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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 52
Bisexual Female, 58
0 miles · West Midlands


thanks dean, was a fab night out. only problem we had was a guy at the end of the night dropping his jeans for my missus and already having a condom on, recycling is good but that was just wrong. if it was you, get a 3 pack next time and you might not look an idiot lol
Hi Dean can you put us down plz? I used to be 'exxxiled33' on here if u remember me from ages ago. Coupled up now so change of name but still the same idiot!
Bonkers6969 xxx
Thanks for adding us princess, might even have some jelly to bring!
Not gonna get there til 8ish so will jelly be all over by then?
i'll go and climb under my rock for another month i think....
actually can u climb under something? english is a funny language
i quoted tigger, and made a few comments about chatroom servers/sticky back plastic/w'up liq bottle tops and when i viewed post the comments werent there, only the quote...unless im not very with it today....has been known rolleyes
oh dear looks like an op edited my post about the servers...rather heavily too....was it the washing up liquid bottle top bit u didnt like op?
Quote by tigger2000
Anyone else getting problems entering the chatroom. The screen freezes and the only button active is the 'new room' one.
Or is it just my PC?
gonna try the vampire thing, shame im straight or wouldve got 700 !
:evil2: :beer: :giggle: :thrilled: :smoke:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I've heard of 'middle-age burnout' but that's ridiculous !
How many times have I told you not to smoke in bed ?

:giggle: :giggle: And he said it's just coz he's hot stuff :giggle: :giggle:
be honest, who passed sheddy the joke exploding cigar? own up!
i might change my name to bivvy then.
:happy: :happy: :happy: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
shed- tent two are completely different. Have seen inside the shed whats inside the tent? Then I'll decide

It is full of bloody magots lol
Fair warning.
its definitely not full of maggots, :shock: strange smelling buckets maybe but NO MAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!! :shock:
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
Whisphering to Cplbbw,
As Mik has gone and got rid our beloved shed, we could always be very naughty and go and camp out in Exxxiled33's tent, looks very nice, what you think? Should we abondon the shed and go for the tent, could be fun :twisted:

You can always pop in here for a warm, sticky friendly greeting hun xx >>>>

I mean you have seen it before and will see it again next month lol
phredd :love:
where does scooby and shaggy sit?
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
my bivvy is nicer than either i reckon, but old one had charm, sort of.

No way = what you have there is a Murder tent ..
Stick maggots on a hook attached to a roach pole and drown them lol
actually its boilies and 2 1/4 tc carp rods but NWC and BBWCPL are welcome to share a cuppa and a bacon sarnie on my bedchair anyday
I havent read all the post completely but benefits should be capped at a reasonable amount, why should 10 honest people go to work and pay taxes to keep these spongers in fags, lambardi and cheap fish fingers for their offsprings teas?? Bring back national service i say!
works best if u are webcammin with someone, its always funny seeing someones feet appear where their head should be.
Quote by tweeky
I once rang up for a job in the paper that turned out to be collecting (tin shaking) for charity and they told me I would be in places like the entrance to large superstores. Here is the best bit do you want to know how they paid you? ... 49% of what you collected was what you took home, so I never put money in tins anymore. I also have a slight issue with giving to cancer charaties as I know lots of new drugs get researched but half the time the helath authority then says it cant afford it.
Mr Tweeky

the absolute worse offenders are the charity rose sellers in pubs. I know a girl who drovethese people around, she got paid, the people in the pubs got paid, their boss got paid and about 3p out each pund was then put into a "trust fund" for the charities. Makes me sick especially as i'd been daft enough to empty my wallet out for them one night just after my mum got diagnosed with cancer. If you see anyone selling roses in pubs do the world a favour and thump them for me please. Or at least trip them over..
This has given me the cracking idea of doing a sponsered shag-a-thon. I'll need about 100 woman and i will personally donate a shiny pound coin per woman to any charity anyone likes especially. This event will be held round my house tomorrow night. Sign up via PM asap. come on girls, its for charadeeeee!!
was from dahn sarf, but now yam are a brummie, will have to move oop north soon though i think, find a little hotspot of swinging up there maybe... :bounce:
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
here you go exxxiled

Shaz and Tony lol

thanks tony n shaz, i cant remember doing that, how do you actually grab it then? is it a big secrtet or am i a bit daffy t :happy: o have such knowledge?
is there multiple fridges? i must be on the annoying geek fridge cos someone keeps herding the letters like a little letter shephard mad
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
how do u do a screen grab?

I seen your name there also lol, was trying to help you !
Shaz x
i saw someone writin swing heaven so i was helping, probably hindering more but i do try! we had shaz n tony and exxxiled up for about 20 secs so not bad. Don't tony know how to grab screen? my o my, a computer engineer as well...terrible :silly: