a nice lady and greatly missed.
hey lets kiss . i am alwas here 4 you hun
hello dear reader,
my date for this evening is not able make it, for very good and genuine reasons. i am aware that the 'lets me up forum' is for the desperate single man. so i guess its the right spot for me. should any old friends or nice new peeps want to meet with an old dom man and go with the flow please get in touch.
age has nothing to do with it many older people are miles sexier than younger ones. its the person who is attractive not his/her speedo reading. when folks stop thinking in stereo types there will be more love and sex in this sorry old world.
i thought i would follow polo ladies technique so here goes. i can't be arsed reading all those ads so if u match up please form a Q. i am a dirty old perv seeking young virgins for a prolonged ravish. i am not over bothered about the virgin bit as long as you pretend. i won't split.
:evil2: :taz:
oh dear ....you could save time and look at the ads
i guess a 83 yr old with halitoses, oygen on the zimmer and gets confused as to where to place his condom is out of the question then?///////////??????????.
bonytony :silly: :violin:
my advice is take a photo of all those lovely colours you get before they fade. i wish i had its better than new england in the fall.
i have just read all of the above and i am rather pleased that i am thick and don't understand a word. but as i wander thru life totally overcome with indifference i am sure its important to some one.
bonytony :violin: