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Over 90 days ago


I'd just like to clear up something that has been causing a little bit of confusion.
"Hey babe, hot and horny 21 yr old m, good body, hard 8 inch prick. do you have any pics sexy??"
the ammount of times i've been in the chatter and recieved something like that, or on a PM has braught it to my attention that most people on here seem to believe that i have a fanny and a set of boobies. (well, ok so i have put a little bit of weight on, and man-boobs may soon be evident lol!).
I'm sorry if my name causes any confusion, but, and i have never pretended otherwise, Krissxxx is a male, not a female.
If you're bi, then bring it on, we'll have a chat, but straight guys, please stop sending me daft messages like this, then getting upset when you find out i'm not a lass.
(And how do you know that somebody is "Sexy" just by viewing their name??
I don't know, i seem to land myself in it with my log in names.
At one point, i was registered on another site something similar to this (although not half as good) with the sign in name "Siiijay" (a play on my initials) and at one point recieved a racially aggressive attack because somebody thought i was asian.
Bastards. Racism is wrong full stop, so please don't go calling me names when you clearly know fuck all about me lol.
is this the same meet-up that i e-mailed somebody about, got a lovely response from and then forgot about?? (Sorry!!)
i still have the e-mail so i'll get round to sorting it out for you!
ok, so not much to report on.
For saying Leigh is probablt my favourite site to visit, it let me down last night sad
We got there quite early at around 10 to 9 (earlyish maybe, but ah well) and only spent about an hour and 10 minutes or so there.
For alot of the time, we seemed to be the only people there, and then when we did get some company, 99% of it was of single guys, who seemed to pull up, decide after five minutes that they couldn't see any wild orgies going on, and clear off again back home.
If anybody did have a good night in leigh last night, then good on' ya, but after an hour or so of people coming and going and not stopping once, we had enough and finished.
Ok, so we didn't stay out late and should have stayed longer, but at the time we'd had enough.
Hope to see more people around soon.
I'd say there's probably a good chance of that yes, or they may have just wanted to watch.
I am right, arn't i? lol.
Blue, i always enjoy your responses to ads like these. lol brightens up my day a tad.
Quote by novice1
Didn't stay long because I cant keep up with it. redface surprisedops:

it is pretty hetic isn't it?
rotflmao let me know how much interest you get mate!
(I'm sorry, i shouldn't laugh really)
well, no joy this evening (i know i'm back early, normally stay out longer than this, but stuff happened lol)
i'll post up in here tomorow about exactly what went on. (i'm tired now, and to do it now requires me to think, something i stopped doing about an hour ago lol)
you guys should travel out to my way after that night i had tonight lol.
Yeah, i had read about "toothing" before, i think there are people that do at least try and get involved in this. It makes no difference to me as i just have a shitty old nokia that doesn't have bluetooth technology on it anyway.
I'm guessing there would be codes and stuff for that sort of thing, but seriously "Bumming"?? i used to say that when i was 13 lol. and the word "thingy" in that context just made me laugh.
Also the stories some of the guys had posted in there seemed a little too erm..far fetched.
I mean don't get me wrong, i'm not saying at all that these people don't meet strangers for sex via their mobiles, but i read one of them that sounded a bit too much. I could imagine reading something like that (with better english lol) in a porno mag with some story-pictures (not that i ever ever read porno magazines, pervert, me? nooo lol)
And i just had images of some 16 year old sat in his bedroom with all his GCSE revision books closed, getting off and typing all that in.
Again, i'm not saying this sort of thing doesn't happen (hell, it was a pleasent suprise when i found out about dogging about 2 years ago! lol), and i'm not saying that the stories on that site arn't legit. All i'm saying is that to me, they sound a bit childish.
i'm not meaning to criticise or mock, but i've just read through that "Toothing" site.
Is there a special code on there, or is everybody very childlike?
words such as "bumming" and "thingy" and "OMG!!" make me believe that this site is perhaps visited by school kids! lol.
I'm sorry if i'm completly wrong, i don't mean to judge, or like i say criticise or mock, and i'm sorry if i've offended anybody.
To the guy who's ad I responded to this afternoon and who I was e-mailing with regards to a meet this afternoon (you gave me your number and i said I'd call you to arrange a meeting point, time etc)
I'm sorry i didn't call you or get bck in touch, there was something urgent that I had to attend to, so sorry!!
Another time maybe??
thanks for all your help, Mark.
Yes I agree something had to be done. I'm still a newbie myself, but i do try to handle myself with a bit of discretion (spell??) and be polite and courteous (again, spell?? lol) to everyone, but i have seen quite a few newbies/single males giving the decent, genuine guys a bad name, plus i had that "incident" yesterday (may take a week or two to stop mentioning this lol!) which didn't do the place any favours.
managed to blag a lift with a friend upto Leigh tonight, anybody else going to be there?
PM for details.
has anybody ever gone out, like to a dogging site or a party/club or something and met somebody they know who they didn't know was into the scene (If that makes sense!?!?), like a work mate, or somebody from down the pub or anything like that.
I've done that once, the other week when I went up to Leigh, I was chatting to some guy for a while then we realised we both went to the same local boozer.
Is it only me who can't get into the chat room??
I keep getting told that my nickname needs to be registered with spoffle. S'all that about then??dunno

