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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 59
0 miles · Cheshire


I know it's about awareness, but i wonder how many of the artist who are performing are actually making a donation (other than time) some how i don't think many of them will.
HIya and have fun.
I hope you don't mind getting addicted as you'll be logging on to this site every day.
Like we're going to tell you. for all we know you could be some newspaper hack trying to get another story full of crap.
wow your first post, you don't waste any time do you?
No i'm not being sceptical but you might need to get known on here first before you get any replies>
it could be to do with all the unwanted attention that you generate for a dogging spot. As the undesireables find out about the place then turn up mob handed and ruin it for every one. (it could also be for your own safety)
As always Judy you say it like it is. maybe thats why i like reading what you write
i'd go to one of the more established munches ( i'm still waiting to make it to one ((work comitments and all) then get to know every one that way.
i have to admitt i'm interested, put then again would a tv at a bukkake party put the others off??????
1. yes (i heard the rumour a long time ago.
2. no.
On the subject of OMO washing powder, i heard about this stuff while i was in germany, in the married quarters and the man was away the wife would put OMO (old man's out) in the window for us singlies to turn up.
Do people still go to their to watch the sun come up.
I can remember in the 80's i was down there stopping people from doing that.
i clean in the nude, but if im feeling really naughty i get dressed in my maids outfit then get down to it biggrin
No it's not wrong and yes they are.
have you never heard of live andlet live.
Blue i'll put my name forward for your bi guy daisy chain biggrin (can i be dressed though)
i don't know about you, but where i am 1, it isn't that hot and 2, publicly stripping off let alone shagging could land you in trouble. Thats why i think most people (not all i know, myself included at times) wait until the sun has gone down.
Before we all start blaming the teachers and police for not disciplining the young nowadays, just think for a minute they can't anymore.
The kids now know they have more so called rights, than i or anyone else my age ever had.
Teachers and police are just laughed at as there hands are tied by leftie tree huggers, who think no one should be in jail. It's always someone else's fault if kids misbehave, and why should they actually have to take responsibility for there own actions, somewhere, someone else will have to pick up the pieces and have to pay for it.
hehe so your the reason no wone is about in staffs or shrops, actually it reminds me of a similar thing that happened to me out in germany, but thats a different story
sex every time. now if it was that mans game rugby union mmmmmm sorry rugby, and as the lions are on tour at the moment don't think a lot will be happening for a few weeks.
i agree with jah_2uk they're failed rugby players and are grossly overpaid.
At least if zoukis licks that one he won't get hair balls stuck in his troat. biggrin
this just keeps getting better, i can't wait to show you a few pictures of a flange biggrin well i would if i could work out how to import it into this post damn. sad
why don't you look in the dooging sites link on the left that's what it's there for
put the shoe on the other foot. would you be happy if your wife did what your planning?