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2 months ago
Bi-curious Male, 44
0 miles · Sheffield


There appears to be an interest in porn videos where either the man or the woman is dressed and the other naked.
I mostly enjoy me and my partner being completely naked, however there are times when this is not that practicable. Even when it is possible to get naked sometimes its nice not to bother to undress.
Maybe people are intimidated by your writing style? I do enjoy meeting people, but not many people want to go all night long.
Then again it might just be a process of finding the right people for you? depending on my mood sometimes all I want is a quick meet and then to doze off.
Before I opened this thread my mind thought what could it contain? - My answer was dildos - not far off.
What about male sex toys? - How come dildos/vibrators or for those kinky/exciting women, and toys for men that try to replicate pussys/mouths have a more negative reputation?
Myself? - Maybe I should start experimenting with toys - that raises a few very kinky and explicit thoughts for me smile . The best "invention" that has been created is a woman by far....
I would not buy anything like that principally because I can't see it working. I think it's snake oil that they are peddeling along with additives and magnets to make your car's fuel economy rise by 10%. Saying that I am curious about it working, and I have never used anything like that. Maybe I could persuade the shop to send me a free one, just to stop my cynicism?
Many ads on here and elsewhere seem to favour a larger sized cock - but again it all depends on the person taking the cock, and their mood at the time as to what size they prefer.
Good chemistry has always proved the deciding factor for satisfying sex for me. I'll just concentrate my efforts on pleasing ladies because in my experience it's rewarding in itself to satisfy a lady, and they also seem to repay you by giving you a lot of good attention smile
O.K don't know what those legs are about, but they scare me.
I'm still humming the A-team theme tune that Katniss has put in my head though.
Best thing about winter might be an excuse to find something warm and relaxing? - For me a bed and a nice lady :twisted:
Not really had my fair share of unconventional relationships. It was the one conventional relationship I've had that ended up so very "wrong!".
Talking about christening things I was at a supermarket recently and saw a pack of Carlsberg. Made me smile - reminded me of a time with a girl. Have I christened Carlsberg for myself?
The best thing about winter is snuggling up with the TV on with something nice and warming. Maybe Santa will bring me whisky, porn in HD and a hot lady this Xmas? - A fire is always a bonus.
Have to confess I had already seen that vid. Still made me laugh though
After all that chatter I'm not surprised the guy gave up - I'd have gone soft after all that! (Sorry flippant alert lol )
Maybe we think of bases in the wrong order? - 1st base (using just mouths) is sometimes deemed as the most intimate thing we can do.
I can't think of anything nearer that Silverleigh or Eureka's.
Hopefully someone will be able to point you to a closer venue.
I was arranging a meeting with a female in the next town over and everything was going quite well.
She explained she wanted a take away, and I explained I was not that hungry, but she could order one from herself. She then decided to instruct me to buy the chinese take away (since it came with a bottle of wine she liked).
That blew it for me, I'm not made of money, and I don't want to feed someone for a week.
Better just to meet up with mutual fun, without charity coming into it.
Regarding your situation, sometimes people don't know how to phrase things!
"Hi, Are you looking for a fuck?"
In the chat room/instant messaging I always go for "Hi, how are you?". Now why does that not attract people? lol
I do have been known to partake in meetings at the shortest of notices, either over the internet or in person at a club. There's something so good about fucking someone somewhat randomly and at a moments notice - Sometimes the only words exchanged are about protecting ones health.
Then again I do believe that swinging is more diverse than fucking any hole and I do value the social side so much - it's all about friendship and mutual pleasure. This is why I'm happy to play a long game and actually talk. I've been in the middle of a social rant, expounding about the stresses of my life to a woman at a club when she decided the location of my brain needed to be changed - As per the above paragraph I did not disagree!
So my desires fall into fuck you now, and I hope we can talk later category, but I'm also the type who can justify the talk now, maybe fuck you later mentality lol
I'll put it this, um innovative way.
Size does matter - but how the lady feels matters more!
There are some "size queens" in the population (be it male or female), but most of all I guess on a given meet it's how your partner feels what they want.
The range of female/males want for cocks in enormous, and the size of the female vagina (and anal passage) seems to be much more variable that cock size.
There are women out there who don't like big cocks (some adverts state that anything over 6 inches will be declined) they don't give the lady pleasure - On the other hand other women like massive cocks, anal sex, DP, DVP and fisting, these are the ladies who like to feel stretched and who mix pleasure with pain.
I also know that I sometimes like anal toys (but mostly I don't), but the physical sensations that cause me pleasure are totally dependent on my mood - and I guess that's the same with females as well. It's rather like asking you to decide what your favourite porn is - most types of porn are good, but what I feel like at any given time depends on how I'm feeling.
What I'm trying to get at is that womens needs are probably much more variable than mens cock sizes - The same woman will have fickle tastes in what she wants at any given time just like men have fickle tastes about what exactly turns them on at any given time.
..... Which is maybe why it boils down to the old adage - its not the size, it's what you do with it that counts.
So maybe us as men have to stop obsessing about cock sizes and start to understand that for ladies it changes depending on their mood, and for most ladies it's still the chemistry rather than the physical that takes presidence. It also explains why women can be very happy with one cock (whatever its size), but on occasions want more and feel DP or DVP would be nice.
As for your size - If you're 8 inches fully erect I don't think you have anything to worry about smile
You might actually be too big for some women. As for others they might actually want another cock as well as yours in them - personally that thought is enough to make any man who's into women feel a mixture of inferiority and hornyness lol
In short stop worrying! - the satisfaction of your partners sexual needs will not be decided on your cock size.
However this is from a purely male and mostly hetrosexual perspective, so women(and men who are into cock) might like to contribute.
OP I've had exactly the same experience of women telling me I'm slighty above average, and certainly not small. Very difficult to know.
