I tend to orgasm daily and I've never had hay fever. Your discovery must hold true!
If you find your hay fever coming back try twice a day?
If I had sex I'd be over the moon - A very strange place?
Been lucky enough to have sex in the middle of a forest. Quite normal for some people lol
I do like marmite so...... lol
My ex hated feet, both on me and on her.
Strangely though I have always been turned on by women who have their legs around their ears, and in that situration I do enjoy kissing their ankles and massaging their feet.
O.K my experiences so far..
1. Do not get pissed and meet a woman selling sex for pleasure on a wintry night when you have left a nightclub. Her male friends showed up and asked me to get into a car - I would not, but they escorted me to a cash machine and I ended up taking £400 out, they said they had a gun!
2. Keep your phone handy - please find a friend, a friend off here or someone in the communinity (or the police?) you can call if things get a little threating. Even if it's your parents (got forbid!) best have someone to call if things get strange.
3. Follow the other advice - meet in a public place first/at a club to prevent it getting strange. Whenever I meet a woman at her own house for a first time meet, I do wonder what she is doing (but that's just me.)
Sorry went of track with my no. 1.
I don't actually know lol
10 years ago my masturbation music would be industrial/metal like maralyn manson.
First time I was invited back to a girls house after a nightclub fondle it was the red hot chilli peppers (me being nieve I did not know what she was planning! (and I did want to listen to their album!) lol )
Now? - the sound of women really moaning can't be beat - as for a song, some "house" music might do it like in the porn film "a real swingers party in San Francisco".
Looks like she knows what she's doing - anyone want to test it out?
Must be better than "having" an apple pie solo lol
O.K, thanks for you feedback. You say you're confused and frustrated, yet not necessarily having problems in my relationship. Either what I have said has bypassed you, or I am misunderstanding the situation.
Either way I hope someone else will contribute to this thread because I am now curious as to what other people understand, and see how you interact with them.
The OP and me can agree on one thing - others please contribute lol
I am sure there are a lot of people around feeling the way you do - I was one of them, loved my partner, but sexually frusterated.
Due to the heavy nature of your post I would suggest you contact a charity like "Relate" who offer someone to talk to. In the first meeting print out what you have written and show them, that might be the easiest way to express your feelings.
I went to Relate about 1.5 years ago and found that they did help introduce some incredibly valuable new thinking.
There seems to a consensus that going to a swing club can a daunting prospect, especally if you have never done so before. Feeling nevouse is natural and expected.
What got me through my first club doors about 7/8 months ago was telling myself that I did not need to take the next (physical) step if I don't want to - all I would lose would be the clubs entrance fee. Just deciding you can turn back at any time and not put pressure on yourself helps.
If you enter the club tell staff that your completely new - they are generally very helpful and professional.
I'm just getting into my grove and becoming comfortable with the swing club experience, The first time I went I ended up in such a dazed state I forgot the magazine I brought to read (it's a naturist spa as well). After going semi regularly I don't want to stop going, it's only my bank balance that stops me - I have been bitten by the bug.
As a single female I would advise you talk to other single females (or couples), since they will understand where you're coming from - hopefully one will respond to this thread so you have a friendly face to see. Being a single male myself I should be shot for giving this advice, but stay away from trying to have a sensible conversation with single males when you're needing to be put at ease in a new environment - I know that I might not be the best confident for a single female visiting a swing club for the first time x - my second brain would be acting up lol
Lots of people on this site go to Chameleons - they will be helpful to chat to.
agree with the above definition - for myself it means you don't actually have sexual intercourse with the other person or couple you are meeting.
Of course there is a whole range of activities that constitute sex - do you count anal, oral, kissing, touching etc etc
So I think of a soft swing couple as a couple who have some "rules", rather than anything else - the most obvouise of which is no sexual intercourse.
As an aside: What did make me chuckle a little is referring to yourselves as a "MMF couple". It amused me because from my perspective there can only be two people in a couple! Not saying you are wrong, but it's just funny how we understand the meaning of words.
I do like the idea of a maid catching me - but would be mortified in real life if someone caught me. I just would not want to impose that image on an unsuspecting person lol
Reminds me of a story an old school friend told me when he was working in a hotel. There were two ladies who came back from a club (I assume a dance one) at am and 15 minutes later called for room service so he went up to their room. Apparently they both wanted some fun with him. Being the professional he declined, not worth putting his job at risk for.
I think the Club has to think about it's wording! - If it's being checked randomly is management just using a random number generator and then matching the results to membership numbers? - I don't think they are somehow lol
Luckily the swinger club I mostly go to appears to have few electronic records - the data is mostly held on paper files so there does not appear to be a central database which could be easily shared - sometimes the old ways are the best.
I can see why clubs need some data, just to have some control over their members. A lot of complaints concern pushy people at swingers clubs and most incidents dealt are with between the people concerned, some are dealt with management - I've never heard the police getting involved, but there's always a first time.
It may actually make sense for the club to have the sex offender data, and use it, to prevent trouble in the first place, and secondly, if there's any trouble to reassure the Local Authority who licences the club that they are talking all the steps they can to make it safe. So maybe the club is just responding to the LA, rather than its members.
As for modern technology the data it provides is fantastic in both good and bad ways. Luckily I would have no issue with my data being shared and falling into the wrong hands but can appreciate for a lot of people the data could be life changing, and so very valuable indeed.
It's complicated.... lol
I first went to a club (which happened to be naturist) with the intention of playing, and spent a very nice afternoon sun bathing naked (which was a first for me). Then I spent a very pleasant time with a lady at the club.
I am just looking forward to the summer months again.
The song does not enter my head when I see it as a forum name.......
When I see it as a forum topic I instantly find myself singing the damn song!
Don't like you now - I can't get the song out of my head lol lol lol lol
Likewise - This raise a smile on my face.
One thing I have noticed about swingers is that they wash away their natural scent - nothing beats the scent of a woman. But please wash! - it's a balance I guess. x
Everyones tastes and bodies are different - thank god!
Some women actually prefer average cocks over anything special, and technique is high up on the list for any woman. Most important of all is that mental spark.
And then there is the question of what type of fun we are talking about - oral, anal or virginal? lol
It's easier to measure the length of things than the diameter, and most people tend to ask about length rather than width.
On the internet men mostly work by internet inches, which are basically double what real life inches are. BTW I have a 12 inch cock. Maybe you would me to send you proof by sending you a cockshot taken using a wide angled lense taken at a very advantageous angle? lol
That is a hard question lol
I guess I love the school girl/secretary/teacher type of look - exceptionally smart with a shirt which has one to many buttons undone lol. I also like the outfit with skirt and boots. The underwear would have to be expensive black lace nickers and bra only.
A few points:
In the public eye it does matter what job you do as to how your sexual conduct is viewed. For people employed as artists nobody appears to give a damn as to what they do, my examples mainly come from the music business, think of groupies, prostitutes and very young ladies - Simon Cowell appears to do alright with the ladies. If a government minister did those things they could lose their job. Artists appears to be a law unto themselves, but then again they do not make the laws or govern, and if they do push social boundaries it's celebrated as much as condemned.
I think if I ever told my vanilla friends what I get up to they would be quite understanding if I was quite tame about it - They have seen me in regular nightclubs lol. If I told them I acted like a swinger then they would be much more judgemental - that label is something people does something to people - but what is the actual definition of swinger anyway? People might be more understanding if we told it as it is rather than label ourselves (in this situation at least).
This is an area where being a single male actually helps! It is fine for me to just have "fun" and that can include just about anything. What other people might not understand is how a happy couple might want to include others.
Don't get me started about the equality act - I am presently fighting a case of disability discrimination against my employer.
These threads about the different treatment of men and women come up from time to time - there are a few on another website I know of. Broadly business can treat people differently regarding a "protected characteristic" - which is this case is gender - provided that they can justify it.
This is the reason why police forces can use positive discrimination regarding some ethnic minorities. This can be justifed because having an appropriate ethnic mix of police officers for the local area reduces community tensions and helps vulnerable groups. It is also the same in a GP surgery, they sometimes ask whether you would rather see a male or female doctor. It's the justification and its reasons that are important here.
