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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
Straight Female, 53
0 miles · West Midlands


Just an update.......
He came over yesterday and I tried some of the advice above, not all just some and I definitely have his attention.......
I will update soon
Thank you both for those fantastic responses. Very in depth and exactly what I need to hear. I expected to get the "flash your pussy at him" type response but not so.
I will put your suggestions into practice and let you know how it goes. Obviously it wont be quick as I intend to draw this out slowly....
Any more suggestions or ideas would be great.
I love to tease my husbands best friend. My husband encourages me as he thinks it's funny and also a turn on watching him blush but knowingly lusts after me.
I like to keep it subtle and not blatant as I feel that would ruin it. What do you guys think? Any ideas on things that I could do to flirt? My ultimate goal is to get him to beg me for it. My hubby doesn't think he will..but I am convinced otherwise.
sometimes we do it, it's all part of the foreplay and followed by a 69 it's priceless.....would recomend it to everyone.
we have only ever used one, have been about 5 or 6 times now, and every time we have been we have always found fun. facilities are great. when we first went, we went on our own, it was nerve racking but after we were shown round and introduced to a few folk, it didn't take long before we were all getting along like a house on fire.
we have only ever used one, have been about 5 or 6 times now, and every time we have been we have always found fun. facilities are great. when we first went, we went on our own, it was nerve racking but after we were shown round and introduced to a few folk, it didn't take long before we were all getting along like a house on fire.
steamy's alright for tina turner, but a right embuggerence for dogging folk.....
steamy's alright for tina turner, but a right embuggerence for dogging folk.....
we had a look in at the sites around that area twice last week and it was completely dead apaet from a couple of teenagers smoking dope.....the area is in decline it wood seem.
yes, honesty is by far the best policy in our humble opinion, just be yourself and you'll be fine. best of luck with your quest xxxx
maybe it's not such a good idea these days, they would probably slap a congestion charge on opur street if we held one! but hey, then again, we could always sort out a ring n ride...he he he.....
same here, i think you would have to find everyone in the room attractive to even consider it, or knowing my luck i would end up with the one guy i fancied least!
same here, i think you would have to find everyone in the room attractive to even consider it, or knowing my luck i would end up with the one guy i fancied least!
has anyone ever been to a party where the guys all out their car keys into a pot and the ladies pick one out in turn...i'm pretty sure you all know the jist? i think the idea is a dated one, but i would find quite funny. if they had a better car than ours i would be temted to nick that if the sex was
do they still happen or is it a completely dated idea? let me know what you all think, experiences etc.
we will be out fri eve in the mids looking for naughty fun-check out our ad and drop us a line if you fit the bill.
got one here too..........were locked thread virgins, its our first time.
suppose it was locked cos we were moaning about stuff thats been moaned about a hundred times
well we tried the pre-arranged this weekend and it was a disaster, 4 guys invited, out of dozens of replies and not one of them showed up or would answer their phone. at least for us at the moment, yes dogging is dead!
we sifted through about 50 replies to our ad, and invited four people to join us at a quiet spot. all were called on phone and texted location to them, not one turned up!
you know who you are- don't bother replying again. and we would like to say sorry for all the people who were turned down and missed out, only to give the invites to 4 tossers who couldn't even be arsed to call us and cancel. it is so tempting to post all their usernames to stop them from doing it to other people, but we wont.
no wonder the single guys struggle to get a look in when tossers like these give them a bad name.
we are going out on fri night, away from any of the known sites, please see our ad and drop us a line if you fit the bill..genuine replies only please and please no more winks, our bin is full of them, all unread!
we used to love the thrill of feeling horny, just dropping everything and going out in the car for a bit of fun. no matter what time of the day. there were places we could go and always get what we craved. sadly that is no longer the case. the only way we can get out now is by pre arranging. other wise we leave the house horny, and come home angry after having to put up with all types rididiculas behaviour, that is sometimes quite amusing and other times terrifying.
pre arranging is nothing to do with dogging in our opinion and is not any where near as exciting of the chance encounters that we used to really get off on, but it's now the only way we go out for any alfresco fun these days.
things change, times move on, like it or lump it-it's a fact!
the thought of a "fox" at a well known dogging spot?..........he he he most guys would cream at the thought........
we go now and again. not that often though. always very quiet and not worth the trip we find. still we have had some good times around the area in the past
The crew of the Enterprise/Voyager/DS9 (delete as applicable) will find a wormhole that takes them to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...........
and they end up in a dogging location and spend the whole episode complaining about idiots who keep blinding everyone with their main