As for the lables I am likewise sceptical - How many adds ask for VWE only, and how many average sized guys must respond to those ads by saying that they a VWE?
I've been around naked men with erections before and some are large, some are small but most are average.
I also think it's a perspective thing - if you're a tall chubby man an average sized penis will look small and vice versa if you're short and thin. Camera angles on photo's change perspective as lot as well.
One grump you hear from people meeting met is that the men they meet say "I've got a 9 inch cock" when responding to ads for them only to be average in size. I think to solve this we need a conversion table between real life inches and the internet inches some people use lol (The conversion factor could be called the lying index!)
Maybe the best way to respond to inquisitive women and couples is to tell them to stop asking about your size, because it's best for you to show them in person! (I might be being flippant here lol ).
Well....... I am someone who likes pleasuring and taking pleasure with someones wife. The reason I guess it's seen as naughty, and that's something that could be seen as a kink. People get on by all sorts of things, but I think a large part of it is because they can be seen as socially unacceptable or naughty etc - Why do some men like womens underwear for example.
So maybe the turn on for people is playing with the concept that during our swinging lifes we can shed our social inhibitions and become sexually liberated. Whether societies rules make sense is something very different though.
Quote by pebble
What else to occupy minds studying PHD's in the mid 70's?

Hmm, in academia, post-pill pre-AIDS... yep, what else but scrabble! :twisted:
Absolutely correct pebble - whilst PHD students, my parents and their friends used to play scrabble. The object of the game was to create as many "rude" words as you could.
Looks like things have not changed much, what with this thread lol
Never had one myself - and I always need sometime to recover after one orgasm.
Still some orgasms are longer and more intense than others, but I think I would be exhausted if they went on for very long!
Oh Phuket!!! I can't think of any names :sad: .
I went to Uni with someone from Cockermouth, I had to stop myself on many occasion from making inappropriate remarkes.
there's a "cock alley" just outside chesterfield.
Reminds me of how my parents used to play scrabble with their friends at Uni many years ago - they had to come up with all the rude words! lol . What else to occupy minds studying PHD's in the mid 70's?
I do love kissing. That is not to say meets without it aren't enjoyable for me, but I prefer it when it does happen.
It's not just couples who don't kiss, I've met a lady before at a swing club who did not want to kiss.
I never knew impotence in the way you defined affects both sexes.
As for myself I sometimes find it hard to climax, and it's not always about the mechanics of the situation, as you have guessed it's about the mind as well.
For myself I sometimes get performance anxiety even with a long term partner - The male orgasm is seen as something just so important to sex (which I guess biologically speaking makes sense) to both partners it can be the sole focus of the sex session. Why can't sex just be pleasurable, and if you feel like cumming then you should, if not why do people care?
Secondly it depends on how I'm feeling at the time. I have had days where I have sat at my desk, feeling horny and rush home to look at some porn, and for some reason just don't feel that horny anymore. The same principal work with actually being with a woman as well! Sometimes imagination and teasing can get you more turned on than the actual thing I guess. At those times I leave it for a few hours and come back to it, often results in a good horny session with a healthy climax. (I have walked away from sex sessions with real people without cumming only to get myself off with porn a few hours later - might be connected?)
Thirdly people might have intimacy issues I have had female partners that say they climax on their own, but don't with other people. These were women I hooked up with in regular nightclubs and then played with (one over several months). Maybe the act of surrender or domination (I'm getting kinky here lol) with someone is something that is impeding progress, and might be cured by being with someone you have a trusting long term relationship with?
Finally (connected with the first point) I find that what works when watching porn (in my fantasy world) does not work in real life. Watching a slutty threesome on the PC turns me on a lot at times, however in the real world I have to be in a specific mood to get a kick out of a threesome.
Anyway these are my thoughts on the matter - it sounds like the physical aspects of your encounter were as you liked them, but as you have guessed climaxing is often the matter of both mind and body.
Man I've writtern a lot lol
Regarding the pastie, I'm sure if the lawyers could hid their smiles at that story the person who burnt his penis would be royally fucked over by them. lol
Regarding out of the ordinary romances people marry cars etc. Trust me I like cars and they get me excited (In the way James May does!), and you can have fun in them - he he, but to marry one? Better off with a pig lol
The crunches statistic is just plain weired - Maybe that could be a new introduction to a porn vid? lol
As for warm feet, just keep your feet under the covers! As for people who ejaculate prematurely (and we have all been there) maybe a bucket of ice for their feet would work wonders?
Thanks for the link flirty.
As for bad jokes there's endless potental lol
Looking at porn there seems to be quite a fetish with cumming on/in food/drink then someone eating/drinking it. Not my cup of tea!
Ice cubes, hot tea, wine and strawberrys for me.
Met a woman who liked ice cubes on her nipples and clit, she was also a dab hand at giving hot and cold oral.
Wine can always be fun when you get to clean it up sucking and licking the good areas. Strawberrys are very good like this as well lol
Have yet to try chocolate source - but knowing some women they would find it irrisistable. I also have to get some flavoured massaged oil, does it exist?
hi, can you add me to this?
Delphis should be able to vouch for me.
First SH social, but would be great to see people.
Urmph! - I don't like the website, I keep on getting the answers wrong! :confused:
Only way to remedy that is to do some independent research :twisted:
After that I could learn to like the site lol
I use lynx Africa redface despite it's reputation I have received compliments about how nice I smell. Long live the lynx effect?
I do wonder what scents attract women though.......
As for perfume - I find some perfume is a turn on (as long as it's in moderation!). When I smell perfume that one of my meets has used it takes me back to the meet mmmmmm
Bad - What if you don't like hair down there? - all wool is just hair?
Good - Maybe we can knit awesome patterns in them lol