SINGLE MALES - please note.
Due to the large numbers of single males on the list, I am afraid I have to close the list for you UNLESS either I know you or someone known to me can vouch for you. Sorry
Quote by teppic_99
Greetings from Borneo, well bass, tied the knot and then invaded OZ.....well all i can say is that the face does not ring any bells, but i recognise those breasts anywhere,
love to you both,
(teppic....kissing Oranutangs in Borneo...(they are the only ones who would have me))
Quote by Shireen
Mallock - are you really GOD??
Quote by Pete_sw
Ok so the ‘lets meet right now, am 5 minutes away’ wont work when u have kids in the house, but reasonably, it shouldn’t take too long to arrange something.
Quote by Pete_sw
God I do waffle on don’t I
Quote by handh
Can you please put our names down.
The last one was a fantastic day out.
(I went down to the stalls if you remember Bernie)!!!
Even though it was because I got lost looking for that clothes shop!!
See you soon