hello mr ben n friends everything uve said is true.
happy doggin m8
lou n col
this site is alright (for saying its free)
we have found loads of people up 4 it!!!!
lou n colxxx
hi there this may sound weird but is the enigma still open there??
mny thnks lou n col xx
hi guy's god!!!!! has he got a missus????????if he has i suppose it can just be ur little secret!!!!!!!!!!
col n lou xxx
hi hunni,
can i just say from ur pic u look very pretty.
secondly what sort of thing u looking for?
we are from derby 19f n 26m
pm if ure interesed????
lou n col
im gutted she aint interested in me!!!!
u aint the only 1 who wishes the flag was smaller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just like the look of u mmmmmmm!!!!!!!
im sorry but the police force are wnkas they ought to be cracking down on smak heads!!!!!!!!!!! not with nature!!!!!!!
hi ginger jo can we have some photos?????
love lou n col
think we have spoken to you before,let us know when you can do full sex
col n lou xxx
i think bums are great although may i say blokes have go really small arses!!!!!!!!!!!!except my fella he's go a tidy arse.
why is it if they see a woman from behind they think that if her arse is good shes fit.
well at least i can say im sexy with a sexy arse most women carnt say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love my arse being touched n kissed every part of a womans body is great!!!!!unless she looks like michelle mcmanus(if you can remember what she looks like)
lou xx
hi there col n lou here,
our4 favorate smell is just after sex its great the best infact!!!!!!!
so there u go n e 1 agree????
col n lou xx
well like the majority say......masturbation is good for you plus god wouldnt of put our clit there if he just wanted it to be sexual things should be talked about freely nowadays people just think its a cosha subject,fair enough you wouldnt discuss it ova your roast parsnips on a sunday with your mum and dad but all the same sex and self stimulation is great!!!!!!people should be more open and experimental maybe it would stop partners from as my lovely fella has just said sexual eperiences should be kept abit quiet it keeps the excitement there!!!!!
happy shgin
lou n col xxxxx
well like the majority say......masturbation is good for you plus god wouldnt of put our clit there if he just wanted it to be sexual things should be talked about freely nowadays people just think its a cosha subject,fair enough you wouldnt discuss it ova your roast parsnips on a sunday with your mum and dad but all the same sex and self stimulation is great!!!!!!people should be more open and experimental maybe it would stop partners from as my lovely fella has just said sexual eperiences should be kept abit quiet it keeps the excitement there!!!!!
happy shgin
lou n col xxxxx
i love sniffing laura's finger after shes had a good frig!!!!