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3 weeks ago
Straight Male, 50
0 miles · Derby


just wandered if any new members had any thoughts on this thread from last year.
hi chic ,how you doin. hope you going to bring some of your cpls into our lions den
take care hun
hi , last nite ,i came across a cple (later to find out they were meandhernotts) bieng a single guy i gave them some grt about 15 mins seeing as we were the only ones on the resevior . i opened my car car door which lights up like blackpool illuminations lol ,knowing they saw me and made no effort to avoid a contact i slowely walked were allowing me to watch when another car pulled into the circle and parked right next to the cpls car and walked straight cple asked me to tell the guy to please leave us alone, seeing as they only wanted one at the guy took no notice and continued to be totaly selfish as to the cpls the end the guy from the cple got out their car and a bellowing" now fuck off did the trick".
so im afraid the only way to avoid the uninvited dogger is to be straight and let them know your wishes limits .
I would like to say a massive thank you to meandhernotts for the most fantastic show and interaction.
So take heed fellow single doggers be Polite Patient and Show Respect to your potential hosts .
hope this helps all
yeh seems the best time is when your not there .how many times are members warned about exact location details .This is the reason we change the sites in the boys in blue with their search lights and the boys in the saxos dont keep fcuking it up .
keep dogging safe and for the right people.
Hi chaotic.
was wondering were youve been hiding ,Thought derby wasnt good enough for you anymore,or youd gone to that 3 sum heaven lol.
So now we have it ,your having your tootsies ,warmed being pampered.
see you around soon i hope
mass meet to be organised near you late tonight
five gorgeous stunning sex mad models and two guys want to meet boy racers as soon as poss
you must be dressed to impress in baseball caps and have at least five packed in the car, preferably be slightly over the limit drinkwise and have copious amounts of illegal drugs packed into the car. (we like to party)
we are shy and will hide in the bushes and want to see you do at least three wheel spins upon entering the car park so we know who you are
proof that you are genuine boy racers will be needed so ensure you send us a pic of your car including the reg plate and pref with you all standing by the car naked. those supplying their home addresses and the telphone number of the local police station will be given preference . we expect you to be prompt and turn up exactly on time.
this is our first time and we want to make it special
hi all
well i am going to open another can of worms here.
I should suggest a good 60% of photos are fake ,surely a face to face chat in a non commital meeting is far better so whats the use of posting them.
This way you get to know the person/ s far better and see if there is the excitement/desire to proceed to the more sensaul matters,
hi Cx
would like to put myself and another cple" mr 10"and molly "forward for the munch please.
look forward to your reply
YOu are always goin to find that some guys do read the rules ,know the rules and couldnt give a damm .WHY do they feel dogging cpls are open to all abuse ?.Do what ,where and with whom you feel comfortable your own rules,limits and those who havnt got the courtesey or brains to comply with this then FCUK them off.
hi matty
goods news caroline s confirmed she coming up ,she also says shes bringing Linda .i know u havnt met linda yet ,but shes going to make the place swing i can assure m88>>> caroline smiles ,and says shes 1st in line with sue .
Can now rename the song" WAKE ME UP SEPTEMBER WILL NEVER END".
DERBY site got some new dogging cpls turning up, lets have more i say
cheers guys
hi matty ,
Spoke to Caroline and she is more than willing to come up again if its like the last hotel meet you it the Same place ? and are there goin to be some Bi ladies for her again.
So text her and confirm or let me know and i will contact her.
cheers mate
Sorry to hear of your ruined evening ,seems just like your ad youve got many watchers but noone willing to reply/ join in .SHAME on you fellow Derby let your city doggers down pmsl.
im sure we could give you a better service ,should you wish to show again in a better area .
Quote by bailiffs
we went down derby last night mind you not to participate!(carnt at the mo) went to the more secluded part and it was like a main road quite busy!!!!!!!!!!!
lou xxx
hi lou
HI dont know if you know derby that well ,but maybe ,just maybe you were in the wrong place more the pity to us mere mortals that would of enjoyed your presence .
Why can't blokes be patient, you never know what will CUM your way!!!!!!!
hi suzanne i do agree with your observation of "cheeky twats ".A lot of single guys think that just because a cple are in Location for a encounter this means any tom DICK or harry can run up and expect show. This is most annoying not only to cpls ,but also us single guys who abide by the the unwritten rule bide your time ,respect privacy and await the many couples are being put off by this pratice that it not only gives single men a bad name ,but has put off couples altogether from attending such sessions. You have have every right to expect and recieve more conciderate attention.
Hope your next venture goes of with better results.
All doggers know of some place they know of which would make a good dogging site that would be save and trouble free,because its never been used before !!l .
So start you own location by annouceing it on this forum and invite emails /ims from interested parties and arrange privatly.I must say i give full marks to the mods who cut out the ads naming exact locations, unlike alot of other sites that annouce it the world which invites all the wrong is when a location becomes unsafe and brings the wrong form of attention.
So there is no need for mobile patrols /security guards or multstory car parks ,lets keep dogging out doors and retain its excitement appeal.
Just a pleasant thank you to the 2 cpls who traveled to Derby this week and and joined in our lttle friendly grp .As discreton is something we uphold "YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE".so if you wish to come down again or any other cpls welcome ,we will gladly recieve you .if you would like to arrarge a safe and trouble free meet just email / im and let us know the limit of numbers you would like.
jay and friends.
Thank you for all the PMs ,BUT BE WARNED .to protect our location and the people who attend, i shall ask for phone check .
hi, male mid 40s a true gentleman and very very discreet looking for female ,for dogging visits in mid Derbys.
Can be single /married, only reply if you genuine and very discreet and interested in watching/being watched by other couples and invited single guys
If you havnt tried it and would like the chance or just want to take the 1 st steps ,then no pressure assured.
transport is provided.
all replies WILL be answered
best email either of us for the best location ,and then no misunderstanding or public naming of our little meeting place (smiles)
Quote by mattius
fabulous time...thanks again...well planned shows are always good

DID YOU SAY WELL PLANNED ??? or kept discreet ?? LOl
maybe next time hey MATTIUS
Quote by mattius
is that me? ...on the left...behind the bush

NO thats you running down the path ,just can be seen in the cops head lights
hi there people,
we where at one of the dogging locations and it does seem to be getting busy, except when you get people keep driving past that havent got the bottle to stop!!!!!!
that pissed me off.
but we dont go to the "bigger" erm............derby location but the one thats kinda out the way!!!!(i think i managed to say that without being specific??didnt
Hi baliffs,
well this is the trouble with open site mentions ,you will always get the drive bys who are NOT interested .
The location you mention is a good spot ,used by a friendly group of us who bide by the rules ,and if a signal was used we would of introduced ourselfs .
Maybe you would like to inform myself or matuis of your next visit and we would be more than pleased make your visit a pleasant one.
AND Please do not metion cars again !!fingers!!! although the compliment was nice .
discretion is required
Quote by mattius
im smiling jay "gentlemanfor2"...'derby is just getting back on its feet' shouldnt have been away wednesday
sorry to rub it in

Yes mac ,like fxck your not rubbing it in LOL.
although Barcelona was roasting i hear you had a very hot time in my absence.
just pleased we have Derby sorted now .BASTARD lol
well i for 1 will say Thank heavens for the mods ,if it was any other site every ocation would be broadcasted for the idiots, boy racers and police to turn up and ruin the fun for everyone there is a meeting to be arranged please please arrange it by private emails .Derby is just getting back on its feet again so we dont want anyone else being put off .
Hi fellow members ,with out giving too much away ,i would like to thank the blonde lady and the guy with glasses out in Derby sunday nite, 2/1//205.I am not giving the location out nor your make of vehicle ,if it was you (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE )and would like to arrange another viewing please get in touch .I was the guy in the large excec car and wearing the sheepskin coat ..the lady is truely stunning .
Many thanks
thank you ,opinions are well recieved .The language isnt a issue has as been said .In our own company i agree some words and actions are sometimes used for more sensual pleasures . We are all adults and except this ,but in the written word ??? do we really need to see these in print ?.
thanks for your input and time given
Right ok here goes .reading the adverts in photos ,dogging and lets meet ,i am amazed at the language and discriptions given to peoples because swingers and people who wish to involve their lifes with other members for sensual pleasures really need words like fuxking ,wanxing,up the are these ads put in by other people not realy interested in our pursuits and just getting cheap kicks .I feel that because we pursue these pleasures we are traeted like degenerates and my self cannot think of a bigger turn off or lose respect fro this what is excepted or expected nowdays ??am i the prude ??.
And anyone got any views on the ads that say we need more photos as their comp went down or a virus lost all the ones sent or maybe they are pic collectors and not really up for meets .I for one have never sent a photo until someone has asked for my phone number and ive spoken to both parties .ok i hear you shouting shut up and get off lol.
Thanks for your interest in this post
funniest email i recieved was when i head of finance and someone said "woulndt it be great if sperm tasted like chocolate " rolleyes