yeah its alright. not sure if i should regret it now (got one for about 10 yrs) as peeing standing up is a lot of fun too.....and thats what you probably will have to say goodbye to.
cant really say if it makes sex better, as it has its up and downsides (eg for some ladies in some positions it can be uncomfortable), but at least you always can take it out (unlike that pentagram tattoo on ones forehead ) . in the beginning and when you put in a bigger size ring it feels very nice. its also nice to take it ou once in a whilet, as its different again etc. all in all never had problems with it.....but i do miss peeing my name in the snow without dribbling
oh and i wouldnt worry about the pain, ive got mine done without any sprays etc and it wasnt that bad. its just one quick poke. will bleed during the first nights though when you get a stiffy