What a great result
- stick one to Chirac and his Xenophobic comments
...and Stevie Gerrard's staying at liverpool
what a great day!
saw them on the box - feeling very middle aged - but thought they were awesome
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
did you guys watch super size me yesterday - amazing tv and has confirmed what strange people americans are for me!
as they say (f knows who they are)
'it'll look a lot better in the morning'
go to cupboard
look at vast array of shoes confronting you
realise you always wear the same pair
take out a different pair
fill with gin
empty said shoe
rellok at blank piece of paper from new perspective
(not really my area this one
ok - so now i've got addicted to this notice board who else has also got addicted to internet poker - texas holdem
I'm completely mesmerised and feeling very sad
any comfort out there :-)
ok - so now i've got addicted to this notice board who else has also got addicted to internet poker - texas holdem
I'm completely mesmerised and feeling very sad
any comfort out there :-)
ok - time that I repaid your advice
5 Unblockers for you:
1. Mathematrical Unblocker:
draw 17 circles of different sizes on your piece of paper
take a look at them
squint at them a bit
join them up
squint at them a bit more
colour a few of the circles in
keep on squinting
any ideas yet?
2. Literal Unblocker:
write down the following 4 words 'lunacy', independent', 'flavour', 'delve'
now add 9 words of your own
make up 3 sentences involving at least 3 of the words you've written
use one to start writing
3. Rethinking:
consider yourself walking down a street
watch a boy helping a lady cross the street
see her strike him
watch him pulling his hand out of her handbag
see him putting the toffee into his mouth
4. Philosophical
consider how green colourless ideas can sleep furiously
5. Physical
think of 3 things you havben't done since you were six
do a head stand
then do the first one
shout 'porridge' out of your front window very loudly
do the next one
pick your nose and flick the boggie
do your last one
one of these has got to work......
best of luck
(not such a bad guy - honest!)
Jase x