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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 76


i guess somebody has asked this before so forgive me, but has anyone discovered an easy way of deciding what post code belongs to what town, apart from getting a post office book.
i don't suppose you have seen my spectacles, the ones with string on? rolleyes
i have refused to have it done. i need all the help i can get. rolleyes i have now conquered my premature ejaculation problem in so much i can get it in first now redface
hasta ano neubo. mi amigos. its cheese burgers (queso) , san miguel especial, cava y pulpo. :happy: its not turkey, xmas pud, tele and flatuence . :color: viva eapana
bony tony
there is a person selling a form of viagra thru the photo ads. does any body have any knowlege of this person or is it a new scam?
i have found a cure i am booked on an aeroplane to the sunshine for cheese burgers, and beer. and whatever else fate throws my way.
bony tony
is it just me? or is christmas loosing its buzz. somehow i just can't get in the party mood yet. i just wondered am i getting old and cynical or do other people feel the same.
its very difficult to please your lady all the time. i took mine out for tea and biscuits yesterday. she loved the tea and biscuits but was not that keen on giving blood. so you see nothings perfect.
bony tony
as a red blooded chap i prefer neither. i like bare legs and no knickers with everything smoothe and slightly moist. packaging on presents or ok but its the gift that moves the soul and charges the imagination. ask any student of braille? especially if one is learning to read it orally lol
bony tony
this is a thought provoking question. i have always considered my self as straight as they cum rolleyes but since playing with couples i have found myself enjoying both gentlemen and ladies as and when in the context of a 3sum. i am not sure about anal or man on man . but i do fantasize about being tied down and used by a couple which is whatever they want. i have not gone beyond the fantasy stage as yet. so in answer to your question yes i have shifted my point of view.
bony tony
i suggest you have a detachable one. i guess it won't hurt so much. if you find a toy thingy that does the same job let me know. i need all the help i can get
bony tony :shock:
look on the bright side now there are so many chaps with their brains in their dicks and they are posting their ads where no decent girl looks, ie the wrong section, the competion is decreasing, so us ordinary intellegent and creative lol sort of blokes my get a look in.
bony tony
i have been a member of this site for yonks and this is the first time i have been able to respond to an item. if you would accept a socialy aware old man provisionaly for a meeting up bit of a do i would be delighted. apologies if i haven't got all the it sqiggly bits right.