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Bi-curious Male, 56
Bisexual Female, 38
0 miles · Lancashire


We are looking for some dogging fun for the first time since our move to Docklands, any suggested venues would be apprecaited. We were thinking perhaps of the Croydon Area ;)
Anyone out dogging this evening or tomorrow?
We are getting fed up of either no people being around (the nicer quieter sites) or 400 guys wandering over like zombies saying"girl girl" the minute a couple turns up (those of you who have seen Eurotrip will know what we mean).
We are looking for some kind of happy medium and perhaps that means breaking a long habint of not prearranging meetings.
What are we looking for well similar couples would be great, bitter experience suggests this is unlikely so another option would be a smallish group of older (35+) polite, professional single guys who must be well hung 7.5" + and thick.
If anyone is up for it let us know.
Drop us a line, we are wondering whether to bother going out. We had a crappy tour of sites on Friday and not really looking to spend all night by ourselves.
Jen & James
Attractive couple (her 21, him 37) looking to meet similar couples out and about over this weekend. We are open to suggestions for places etc. We are genuine and have been around this site for a while, but now find ourselves away from home looking for some fun.
Jen & James
We are staying in a nce hotel in centralish London on saturday and looking for couples for fun. We can accom if anyone is interested. Se our profile for more details.
There is a social meet in MK that night so quite a few of us will be there, we will see you out and about soon. You know the limitations of our car so prob after easter for us.
Isn't there a social already happening in Bucks next weekend? Or are we just imagining it?
We too are just back from Thailand and since Jen is Thai, some of the comments here are offensive. Not all Thai girls are looking to get jiggy with western tourists. Sure there is a paid sex scene which is quite open, but that does not mean that the whole female population is looking for a shag.
Returning to the original topic, we can understand where the original poser is coming from Mr BFC found the same thing while having a couples massage with Ms BFC at our high end hotel in Phuket. Shame the masseuses were not our type :P
We have had an increasing number of PMs in the last few days (mainly from single males), if they don't appeal to us, we'll just reply with a polite 'no thanx' and ignore the rude one. If you don't reply to the PMs, it's unlikely that they will try to PM you again.
Think the ban might be a bit harsh although three strikes and you are out sounds good. Will the PMers receive a warning each time tho if that happens?
We (James 36 and Jen 20) are going to Bristol tomorrow evening and looking to meet up for a drink with a couple (or exceptional singles) and maybe some fun if all goes well.
Please have a look at our ad and pm us if interested biggrin
It's getting a bit cold for it isn't it ;)
Jen and I are confining ourselves to clubs until weather gets warmer ;)
Bucksfuncpl, how nice of you to mention the hatrd work done by the man who is leaving us, over the life of this site.
And your kind words for all that has been done in the past by many people to ensure that this site has thrived, and stayed free.
We thank all those who made this site what it is, for their hard work and dedication.
They will be a tough act to follow, despite comments to the contrary.
Sad that some people forget so quickly what got us here in the 1st place.[/quote
We are not trying to be controversial here but not having been around for so long we clearly do not feel this as keenly as you. Presumably Mark sold the site and thus receeived some reward for his efforts thus far. I am not sure remaining free is entirely a good thing, in our experience the pay sites tend to attract more serious people rather than those who just like to talk, but to each their own.
A more commercial basis to this site is in our opinion a good thing, let's leave it at that. You are clearly free to differ in your opinions, it doesn't make ours less valid. IT isn't that hard to set up a chat board for those who feel the change is unacceptable.
I thought I would start calling Jen Ting Tong, but she threatened to kick my balls so I thought again ;)
Welcome to the new owners, we are hoping the new ownership will bring positive benefits and we welcome the change. We can't wait to try out some of the new features and see the site run for the benefit of both the new owners and the wider membership rather than a self selecting "elite" group.
Good luck for the future, we are happy to pay membership fees (as we do at 2 other sites already) if needbe.
We are defiinitely there for the Saturday and Saturday night at the Hilton Olympia. Can we join the list please?
Cheers, sorry we were a bit quiet, wish we had picked saturday rather than friday but there you go, may see you out soon if weather perks up ;)
We find that when we are in Asia we can get almost everything we can buy here (altough Jen says I am sad for buying HP sauce etc. even though she eats it). The things I miss are the thinigs we can't get there:-
Good Fish & Chips
British sausages
Pies (although some of the Australian ones sold in Asia are not too bad)
oh and places to go Dogging ;)
Most other stuff is available in M&S, Tesco or the Expat supermarkets.
Jen on the other hand doesn't moan much about things from home (Asia) missing only the sun , good temperatures and her pat cats.
Quote by allworknoplay
I think it's that little piece of home thing I think...I can personally vouch for a very good Irish pub in Phuket in Thailand, Thai food and a nice pint of the black liquid lifesaver, heaven

