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1 week ago
Straight Male, 45
0 miles · West Yorkshire


Quote by Tania
Flash player is no longer supported by Android sad You can only flash content it if you have a Windows device.

or install flash player apk separately. easy to fix. If anyone needs it, just let me know.
i pointed this out to my current girlfriend when she said I have started to sound like her dad....
I didnt get a reply... just a stern look! :shock:
im sure the Diamond Valley Learning Centre hasnt got my details lol but I wouldn't be happy with the dvla (being a government agency) selling my details.
its just the migration over to the new server....probably due to them being symbols etc.
or the pixies stole them! lol
Having been in the licensing trade for 15 years, 3 of them running a cocktail bar, I have seen some pretty awful drinks! try an El capitan... shot glass, layered in this order : black sambuca, Tequila Rose, Green Chatreaus, 5 or 6 drops of Tabasco and down!
My fave is benedictine.... haven't found 1 person that will drink it with me yet!
depends what im wound up about..
cant beat a good blast in the car ( when it works right ) or a few games on BF2..... sat camping in a bush sniping people and pretending they are the poeple that got me so wound up.... lol
depends what im wound up about..
cant beat a good blast in the car ( when it works right ) or a few games on BF2..... sat camping in a bush sniping people and pretending they are the poeple that got me so wound up.... lol
If anyone wants a lift let me know. I'll be driving to it from wakey....
now the anyone bit means...eerrrm 1 person! lol I have a totally impractical car with no rear seats... lol
just fire me a pm!
I tell you now, its put me off ever buying a house again.
will be glad when I get rid of this noose around my neck!
and yes. I do agree that you work so hard for everything and someone is always ready to take it away from you.. be it legally or illegally..
I tell you now, its put me off ever buying a house again.
will be glad when I get rid of this noose around my neck!
and yes. I do agree that you work so hard for everything and someone is always ready to take it away from you.. be it legally or illegally..
a day of doing something on my own.
I like my own company so a quiet game of golf or a drive to the coast would be ideal. followed by a nice meal with a close friend and not worry about the world....
42 inch all the way!
just moved out of my house and its now at the end of my bed with the pc plugged into it aswell.... split 2 ways on the screen and my monitor as another screen means I can multitask... combine that with the surround sound means I dont really need to get out of bed! lol
we almost bought an LG 50" jobby a year back.. only reason we didnt was we couldnt gt it in the car and wanted it there and then lol
chat rooms and cams on a plasma is great! especially as its just at the end of your toes wink
oh and the sports car is still outside... lol
ooooh can I go in the reserves please? its just little old me now so want to get to some of these if I can! lol
A) Smaller runaround and about town type car
a toyota supra.... like I have now! lol
B) Useful family/utility type vehicle (4x4's or family saloons, MPV type)
Have to be a range rover sport
C) The dream one!
a fully carbon Pagani Zonda
A) Smaller runaround and about town type car
a toyota supra.... like I have now! lol
B) Useful family/utility type vehicle (4x4's or family saloons, MPV type)
Have to be a range rover sport
C) The dream one!
a fully carbon Pagani Zonda
nope.... I'm still the chatty, flirty bundle of fun.... or annoying( not sure which yet! lol )
totally agree shaz_n_tony.
The missus refused to come on here now as when she does all we get are the retards that don't know the rules and spoil it for her.
Those same people now ask if I pulled the pictures off the net as they haven't seen her yet....
Grrrrrr makes my blood boil it does! mad
yep.... alot of the old faces are disappearing and I would put it down to the number of errr.... "special people" that now frequent them. I think all new peeps when they log into the chat rooms should be reminded of the AUP rules.... as many of them don't stick to them.
Its starting to annoy me now but at least a new sport has started because of them.... lol
Quote by BrightonGeezer
All rooms set at zero, browser crashes if attempting entry...

same here folks... server 1 having a fit then! lol
loved it!! used to play off scratch at 14. spent most of my days on the course and was going to play it professionally..... then discovered women and beer rolleyes
Loved the game. driving ranges were to short wink but it cost a fortune in balls due to my style of play. (no I didnt lose em)Used what were balata balls.... very soft and got eaten by the clubs and I would use 12 per round... at £3 a pop it got expensive!
Havent played for years but will be when I move back to australia this year... gotta put this £1k's worth of gear to use!
Quote by Super_hans
Being the fashion concious young blade that I am *ahem* I've just bought a new pair of jeans, that dark unwashed denim that ruins white sofas (all the rage amongst my fellow style warriors!).
While I'm feeling pretty chuffed I've been advised to wear them as much as possible before the first wash. Apparently six months is a good start as "the more you wear and treat your jeans, the more beautiful they get."
I'd have thought that 6 month old unwashed keks would be the ultimate female repellant. God knows I've suffered for the sake of style in my time but I think it's time to draw a line in the sand!

yup its true.
Missus works for firetrap and all their designers etc always state you should wear them for 4 - 6 months before you machine wash them.
Something to do with the dye and easing the denim in... dunno
haha good old bluejacking!
Not all phones can do it and some phones just dont allow it. All you send across to the other phone is a contact card that looks like a text message, totally harmless! and can be quite fun. Your phone must object push phones and not have the passkey enabled. The unwritten rule about bluejacking is you dont scare someone, it last no longer than 5 'hits' and you always own up. Thats the real way to play the game! Usually you can only jack a few phones in a week as technology doesnt always allow it! lol
Its not to be confused with bluesnarfing. thats the illegal way of accessing someones phone and using it to make calles etc. Normally done from a laptop but now available for pda's.....
god i sound like a geek! redface
totally agree with you gands!
If someone gets wireless, doesnt set it up properly and it all goes tits up, well its their own fault. Basic security is easy to put in place even for complete novices so there really is no reason to plead ignorance when it all goes wrong. If the wep key is hacked, now thats different.....
If all alse fails just ask the neighbours 4 year old to set it up for you!! lol lol
THE best thing that has been on the telly in ages!
Episode 7 had me in stitches half the time!
as for the ending..... same as others..... he woke up, didnt like it and jumped off the roof to go back.... dont blame him! lol
the writers should leave it all there tbh...
wellfor my text messages I have a few clips from shrek depending on my mood! Main one is the "muffinman line" and the second one is donkey when he sings "I'm all aloooone!!!"
Im a child a heart!