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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57


Doh! Wish I had of read these lastnight.
I'm off to Poland for xmas, do you think they participate over there?
Perhaps well try again after xmas, even if the christmas chocolate has all run out I will go out and buy a load just for you girls!.
Perhaps we should arrange a meet in the Cadburys chocolate factory? how much fun would that be? lol
Shame! guess i'll be having a lonely but yummy evening with me, myself and my chocolate then! biggrin
O.k o.k I know its really to cold to be out and about in this artic weather but just wondering if anyone felt like generating some heat the fun way this evening?. Surely it beats listening to the boiler kicking on and off all night. And if it entices the girls I've got plenty of chocolate! rolleyes
L lol L
Thanks for that. Now that I am suitably armed with lines smoother than Kylies rear I feel I am ready to embark on a lifetime of adventure! wink
But just because someone has a pc and has made an effort to join this or other sites doesn't mean they are not Pratts. They could still be the type that barges to the front and automaticaly expects service just because they have made the effort to attend the venue!. And any respect.
And there lies the problem for the rest of us. For example Jackie and Ben (hope you don't mind being used as an example) live in my area and oh boy I would love to meet with them. However they don't know me or anything about me so would understandably be reluctant to meet on the fly so how would i prove to them that I am serious and respectful type without meeting them?
P.S Jackie and Ben that was just an example no offence.
You forgot "what sort of thing goes on here then?"
But in there defence it is quite difficult to know what to say to someone your hoping to have sex with on the fly.
Maybe the couples and girls may be so kind to make some suggestions as to what us single guys should be saying to break the ice! redface
Sadly can't make tonight but am about tomorrow night in the medway area if interested?
nice web site by the way biggrin
Yeah maybe we are the Pratts and they are the sensible ones!! redface
What a terrible shame for all us pratts out there that we haven't been graced by your presence of late :cry:
Sadly I doubt if theres anyone on this site that hasn't run into Pratt of the week at some point. As popularity grows in this pastime it sadly always attracts those fools who don't give a shite about anyone else as long as they get unload!
From what I understand these people have brains so small that there only matched by the size of their cocks!
Hi all
Just wondering if anyone would like tomeet for some fun in the Maidstone/medway area on the 15th? If so send me a PM.
Come on get in the festive spirit!!!
Why thank you Serendipity. I will bare that in mind and try and make myself a little more vocal in the forum.
P.S great legs by the way lol
I know how you feel! I have asking for people to PM me with any other sites around the Kent area for ages but never get any replies. :cry:
Yep you have to say Kent certainly can be fun!!
Can you also PM me of your locations. It sure would be nice to check out some new areas.
Love the bums by the way.
First off may I also add my compliments to Jackie and your stunning bum! along with the stunning other parts. I normally attend a location near Maidstone but am frustrated at just how crowded it has become and the lack of etiquette. As a result I am looking for new locations, I live in the Rochester area and wondered if anyone could PM me locations in and around that area. I would be especially gratefull if Jackie and Ben would enlighten me of there favourite locations cause it sure would make my day to meet Jackie out on a fun night out!. lol
Cheers people
Any chance you can PM me the details as well? Location etc. Usually go to a place Maidstone way but its got so crowded there now its ridiculous and I am therefore looking for new spots. It would be most appreciated.
My thanks to the couple who were out in the Cobtree area of Kent on Friday night. I was beggining to believe this dogging thing was just all hype. But finnally I got to participate and what fun it was. So a big thanks to them if they use this site.
Any fun in kent tonight? If anyone knows of any activities tonight in Kent please PM me with details. I seem to be unable to get a response from anybody. :cry:
I am new to all this and as a result still trying to find good safe locations. If anyone knows of any such locations in the medway area of kent please pm me the details. It would be much appreciated.