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20 hours ago
Bisexual Male, 68
Straight Female, 73
0 miles · Parthenay


Agree with truff there, no problems at all with married guys providing they are upfront about it and not trying to hide behind a single profile.

I am guessing that nearly all the genuine people here have had the same experience, we certainly have, it seems that many here get a kick out of the chase but have not got the balls for an actual meet, put that together with the vast amount of "singles" who are actually married and have absolutely no intentions of meeting anyway, you have the basis of the problem. Unfortunately there is no way of getting rid of these timewasters but you do tend to learn to spot the tell tale signs quite early on.

Having said all that, we have had some great meets with some lovely likeminded people so stick with it guys the genuine folk are worth the hassle with the tossers.

there was a couple from devon

who had ads on swinging heaven

we arranged for a meet

thinking all would be sweet

but he turned out to be a single called kevin

We have never been to Cap but have visited a few clubs nearer us in mid France. Every club we have been to have had condoms in plentiful supply and bins in every private or open room, lockers to leave your clothes etc and towels to wrap in for when you leave them there, as for size and age etc, no worries there is always a wide spectrum of age and size, I ain't no beanpole myself but have seen a lot bigger and also a lot smaller and basically, no one gives a toss, just relax and enjoy.
Went to get my copy of Charlie Hebdo this morning, only to find out that they had sold out quickly, as it did in the rest of France apparently. Returning home, I listen to the news to find that copies are selling on ebay for over £500, now I don't think this is right, nor what it is all about, and hope the profits that any of these arseholes make will be given to Charlie, got my doubts though, profiteering bastards.
Quote by MidsCouple24
I don't see the point of the question, nobody here could possibly know what your wife wants since nobody here has met her.
The only answer they could give is MAYBE ? maybe yes, maybe no.
Personally I don't think you should give it another thought, you have been on here since 2003 and haven't met anyone yet though your profile says you like adult parties, 3somes and lots more including ....... fantasy writing ! is that what this thread is about ?color]

And people wonder why not many post in here!
What has it got to do with you if he is fantasy writing or not personally I could not give a toss, some of the total nonsense I have read of yours really has deserved a rude reply but hey if you are happy I am happy.
When you left the forum and said you had had enough, I for one thought it a shame as I enjoyed some of your comments etc etc but if this is your attitude perhaps you should consider getting out again.
Quote by VoyeurJ
my raging stonker thrashed penelope

jealous lover sues callous wife
Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd hits the spot for me, not sure which bit though, just love it from start to finish.
Quote by GnV
And I can recall writing Monopoly on a ZX81 with the optional 16k Memotech RAM pack and saved to tape cassette. It took 20 minutes to load the program by which time you realised the RAM pack/ZX81 had suffered the infamous 'ram pack wobble' and had crashed leaving you no option but to start it all over again....
And then printing out the whole program listing on the Sinclair thermal printer for debugging...
Happy days.

Bet you had a Sinclair C5 for transport back then too lol
Quote by gulsonroad30664
enjoyed a great day out at twickers yesterday even though it was cold brrr. and i'm happy to say that the better side lost thank god,

Not sure if I agree with that, thought they were fairly equal until the last 20 mins or so then the Rose seemed to up their game.
Myself and my boy watched it in our local bar with 7 French guys and it didn't really matter who won, we all enjoyed the game and partied anyway lol
A friend sent us these so thought to share em
How to offend everyone!!
My dad worked on the roadwork’s for twenty years before he got fired for stealing!
At first I didn't believe it... but when I got home all the signs were there.
I'm fed up with the excuses women come out with to avoid having sex, like;
"I'm tired, I'm washing my hair, I've got a headache, I'm your sister...
My girlfriend says that a small penis won’t affect our relationship. Whether she's right or not, I'd prefer it if she didn't have one at all!
A woman is walking down the street and see's a sign in the pet shop window reading, "FANNY LICKING FROG £25" curious the woman proceeds inside and says to the shop keeper, "I'd like to see the fanny licking frog please." To which the shop keeper replies, "Bonjour!"
With GnV 100% on that! report it Trev, they, (if it is they and not just a single posing as they), are just a pair of dickheads we can do without.
what a crap day for rugby, the Wales/France game did not deserve to be won by either team, too slow and could end up being the most boring game of the 6N/13, as for the Murrayfield game, fair play to the Scots, they are improving but they were playing an Italian team that were not interested in even being there.
The Ulster/Osprey game on Friday proved much more entertaining so for the International level, let's hope for something worth watching from England/Ireland later today.
Quote by Rogue_Trader
Best game in the world though.

and oh look I have 6 tickets for the
Are we going for a beer first or shall I just meet you at the ground :lol:
Quote by Bambi
rugby and cricket just don't cut it. Footy is still what every boy dreams of
One is a certainty ... Silly game and the ears ... Ewwwwww

You are joking surely!!
Rugby is a proper Man's game, the only reason little Boy's dream of football
is the disgusting amount of money that's involved, and very rarely deserved!
Most boy's may dream of football.........
Most women dream of a RUGBY player.........
OOOH those thighs, fit bum's and broad shoulders ....... wink
And not forgetting the missing teeth, I lost several to the game, broken bones and cauliflower ears lol
Best game in the world though.
We had nothing but problems with Firefox and Chrome now waved goodbye to both
I thought France for the slam as well, but after watching Englands game against a fantastic Scottish team, now I am not so sure, one thing though, an international team should be able to play the whole 80 mins, not just one half i.e Ireland first half/Wales second, both great performances, but only for 40 mins each.
Can't see any problem with it, why should people be deprived of some fun just because some narrow minded dickheads think it is wrong.
Have to agree with Neil and say that there should be no financial gain in it for anyone though.
Quote by GnV
Just cannot understand why so many harp on about the Poles who served with the RAF and forget the thousands of Polish Nazi's who served in the German army, including many who served as guards on concentration camps.

I think that's an unfair argument to be honestThe same could be said of the Alsacians (refers particularly to the Waffen SS) who were subsumed into German Command.
Not actually an argument GnV just wondering why only one part of the story is ever mentioned.
Just cannot understand why so many harp on about the Poles who served with the RAF and forget the thousands of Polish Nazi's who served in the German army, including many who served as guards on concentration camps.
So sad to hear the news and our thoughts and prayers are with you bunny.
All our love
dsf xxxxxx
Quote by Lizaleanrob
i thought this was a cooking, washing, cleaning thread

cor that is dangerous ground :shock: