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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 60
0 miles · Berkshire


hi i would be intrested in this if there were any females involved, im not to far from heathrow, pls let me know if anything is organised, im disabeled but that doesnt stop me having some fun and games wink
hi all, cant make it tonight, just come back from trip away. hope you all have a great time and look forward to seeing you all soon take care xx
hi bernie nice to have met you on saturday. could you please put me down as a possible i would like to come if i can smile
just wanted to say thanks to playgirl for organising last night biggrin was grt meeting all of you and i hope to be able to see some of you again at london social, take care and thanks xx :D
thanks for yr message playgirl, and for organising this, look forward to seeing you. i use a wheelchair but dont think access shld be a problem biggrin
hi iam in slough area, wld be v intrested in a local get together, pls feel free to get in touch . lol
hi, sorry i wont be able to make it tonight i have picked up a bug and feel dodgy, sad gutted i cant be there hope you all have a grt time. will have too snog twos and ses on another occassion. biggrin
hi wld very much like too come if i can get transport sorted. i am disabeled as you know and use a wheelchair, i live in berkshire area, if anyone can offer a lift i wld b e grateful. my wheelchair is average size and can fit in most boots, i can transfer from chair too car ok. if any one can help, wld be grateful pls pm me. smile
biggrin just wanted to say hopw much i enjoyed the social and enjoyed seeing everyone.
massive thank you to foxy for organising it all. a really grt turn out, and my personal thanks go to the cheekies for all their help, really grt to see whore/hub, suzy, holdups greedyfor blk foxy, etc and all others involved, sorry i didnt get to speak to more people but hopefully there will be many more occasions, grt to see the guys to kojack, red , fabio, bill etc. once again thanks foxy xxx
unfortunately wont be able to make tomorrow night. sad a real disappointment as was looking forward too meeting you all, hopefully will see some of you in august tho smile robert thanks very much for all yr help and the info you provided me with, its appreciated. have a grt time tomorrow night everyone. cheers :)
hi, i will need a lift to the social, as most of you know im disabeled and use a wheelchair, but i can move myself from chair to car easily enough etc. i live in berkshire outside slough, in southeast uk, so would be very grateful to anyone, who lives close by or will be passing thru on their way too derby etc, who cld give me a lift. i would of course pay towards petrol costs. my wheelchair is average size and can fit in most boots. if anyone has further questions, and/or can help, please pm me. thanks. smile
hi my original lift has fallen thru sad . if there is anyone nr berks area who cld give me a lift too social, i wld be very grateful, im disabeled and use a wheelchiar but can move from chair to car with no problems. i wld of course be prepared to put in towards petrol costs etc. i live outside slough in berkshire. if anyone can help or has any further questions pls pm me. many thanks : smile
hi i used too suffer from hayfever very badly when ynger, but as i have got older seem to have got better altho still suffer from it etc. i would reccomend going to yr local health shop and they shld have tablets which dissolve on the tounge im sorry i have forgotten their name. i have found these useful. also ask for ecchnaccia which acts as a natural antibiotic, and is available in liquid or tablets. it boosts yr immunesystem which shld help.
hope you find this useful. smile
hi, it turns out, that my lift which had been arranged has fallen thru :cry: so i wld be very grateful if there is anyone in or nr berkshire area who cld give me :a lift too social . i am ina wheelchair, but i am not paralysed, and can move myself from chair too car etc, without any problem. the wheelchair is average size and can be folded up and shld fit into most boots etc. i wld of course be willing to pay my share towards petrol costs etc. i live outside slough. if anyone can help or has further questions pls pm me. many thanks. smile
hi i am disabeled male hoping to go to londan social on june 24. i require a lift. if theres anyone in berkshire, southeast area, who coulld help i would be very grateful. i live outside of slough in berkshire. smile