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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 53
0 miles · Doncaster


Just a heads up regards Robin Hood in Doncaster. I'm sure you know the actual spot where I mean. A couple of times I've been down recently and towards the end of the track a group of youths sitting in a car perhaps 3 possibly 4 I'm not sure. On one occasion one was wearing a plain white mask just stood outside the vehicle, if you've seen the movie The Purge you'll know the type I mean, he just staring in as I drove past and said something aimed at me I couldn't understand, it was in chav I think but I don't think it was "good evening sir, nice night for it". I'm sure they're not there for adult fun, they're barely adults by the looks of them but at the same time there were 2 or 3 other cars parked up along the track, just single guys but they obviously hadn't been put off by their presence so I don't know what to make of it.

 I just thought it worth mentioning as it may put some off even though it is only the twice out of many times I have been.


Male seeking the impossible maybe. I know we're in the majority but who knows. Never really tried dogging but visited a local spot last evening, a few cars around but didn't get to see anything as the only thing happening seemed to be pre arranged. Probably a good thing as I wasn't thrown in the deep end so to speak. I would love to find a couple who are happy to be watched by a clean, discrete, none pushy guy who respects and understands all boundaries and is happy to walk away without any interaction should that be the case or equally partake as much as you are comfortable with. If this sounds interesting then please drop me a message.


Pretty much as the title says. I bought my starter kit Thursday and upto today I haven't touched a regular cig since. Thats about 4 days smoke free smile I appreciate the nicotine is still there but you can gradually reduce dosage so to speak. Just like patches etc.
I've joined a related forum and the advice I'm getting is a bit overwhelming there is an awful lot of various kits and mods available. I really had no idea how big that business is.
Anyway who's tried it, who's doing it and what sort of success are you having if any ?
I imagine Bonnie will be devastated by the news theres so many single males on here and being informed of such stats. rolleyes
Quote by noladreams

Gosh thats terrible

I have, on several occasions, booked a hotel for a meet and been stood up. And I'm defo not a single male! :giggle:
Still a bit shit though.
Shocking and a thorough investigation should be started and a very angry letter filed at least.
Being stood up, well we've been fortunate enough for that not to happen, but we've only had a couple of meets from here. I wouldn't take it as personal I don't think as initially the other party was obviously interested but probably got cold feet and just came up with an excuse. If someone was to say they'd had a better offer as someone mentioned I think would most definately be a bit of a downer.
Hi all, no doubt theres going to be a real idiot explanation coming my way but I thought we had the extras package wheras now it appears not. I'm thinking it was maybe just a yearly package but for some reason I'm also thinking it may have been a lifetime package.
B&C xx
Hi all, I'm just wondering is there a members list ? reason being is I can sort of remember a couple of usernames that we've had online contact with but we have no record of the exact name. A member list might help, although I appreciate theres over a million members.
Decided to make a new thread as the last was refering to Thursday. This one we can just update.
We're hopefull free tonight to meet with couples or dare we dream single bi curios females.
Take a look at our profile theres quite a bit on there and if you feel we may be what you are looking for then drop us a message.
B&C xx
Looks like we could be free tonight, Friday, fingers crossed. The mailbag isn't looking very healthy though. In fact it's looking desolate lol.
B&C xx
Hi all, hopefully we are going to be free this Thursday 23rd July, fingers crossed lol.
We would love to hear from a curious or experienced bi-fem looking to maybe meet with a couple who want to expand their horizons. We are friendly and non pushy and totally respectful of boundries and realise these steps can be quite nervy as they are for us.
We know thats an extremely difficult category to seek new friends in and accept that totally.
With this in mind we would also be interested in hearing from couples where maybe the fem is curious to explore her bi side. This doesn't mean only the females would play we would just see where things took us and if we were all comfortable. We have played in a mmf situation before and very much enjoyed it. Clyde is not however looking for any MM contact other than what usually happens in the course of things.
Take a look at our profile and hopefully that will give a little more insight to who we are.
Hope to hear from some like minded couples soon.
B&C xxxx
Im in Yorkshire and they reckon swine flu is virtually none existent here. It just don't fancy trying to mix it us with us Yorkshire folk.
Bugger bugger bugger, kids cadet camp cancelled so it looks like any fun is to. Not that the inbox was overflowing sad . Scaredy cats.
Oh yeah, I've been in there a few times and I keep expecting to see naked writhing bodies, but theres just bouncy letters. How disappointing don't you think ? I'll try again see if they're in there yet and I'd be sure to let you know :silly:
Thanks for that Anais, I've only been using forums for about 5 years or so, so it's still new to me dunno lol. My idiot moments are many.
Oh !! why didn't I see that ? I even searched our username but couldn't find it. Twilight zone me thinks.
I posted in the lets meet up section last night and for some reason the thread has disappeared. I'm pretty sure I didn't post anything against site rules in fact I'm certain I didn't. The thread was titled "Free Weekend" maybe some of you saw it ?
Could somebody or maybe a mod enlighten me ?
We've got a free weekend kids are away from Friday evening until Sunday, my whatever shall we do with all our free time confused: :twisted: . Suggestions on a postcard or bare ass, whichever is to hand biggrin . Suggestions from bi females would be very welcome and read with a great deal of interest 69position , theres an original idea around here lol. Bonnie is curious purely for educational purposes you understand. wink
B&C xxx
Johnny Vegas a very funny guy.
The character Steve McDonald from Corrie a really funny character.
Peter Alliss the former golfer now comentator for the interesting and amusing conversation.
The late George Best to get you in any club in the land.
Gene "genie" Hunt character from Life on Mars / Ashes to Ashes.
Hmmm my choices may well say something about my own character there.
Quote by Sara_2006
a;so have you noticed that it is calculated 'as the crow flies' not how far it is by road