Read this thread for more step by step info on registering your nickname (necessary to chat!):-
Reminder about the chatroom
Read this thread about typing in "/join #SwingingHeaven" after pressing the 'Connect Now!' button (yes, include the leading forward slash!):-
Log-in problem since Chatroom going registered-only
Using a Mac? See here:-
Chatroom Help for the Macintosh
Quote by gmanxxx
But it is mine....

*sticks tongue out*
hey there, just wanted to say hi etc. gad to know there are some other genuine single males out there other than myself (ok, i know you're married, but for the purpose of this site you're sngle..right??) i've not been here long myself, but have already made some good friends and you'll find that everyone on here looks out for one another (that's what i've found anyway!!)
anyways, i'm sorry if i've rambled, but as i've explained in my other posts, i've had a few tonight!!
speal soon..
ok, so i can hardly call myself a "vetran" or anything of this site (i doubt if i've made ten posts since i first stumbled accross swingingheaven, but i hope that the people i have spoke to on here can vouch that i am as genuine as they come)
but i was just wondering, how high has the interest in this site been boosted since the stan collymore incident etc??
Thanks Blue, you should have a reply waiting for you.
Lol @ Alexandra, I reckon I'd probably take the bus rather than walk all the way to Warrington (Even though I live closer to Warrington than I do to Wigan).
Shows how observant I am, I only just noticed on this post that It says next to where my avatar should be where I'm from!
Funny how i've put that I'm from Wigan, and yet I've probably only ever visited the site in Wigan once.
Anyway, I ramble.
Hi guys,
First of all, I just want to thank blue for the Pm you sent the other day, it's very much appreciated and I'll be sure to take you up on your offer :-)
Thing is, seen as my erm "Sex Buddy" (For that's the only reason we see each other, I couldn't class her as my girlfriend or anything) is working late tonight, and it doesn't like I'm gonna get any invites to for drinks with friends or anything (I've normally heard from them by now), I'm thinking about going out on foot (see my earlier post for those who havn't read it) tonight in leigh or probably warrington or somewhere close by.
Although to be honest I'm not too sure whether it's worth risking it. What do you guys reckon?
If there is anybody heading out to any of those areas tonight, or to anywhere close by, who wouldn't mind me tagging along, then please send me a PM and maybe we can arrange something.
Or if you are going out to Leigh or Warrington, and you see a chap freezing his balls off and probably chuffing away on a cigerette, then take it that I decided to go out, and come say hi.
this doesn't bold well for poor little car-less me does it??
I never really knew how good it was to have a car until I had mine taken away.
If two straight guys did out in a car together, but obviously made the effort to show that they were genuine doggers, would this pose a problem??
Ok, so i know it's a long shot, but this place is probably my only hope.
I'm based in the lancashire area and normally go out to a few sites around here, leigh, wigan, warrington etc, as well as ocasionaly driving up to manchester.
Now though, I'm facing a problem. last week i had a car accident (nobody was hurt) and wrote it off, so i'm now without transport of my own for a few weeks.
Determined not to let it put me off, i decided to try and carry on dogging by foot, using public transport to get to places.
The first time I did ok, was wondering around for a good while but had a chat with a few people, watched a couple in their car with a few other guys, then eventually got invited back to a couple's house for some fun.
Since then i've been back two or three times, freezed my bollocks off and not even had the opportunity to say hello to anyone (I know this happens when you're in a car as well, but at least you're safer in a car and don't look completely out of place, especially when you're a single male!)
I was wondering if there's anybody out there from near by to me (or a little further a-field: Bolton etc) who would be willing to let me tag along with them to a few places, mainly on weekends and wednesdays.
If you're a couple, then i don't mind getting out of the way if you just want to go meet other couples or whatever, it's just that by using the bus and train i'm completely limited to where and when i can go out because of the times and panicking about getting home etc)
A single male would be brilliant, and again, if you'd rather me get out for a while, that's fine.
I'm 100% genuine, clean, honest and very discreet. If you like we can go for a drink on a seperate ocasion to break the ice and make sure we're comfortable with the arrangement.
I'll sub you a few quid for petrol money etc if you like.
Hope to hear from people soon.
At the risk of sounding desperate, please help me out guys, you're my only hope!!
Hi blue, hope you got my PM, my computer went kind of crazy as i went to send it, so i'm not sure if it did. If you didn't get it, PM me and I'll send it you again.