We went to a pub called The Green Man where we were in Phuket. That was quite nice. Personally I don't have any problem with James going to English pubs when in BKK but it's still a bit sad when he brings his own HP sauce down to restaurant for breakfast.
So does she exist? confused
Would be nice to make friends (or more wink ) to other Thai people. I miss speaking Thai smile
If you are looking at the site very close to Wendover you are wasting your time in our opinion FWIW, you need to travel a bit further afield.
We are thinking of trying out Utopia for the first time tonight as we are going up north for the weekend and it is on the way, are any other SH members planning to be there tonight?
Thanx Northbicester, I think you are referring to the guy that seriously pissed us both off. It is difficult to keep track of everything that is going on when there are a lot of people around, but his behaviour was totally unacceptable and caused us to leave more quickly than we intended. To those who say "you should have just said something to the individual at the time", it is easy to say, but when there are a number of people around it isn't always easy to know everything that is going on. Mr BFC noticed something amiss, but wasn't sure until he spoke to Ms BFC who was difficult toocommunicate with at the time. It was only in the car later that we could talk about it.
Hope to see you around again Northbicester but if that W***** is around then we will head elsewhere. Glad you enjoyed yourself.
Everyone is different and what is acceptable to some will be unappealling to others. We are a couple with a 16 year age gap, Jen is 20 and James is 36. We have tended to find that many people we have spoken to have been much older than Jen and a bit older than James. We would like to find more people of our age (or should that be between our ages) but it seems for whatever reason that the average age for a typical swinger seems to be around early to mid 40's (this is unscientific just based on our experience to date).
Whilst James (maybe because of his age ;) ) is more flexible about others, Jen is very particular about the type of girl she wants to play with and this tends on the whole (although there will always be some exceptions) to rule out cpls with an f much older than late 30's. I suppose that if you are a relatively young couple and are flexible with potential partners throughout the age range then you will find yourselves very popular, we just don't see the point in doing something for the sake of it, when we wouldn't have much fun.
The net result of this choosiness has been very frustrating and to be honest we are beginning to wonder if it is worth the effort, after all the time spent chatting and weeding out the greater than 50% of total "couples" who turn out to be guys posing as cpls, the "fun" is starting to recede. We are thinking of trying a club to see if thinigs are any different, although everytime we see something like "real wife swaps" it tends to put us off the club idea more because of the age of the participants. If there was something like a "swinging council of Great Britain" it seems that the most positive immediate step they could make to promote the "lifestyle" would be to find younger more attractive couples to participate in any documentary on the subject in the future :P After all McDonalds does not feature collosally fat Americans tucking into a big mac in its TV advertising, even though we all know they exist ;)
Maybe we should give up the idea or 10 years and return when we are closer to the average age ;) Please don't misinterpret our comments here, this is not intended to be a dig at older cpls etc. just a synopsis of what we have found compared to what we are looking for.
Quote by burnie
There is a new Hilton downtown, and a Holiday Inn.
There's a out of the way Holiday Inn in the north of the city. The Gosforth park hotel by the race track £££. There is a self check in Formule One in Kingston Park for only or something like that.
There are heaps of chain hotels where you can enter anonomously.

The Hilton is a pretty good hotel with nice sized rooms and a decent bar, which served kebabs in the evening last time I was there. It is in a great location if you want to be reasonably central. It can be quite pricey but is well recommended. Rooms on the nicer side of the building have a nice Tyne & Bridge view too.
The Marriott is way out of the city next to the Metro Centre and isn't significantly cheapper than the Hilton. also unlike the Hilton the entrance converges into a very small space (The Hillton Lobby is huge which makes it very discreet).
The restaurant at the Hilton "Windows on the Tyne" is also really good and the best of any UK Hilton I have stayed at.
We were watching the C5 show and asking ourselves the same question, Jen said she would have played with the older guy possibly but women who were that much older just weren't her thing. I would tend to agree, above a point it becomes a bit weird and starts to feel like the other people are more our parents age (especially for Jen).
Admittedly we are a bit shallow and are probably more interested in the other people being reasonably attractive rather than becoming lifelong friends, but thats just us ;)
In a triumph of optimism over experience we thought we would give this another go ;) If any cpls are interested please let us know.
From our limited experience at this site I would have thought that 7pm was a bit too early, we have seen ostensibly "straight" folks out walking dogs etc. later than this. To be honest though we have never had much luck there except on one occassion where we prearranged a meet.
We haven't been dogging for a couple of weeks and are toying with the idea of going out this weekend. It would be nice to encounter another couple (for a change :P) so if anyone else is planning to be out and about please let us know.