Yes, that will have been for the members among us who prefer to use there helicopters.
We've only had the one meet from SH and it was sucessfull si I can't really comment on the question.
I have noticed a few comments on "timewasters" around the forums and chatrooms though. The only way I could think of sorting the chaff so to speak is by having a sticky where after a succesful meet if parties consented they could just post a username. No other details than that, just the name. Nothing personal needs to be given away afterall it could just be a social drink.
I don't know if thats much of an idea, probably not.
I think profiles come into things quite alot I wouldn't be interested in a member with no profile text. The problem here is though that new members don't appear to be able to have text anymore unless they pay for full membership but they may be very genuine.
It's a toughie.
ps were genuine hehe wink
Right heres my pennys worth, I always believed the cuckold thing to be a sort of roleplay thing where one partner usually the male is treated as not enough by the female part of the couple and she therefore takes lovers and it's a case of him having to put up with it. These lovers are quite often taken in front of the cuckold partner in a sort of humiliation game. I'm sure it's not really humiliating to the male otherwise it wouldn't be much of a fun game to play there has obviously got to be some sort of turn on for it to work.
Thats my basic idea of it anyway but it got me wondering if there was a more in depth explanation available so as google is my friend I asked him. It appears Shakespeare used the cuckold idea in many of his plots as a good basis for murder and revenge.

Just had a look at prices on his account. It seems they've gone up quite alot. We paid just under £20 for xtras but it does seem he'd have to pay alot more to enjoy the same benefits such as the chatroom etc.
Just my humble opinion but a big increase might put a few off. Not looking forward to our Xtras package expiring if we want to renew.
Hi all, a friend of mine has just joined SH but he can't access the chatroom when he clicks the link. He's tried on my pc signed into his own account but just can't get in. My account B&C is fine. Does this mean he now has to be an Xtra / premium member to use the rooms ?
Also on the subject of Xtra accounts has the cost changed ? We paid around £20 for Xtras but it appears to be much more than that now according to the prices that came up on screen ?
To me if it's legal, everybody is happy to go along with it, nobody is getting hurt and you don't feel any need to hide it in any normal circumstances then I wouldn't say it was creepy. I can see how some people may say it was innapropriate if for example the banter was in the workplace, but if it's not offending anybody and the girls in question are in no way uncomfortable or offended then it's not creepy, but each to there own.
I can only give my view (Clyde) as Bonnie leaves most of the SH stuff to me unless she's feeling the world deserves some boobie on cam lol.
I know your looking for a womans view but my opinion is based on good open honesty and converstaion with Bonnie that we both can say what we feel when in conversation about this lifestyle.
I love to see Bonnie enjoying herself, the look on her face when she's in a mmf threesome and the reliving it afterwards when it's just us two. I'm not at all worried if the guy is bigger in the willy department than me or fitter than me. It's me she loves and I'm one of the lucky people who knows without reassurance he's loved. We just think that sex is sex love is love and the two are not exclusive to each other.
Our only rules are if one of us has a doubt then we simply don't do it. We haven't been in an ffm situation and sometimes I think that bothers Bonnie that I'll want to push in that direction but if it happens then hey great if not it aint the end of the world I have a great girl who knows how I like things already.
What I'm saying is have a few rules or boundaries that make it easy not to do something and make sure both partners can say no I don't want to do that. If you do this then nobody will be doing anything just for there other half. Talk about any plans make sure it's something you both want. If your partner doesn't want something and you feel massively let down by it then it's not a good idea in anycase and you need to step back and re-evalutate things.
Just my opinion but this works for us and I know I don't have to worry about how she's feeling about things as I know she'll tell me before it gets to a worrying stage.
Quote by Resonance
It's not the size of our bits.
It's the reaction to it that often decides how we feel about it.
I find the sniggering and pointing and the use of telescopes a little off putting but I've grown to live with it.

Yes and along with the pointing and sniggering such comments as "It's like a cock but smaller"
Theladyisaminx I do notice though you say "6inches plus is enough for a lot of women" It's the plus we worry about, you see your saying the national average is ok but with plus lol.
Personally I would say I'm happy with what I have. Bonnie does say though I have the nicest looking one she's seen, now do I add and shes seen a few... best not eh.
Oh this could go on for a while.
Quote by Dirtygirly
Oh come on... that's half a story!!! :giggle:
What's the other half? :rascal:

I'm not saying a word hehe.
I was thinking along the lines of this topic earlier after a recent experience. I've had a fantasy, well it was more Bonnies to start with and have often got off on it alone or with Bonnie then afterwards I've had a slight not much, feeling of guilt afterwards. Anyways this fantasy became a reality recently and I felt no guilt at all, a little embarassed but guilt, nope. Struck me as a little odd really.
Being able to enjoy silence together not feeling the need to entertain them, just being content that there with you.