. He has books around he can read at his leisure, and he knows I will always ask any questions. Last weeks’ question “What is sperm made of?” I simply said it is a fluid manufactured by the body, that’s how clever our bodies are. He was happy with that. He was also happy with the explanation of why I stick a piece of cotton up my vagina every month. I told him I have a period, like all girls do which means I can make a baby if I choose to. “Does it hurt?” was all he asked next!
His latest book I’ve just bought him called “Let’s talk about girls, boys, bodies, families and friends” (Walker) is clear, concise, written with humour and great illustrations. It explains girls’ and boys’ body parts, body changes , eggs and sperm, making a baby, pregnancy and growing baby, OK and not OK touches, being friends with the opposite sex. Another brilliant one is “What’s happening to me?” (Usborne) which talks about voice breaking, shaving, body changes, different looking willies and breasts. It is brilliantly illustrated and written in a cool and humorous way.
The next stage up for 10-14 year olds I have bought but will keep for a while is “Let’s talk about sex” (Walker) and goes into much more detail about puberty, sexual touching and intercourse, feelings, straight and gay, masturbation, STI’s, abuse etc.
Seeing as this topic has got me out of my non-posting box, I shall carry on…
Davina McCall did a programme a few years ago abut sex ed in the UK compared to Holland. In a nutshell their sex ed is much earlier and much more explicit but they have the lowest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe whilst ours is somewhere near the top. Enough said.
Right back in me box. :gagged:
When I first started posting, I used to get annoyed by the constant people saying the forum wasn't as good as it used to be and that many of the great posters had gone (hence subtly belittling present day posters somewhat). If regular posters got fed up with the repeat topics and no longer contributed to the threads because they had done so many times in the past, then I questioned why they stayed and moaned rather than being proactive in creating a new vibe.
This is the stage I have got to, bored by the same old topics, I no longer have anything productive to say, hence I don't post anymore. We could learn a lot from Thumper "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all". I don't want to be one of the whingers I used to dislike myself.
Forums always go through this cycle and it's up to new people to keep it going with current, intersting and mainly positive posts. Yes there are always contentious issues and posters but there is still no need for outright rudeness that's been shown plenty in the past. Even stupid plonker newbies (let's face it we've seen many) with badly thought out twattish first posts can be ignored rather than shot down in flames.
But... if I see a really good swinging related thread I may just be tempted to post, as I always say this ain't a bleeding knitting circle and I used to love the serious swinging threads discussing interesting related issues.
pink x
We don't like to play during cycles. Not a nice thought for us I'm afraid. As an aside the STI risks are higher I believe when a woman is menstruating.
Anyway, we always plan our meets around my periods and as I have natural, short and not always regular cycles this can be a pain, especially working around another woman's cycle and two sets of babysitters!.
With regard to a meet, only once did I get caught out, which was on my fecking BIG birthday, I had a shorter period than I have EVER had in my life. And to make it worse the other lady had taken the period delaying pill specially so we could play on this big party night. Bloody frustrating, quite literally. mad
Splendid. Just spin a nice tale about a special anniversary weekend. Worked for our friend. wink
Quote by smoothsilk
I just want to say that tbh he has chosen to move to a house by a school knowing full well it will be busy at certain times of the day.......If he really doesnt like it then why live there dunno

and that gives other people the 'right' to bad manners and a lack of common courtesy?
Quote by Dawnie

maybe i am odd, but i would never chose to inconvenience someone else, just because i had a RIGHT to do so.

You're not odd, I wouldn't do it either.
Now I've had a small child and twins and had to leave home half an hour before I should just so I could park safely to get small child to and from school safely and legally. Its tough but I couldn't inconvenience someone else through bad manners and rudeness confused
Here here to both points :thumbup:
Sorry Lyns, he may be offically and legally in the wrong but I don't think it's very neighbourly to knowingly block someone in. The rest of this post isn't directed at you - honest kiss - it's just this topic is a bit of a bugbear of mine. Both our kids' schools have constant problems with people parking inappropriately and it's only fair we respect the residents and our local community. After all we all live together.
It drives me up the wall the amount of seemingly sensible parents who park on a road within 5 metres of a very busy road, thus causing potentially dangerous incidents when cars turn into this road. Parents that can't be arsed to park and walk and end of blocking in other people or worse ambulances (yes this did happen in our school). Parents that block pavements for pedestrians or buggies to get past. Parents driving too fast in a school area. Parents reversing willy nilly (often without looking properly) and three point turning to save going round the block. Ludicrous around any school but expecially an infant school.
Phew - I shall calm down now.
pink x
The GP diagnosed a burst blood vessel and warned Flower to take life a little easier.
Ah, glad you lot have said this, I had drafted a reply this morning very similar to FB's in that this is a very very different situation, but deleted it not wanting to sound controlling and not letting everyone have their say in a thread even if off tangent.
pink x
Quote by splendid_
I am thoroughly blessed and say 'wow' daily. My son is the chief cause. But my friends make me 'wow' a lot too. At work I say good and bad 'wows'
I love my life and I am very happy.
I love the sky at night where the colours, particularly during winter, are crisp and clear. With hues of pink and blue merging with the clouds. I have a phone/camera full of different local landmarks that make me wonder at the effort that has gone to create a building that has lasted hundreds of years without our new machinery. A local landmark with a beautiful sky behind it is a double wow.
My son's excitement as he has learnt something new about people and/subjects at school. His enthusiasm about a film, console game, a friend all make me 'wow'.
Any of my friends sending me a text just to say they love me can make me 'wow' with happiness as I know they have thought about me at probably the same time I have thought of them.
My friends and I all send each other cards and letters too and they make me 'wow' too.
There is a lot to wow over. Perhaps you are looking in the wrong places fire......
can I help you with your 'wow'? wink

I'm with Splendid here (oo er :wink: )
I particularly get wow's from landscapes/views being very lucky to live in a beautiful area with fabulous views. It rubs off on my kids cos they often say "Wow look at that fantastic view Mummy". Our Picasa is full of arty shots Blue has taken of amazing architecture with sunny backgrounds or close up's of food at local markets. I get wow's from people I know who achieve amazing things despite their handicap. I got a wow yesterday when Blue bought me home a 20p flump for Valentine's day.
And funny you mention Aquariams. I was very cross with the crap London Aquariam for an overpriced, shabby building, mingy shark tank and no baby changing facilities (it was a few years ago) and only a shite they call food MacDonald's offer at the end. Grrr.
I digress. Fire, not sure cos I've not been around much but I think it sounds as if you feeling down at the moment sweetie. kiss I know if I have fed up periods or stuff just gets too much in RL, I see life in a different way and find more negatives than positives. Tis our human nature when things get tough. That's when I know I have to change something. Easy to say, not so easy to do though.
pink x
The urge was too strong - Flower decided to try a baseball cap in an effort to look younger and hipper
Petey :rose:
Roses are red
Tulips are yellow
suck on my t**s
till I go all mellow
Naughtygoo, a girl after my own heart, the outfit sounds like a similar one I've worn in clubs wink
Trouble is the kids mights raise an eyebrow if I was dressed like that when Blue gets home redface
pink x
After 10 pints, Dawnie passed out on the floor saying over and over again "I will not fancy women"