Clubs like Kestrels might be able to point out that - Yes they do discriminate regarding gender, but it is justifiable for the reasons you have already identified. I don't know if this has ever been tested in UK law however for these type of clubs - I have read this justification could be used by reading other forums like this on the internet, so it's reliability might be suspect.
Thinking about the recent car insurance case regarding the treatment of male and female drivers this was decided at a European level (EU law in most instances overrules UK law). Under the equality act I would think that insurers would be able to justify the different treatment because of the different risk characteristic between male and female drivers. The European Court obviously did not see that different treatment could be justified however.
If this issue regarding how these types of clubs treat people regarding gender characteristics ever gets taken to the European Supreme Court things may change and everyone may end up paying the same - and if this ever happened I can't see it being good for anyone.
Maybe considered fair and reasonable in law might not be what should happen in reality - But if your brain is anything like mine sometimes you need a logical explanation of things, or else it drives you crazy!
Maybe this could be organised as an addition to socials - it could not actually form part of one, what with the practical stuff lol.
There is a need for education in this area - the amounts of people turned off by things because they have not be introduced to them properly is staggering.
.... now where's my copy of the Karma Sutra and Cosmopolitan? - I'm sure learning in a practical environment is more fun than leafing through books though lol
I would not be comfortable with a pic of me potentially ending up plastered all over the internet.
However: - this is an event organiser who has made very clear what the event will entail and nobody is making you go - you go under your free will?
I think your anger is really disappointment? - It sounds like you feel it would have been a brilliant opportunity, if only they would not threaten to film you? So really a good opportunity, dashed?
I'm afraid you will just have to suck up your disappointment (and express it to the organiser?) and decide whether the event is for you. In the end the best thing to do is to vote with you feet on this one!
Are you being oversensitive? - No, we are all individuals. Rule number 1, if you feel uncomfortable about doing something, walk away.
Don't you mean sex without commitment? lol
I like this site (and other places like this) because it attracts like minded people.
You're brave labelling people (singles) acting in the same way differently based on their gender.
In my mind it does not matter what gender someone is if they act a certain way you can create a label for that action. Whether that's "swingles" or "swinging singles" it does not matter.
It's the same kinda argument when we think of "sluts" and "studs" - and how our culture views them differently (which it should not?) lol . It should be the acts involved in how we see people, and not their gender?
........ But, maybe I am being to simplistic and missing the point? I suspect due to our culture, the experiences of single men and women and their tactics for connecting with like minded individuals are quite different when it comes to using this site, and other forums where they interact with swingers (or members of the opposite sex in general lol). So maybe it's not the act we are labelling here - that's just sex - but the social aspects surrounding it? - and it's here that I would have to agree that there is evidence of a gender distinction.
OP - you have made me think - Maybe you're not so brave after all, maybe more thought provoking? lol
What fantastic photos - I can't believe the resolution. I keep wondering how they did it? Was it done on one very very expensive camera with lots of megapixels or with some other technique.
From a male perspective I don't think I will ever have mine done - it looks extremely painful. Good thread though because I would be curious to see if there are any sexual advantages to having one done. I would always worry about it getting caught :shock:
As for peeing sitting down, I always do that - it eliminates any accidents, and I walk around with clean shoes now.
We might be looking at this from the wrong perspective.
Although it might be frowned upon to set criteria for peoples ethinic groups and religious backgrounds it's not wrong.
I am no big fan of events like Black Mans Fan Club for instance. However saying that a lot of us have our own preferences in who we want to play with. They also say that swinging is quite for Muslims - I could understand how this could act as a kind of kink for the couple.
I also think what the OP's want is to find people like themselves, god knows how difficult it is to connect with like minded people from here - let alone in a normal everyday life. From the social side of swinging it's important we have something in common, and that includes culture. For example I have come across a website devoted to the idea of Christian swingers - where people who feel Christian ideas are important in their lifes but also want to swing can get support to make sense of what they feel.
The OP's don't appear to hold that other ethic groups or religious backgrounds are in anyway inferior to what they are seeking - which is what should be frowned upon - all they are trying to seek is other people who match their sexual and social preferences.
Maybe the original post was not phrased that well or people have got the wrong end of the stick, but I can't see any issues with it at all.