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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57


What a great result
- stick one to Chirac and his Xenophobic comments
...and Stevie Gerrard's staying at liverpool
what a great day!
saw them on the box - feeling very middle aged - but thought they were awesome
I'd love to have my ashes scattered over the cop in Anfield
but would be quite prepared to be buried in old trafford if it meant they'd have to dig up the pitch and couldn't play again
so it was a crap puzzle redface
but it diverted you for a few minutes.....
must admit - i'm pretty hoked on these in the paper - although if they gave KFC as a prize I'd be totally adicted - anyone know why there are no kfcs within 10 miles of me - big missed marketing opportunity i think?
any other sad junkies who can solve
6-9 --- ---
--- 6-9 ---
--- --- 6-9
-6- 9-6 -9-
--6 -9-- ---
--- -6- 9--
you get the idea
crap quiz but fun trying it out...
schevchenko's pace
fleet but fleeting
maldini's class
great but grating
gerrard's pass
champions making
we'll never walk alone
biggrin :D :D
never said I could add
seriously - am I allowed to organise something or do I have to have been around a bit longer?
n. one who has never gloried in Stevie Gerrard making a deft touch to circumvent the world renowned Milanese defence or witnessed the spectacle of the out of favour Jerzy Dudek's match winnning performance to win the best championship in the world for a side who will sell him in the summer
Art is many faceted and not restricted to the middle classes - live and let live my friend and celebrate with us scousers who've had 20 years of drought....
biggrin :D :D :D
hadn't read but have now....
Happy to assume said responsibilities if sufficient interest (best PM me I guess and let's say only open to people who've been members for more than 3 months - or are otherwise verified)
and btw mr (or ms) moderator - I've got a nice arse - intellectual or otherwise (happy to demonstrate if you fancy joining us...)
Fuck I'm going to be so hungover in the moring and why wont the moderator let us have more than one topic on such a momentous night - philistine!
for me toniught confirms - any apologies if any former partners reading but football is better than sex (although sex whost watching footabll is even better I have to agree)
biggrin :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :cheers:
It must be about time we did something in the intellectual capital (sorry to all you tabs) of Britain
Any Oxfordites up for some sort of munching activity???
piggsy was my favourite - no resemblence honest
can anyone else do the thwoo thwooo thwoo noise that monkey did to summon the cloud?
On this momentous occassion for all good scousers I need reassurance that even here in the land of the promiscous there are limits
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: biggrin :D :D :D :D
Mod edit - one thread on football is sufficient, feel free to post there.
let's face it they're all delicious provided they're eaten out of a sufficiently pleasant container ..mmmmm
I'm in (well just outside) Oxford too
originally a scouser but roamed around this fair country of ours and finally settled down here after Uni - great river but not nearly enough sex....
i thought it was great that after his 8 week vegan detox he had to tell his girlfriend (vegan chef) that he needed meat again
biggrin lol :D
the same percentage accounts for a lot of strange people
didn't really mean to get at teh americans but some of the people on that programme were wierd and I don't reckon I could drink 2l of coke in a day never mind at a meal and I always thought I was a bit of a junk food junkie!
did you guys watch super size me yesterday - amazing tv and has confirmed what strange people americans are for me!
Send her the pop up in your ad - if she's straight now she won't be for long!
who needs creativi lol
as they say (f knows who they are)
'it'll look a lot better in the morning'
Quote by Ice Pie
I don't think three of a kind counts for anything in here.

whoops - you've spotted my incompetence! redface
guess that makes me feel even sadder
I just play for points!
love the idea of a poker much though (gaming would be very interesting as I've only ever played on line lol )
go to cupboard
look at vast array of shoes confronting you
realise you always wear the same pair
take out a different pair
fill with gin
empty said shoe
rellok at blank piece of paper from new perspective
(not really my area this one
ok - so now i've got addicted to this notice board who else has also got addicted to internet poker - texas holdem
I'm completely mesmerised and feeling very sad
any comfort out there :-)
ok - so now i've got addicted to this notice board who else has also got addicted to internet poker - texas holdem
I'm completely mesmerised and feeling very sad
any comfort out there :-)
ok - time that I repaid your advice
5 Unblockers for you:
1. Mathematrical Unblocker:
draw 17 circles of different sizes on your piece of paper
take a look at them
squint at them a bit
join them up
squint at them a bit more
colour a few of the circles in
keep on squinting
any ideas yet?
2. Literal Unblocker:
write down the following 4 words 'lunacy', independent', 'flavour', 'delve'
now add 9 words of your own
make up 3 sentences involving at least 3 of the words you've written
use one to start writing
3. Rethinking:
consider yourself walking down a street
watch a boy helping a lady cross the street
see her strike him
watch him pulling his hand out of her handbag
see him putting the toffee into his mouth
4. Philosophical
consider how green colourless ideas can sleep furiously
5. Physical
think of 3 things you havben't done since you were six
do a head stand
then do the first one
shout 'porridge' out of your front window very loudly
do the next one
pick your nose and flick the boggie
do your last one
one of these has got to work......
best of luck
(not such a bad guy - honest!)
Jase x