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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 76


hello dear reader,
my date for this evening is not able make it, for very good and genuine reasons. i am aware that the 'lets me up forum' is for the desperate single man. so i guess its the right spot for me. should any old friends or nice new peeps want to meet with an old dom man and go with the flow please get in touch.
is any one else getting unsolicited mail suggesting joining another site. it is confusing cos i only use this site and mail address are not supposed to be visible thru sh.
they are all addies. this happened about a yr ago as well, so at that time i never replied to addies. i just wondered? i think its very strange.
age has nothing to do with it many older people are miles sexier than younger ones. its the person who is attractive not his/her speedo reading. when folks stop thinking in stereo types there will be more love and sex in this sorry old world.
i thought i would follow polo ladies technique so here goes. i can't be arsed reading all those ads so if u match up please form a Q. i am a dirty old perv seeking young virgins for a prolonged ravish. i am not over bothered about the virgin bit as long as you pretend. i won't split.
:evil2: :taz:
oh dear could save time and look at the ads
i do hope you are rich. there are over 40,000 folks on this site. anyway i recognise you and claim my pound........tony :idea:
hi kitten i see you want to cum now. i look forward to u buying me a drinkie.
i thought the river is nice. now i am stuck.
notts man duel
i am quick of mind and deft of interlect and my conclusion is the chatroom is broken. many apologies to those ladies who were about to seduce me. maybe tomorow
i just wondered where u would like the birth mark to be? rolleyes
2 mature and genuine men are available next wednesday in a motel room in south yorks. we are seeking new friends to join us for a drink and see what transpires, if anything. we are ordinary friendly blokes just reaching out to like minded peeps. no expectations and no promises.
t and r
as a 60 yr old ogre i resent the agism in your mail. mad a word to the wise impolite folkes don't get to play hide the sausage.
somebody is pulling some ones plonker. i mailed this nice couple on the 6th as of this morning the 8th they have not read my mail. is this all a storm in a teacup? rolleyes
makes you wonder don't it folks? dunno
those guys who clear house charge the people to take the stuff away. then go on to sell the stuff and get oodles of cash for sod all. you make deals with those who want house clearing and run a yard sale and split the profits. its good for charity and does the parasites down and you only give your time.
tony lol
since the genises of the new site i have been able to use the chatroom biggrin i am however amazed at the amount of people who do not even say hello and just sit in the room waiting for, whatever confused: i just did an experiment and set up a room and of course folks popped in and not one said hello or goodbye even when welcomed into my room mad i would appreciate a hello or a goodbye or hi tone. please be assured i am not about to jump up your skirt or in your trousers cos the common decenies have been observed. grumble ove. does any one know what poppers are and what they do. am i missing out on something.
i guess a 83 yr old with halitoses, oygen on the zimmer and gets confused as to where to place his condom is out of the question then?///////////??????????.
bonytony :silly: :violin:
that don't scare me. i know a buddy holly song which says ' all my life i been kissin, your left t**ty cos the right ones missing redface
bony tony
there must be one peice of music that is perfect to bonk 2. with all you highly sexed and skilled swingers out there you must be able to cum up with the definative music that causes men to weep, ladies to squeal and voyours to change their pants. its not the minute waltz or red red wine . or even cum on thingy. who will take the challange? what is it confused:
i have tried cum on eileen, but her name was jane redface i have also tried playing the national anthem in times of crises but my willy must be a republican cos he won't stand up
i have just made a discovery. no doubt all you highly skilled and talented people know of it already. this is it. the overture from carmen tends to prolong a nice bonk and the 1812 turns the firworks into the required spot rolleyes has any one a fav bit of music to bonk by? :color: hump
my advice is take a photo of all those lovely colours you get before they fade. i wish i had its better than new england in the fall.
if you are really really optimistic you can get a lottery ticket as well. its the same odds. if the lottery ticket turns up first you can buy a swinging club in derby and make our friends in derby happy as well, and they will show you their appreciation in the time honoured way. smackbottom
it looks like i got hold of the wrong end again dooooooh :silly: i should be getting used to it by now. rolleyes i told them at uni i didn't want the masters the half basic nvq was just fine. dim or what? banghead
if its compulsary? can i be seduced first please.
bonytony 69position
i have just read all of the above and i am rather pleased that i am thick and don't understand a word. but as i wander thru life totally overcome with indifference i am sure its important to some one.
bonytony :violin: