'Hello', I'm bollocks, 28 male from gloucester
I have been lurking for a while and thought for shits and giggles I would actually register
I normally just enjoy reading the adverts and if I am honest have always found the ads in contact mags etc kewl fun to read lol, hey thats just me I suppose
Anyhoo, if luck would have it I hope to indulge myself in some of the sexy fun you folks seem to like so much
I usually peruse the women looking for guys ads but I must say some of the dudes in the TV/TS section look very nice, not sure if it is my thing but some of them do look fetching lol
Oh and finally, is the 'fuck buddies' site that a few women seem to have in their links in the ad section genuine or is it spam?, the reason I ask is because upon clicking the link it merely goes to the fuckbuddies main site with no trace of the original girl in the ad?
Well thats me, cheers!