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2 months ago
Bi-curious Male, 44
0 miles · Sheffield


What do we mean by older? - older than you, or the mature lady?
From my experience the older ladies quite like a younger guy (I'm 33!). Don't know what counts as mature though! - could the OP elaborate?
Jed - they say the ultimate revenge you can administer to someone who hates you is to live well. - You appear do be doing that well mate!
I beleive that everyone is on a continuum on the straight - gay axis. Some people are completely straight, some completely gay, others somewhere in the middle. Many people will experience some homosexual/hetrosexual feelings at some point and so be somewhere in the middle of the axis.
Can you be slightly Bi? - most certainly!
Is it common? - I would say there are others like Jools!
Not my thing at all. When I'm with a lady I like to see her in her entirety. I do get teasing, and sometime a woman with clothes on turns me on more than a woman with her clothes off, but with actual sex skin on skin feels just so good - why not take a womans top and bra off if you like her breasts? etc
Each to their own I guess lol Life would be boring otherwise.
I quite like the idea that age is just a number. It provides me with the opportunity to play with much older women now, and in 40 years time to play with much younger women.
People with using rules - age is one of them just lose so much! We have all looked for our perfect match, be that sexual or romantic. For me it's like - they need a degree, they need to be "middle class", they need a steady job, they need to be within 5 years of me age wise etc etc.
We create these rules, and they seem so important to us at the time - but when you meet the right person I find that they go out the window and cease to matter anymore. That is the only rule you can live by is - if you click with someone and it seems right go for it!
Maybe the mystery is why we create these rules in the first place? These rules appear to be there to guide us in meeting the person who we think we want to meet (a filtering system if you want).
Bottom line is people see great benefits from a filtering system and setting up these arbitrary rules in their heads - and I guess those benefits can't be measured. But the O.P's posts show the costs from implementing a filtering system - since people are fantastically individual it is hard to see how rules, if consistently applied would benefit people - the rules only serve to mean people lose their chance of meeting someone they click with - we end up with wasted opportunities in other words.
To me it may make sense to make strict rules for our online interactions, but once in the real world, where we get to interact with people more fully we can take a pragmatic approach and see if we actually click with the person (and they often break our own rules!).
Stop getting so excited about spelling and grammar - if you can make sense of what it says, does it matter?
However seeing a nice paragraph rather than just a chunk of text, proper words (without text speak), well structured sentences the correct use of words (the group was their in the woods(for example!)) and grammar does turn me on to the person/couple.
...... and I know all these things are difficult - I'm dyslexic. However it is nice to know the other person is making the effort.
Returning to the subject of the thread I can say I have met some wonderful people off here so don't give up OP! Maybe I'm just lucky because fewer people mess around single males?
apologies for making light of what must have been a painful experience, but that story had me laughing so hard it brought tears to my eyes.