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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 66


What should the punishment be for distorting the truth?
That’s an easy one, compo, big time for the aggrieved party plus the offending rag should print an apology in the same place and with the same type setting as the original story, and for good measure they could even run it for the same time......
Shock... horror and all that... rolleyes I'm back :eeek:
Stick the name on the list please, work notwithstanding (new job drinkies ) I'll pop along.
Somers.. any last min' places avail? can you add me to the reserve list please and hopefully the 'your coming' list tooooo......
pretty please and all that .....
Hi Richjoan
Would love to come to the social, could you put me on the list please?
Hi somers
Just back on after a wee 'rest' could you please add me to the reserve list? cheers ... biggrin
(Can be found most nights in the Bristol Room on chat 2)
Keeping this simple...
New chat room? ... dont like, it's pants and thats being kind. Seem to have lost the 'Proper' chat rooms, please bring them back.
Save a spot for me please tweeky, and yes I will check the calender this time :taz:
Hi Tweeky
Like the thought of a Mini Munch in August, Am a regular in the chat nrmally found in the local Brist/Wilts room same as siren, would luv an invite...
Shame about the July munch tweeky, but well interested in the Sept one.... cool
And H.x if I get to go, I promise to talk to you lol
Quote by celtic_passion
You said what can i do in Guilford,
Sorry to all the people in Guilford but i suggest

Leave? Yep, Tis the only thing to do now ... but in the 80's .... fun was had every night after sneaking in to the girls barracks wink
Cough, splutter ..... beer ........... laptop ..... :shock: ..... errr are laptops dishwasher safe?
Good one Warwick .. rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Three charities get my attention ....
Out of the tin wavers? the Poppy Appeal, always gets my hard earned, it comes but once a year, goes where needed and we should be forever grateful that we have the freedom to contribute to it, thanks to the sacrifices of those it supports. (and the collector is easily verified if in any doubt).
Others? Well Cancer Research, annual DD cos they do a lot of work and for one reason or another I have cause to be thankful. But I would never put in a tin.
Final one? Work connected, bit like the Poppy Appeal but more focused and I used to pay a days pay into it each year and just kept going when I left.
Never trust a street collector, these days there’s just too many crooks….. shame I know and pretty tough on the genuine collectors out there, but until the punishment matches the crime the low life will always try it on…. :twisted:
Big one's, small one's... all nice :smitten: Personality is what makes it mind, every time.
Auto-log out? Good idea and am all for it, all forum sites should do it no matter what the forum subject especially with the use of permanently connected Broadband links these days. I'm sure theres some members would'nt want some of the more younger people in their house logging on!!! Plus it helps to keep the site bandwidth charges down and in turn hopefully those of the users.
I guess it could be annoying for those out there living on there own mind so maybe an optout could be provided?
I think anything between 15 to 30 mins is ok, plus an immediate log out on closing the browser.
As for time taken to write posts, why not do it in word, spell check and then cut 'n' paste? Saves getting logged out halfway thru on a long whing!!!
Ok thats my tenpence worth for what its worth
Quote by kingway
hi all my cat is missing it was my best friend is there a lady who could make me better
we could go swinging when i find the cat it had my tea last night i was cooking

Hey problem solved..... I found it..... I found it .....
Ok Ok.... I know..... Coat - door........................................
Quote by cplbbw
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:

More................................ lol
Quote by Lissa
Stay here long enough and you'll find out................they'll have you naked and dancing on the bar before you know it biggrin

oh noooooooooooo ......... not the 'naked bar dancing' again..... :shock: you err havent err got them have you??? please dont tell me you have 'them' .... oh no, you have havent you.... confused
Quote by Pete_sw
Aaagh...... 1st time in chat... says 'hi' and it dumps me...... confused now cant get back in mad
Bar person! Drinky-poo's... I need falling over juice .... and I shall be havin one of those and those and a shot of that one over there and a dash of the green one and a ..... ohhhhhhh just give me one of each in that there bucket and a straw.... :shock:
Hi folks .......... hic.... cool lol :lol: :lol:

one Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster coming right up sir drinkies
Make that a quad pleaz sir...
Quote by Lissa
Aaagh...... 1st time in chat... says 'hi' and it dumps me...... confused now cant get back in mad
Bar person! Drinky-poo's... I need falling over juice .... and I shall be havin one of those and those and a shot of that one over there and a dash of the green one and a ..... ohhhhhhh just give me one of each in that there bucket and a straw.... :shock:
Hi folks .......... hic.... cool lol :lol: :lol:

Another pisshead!
You're going to fit in nicely.................just watch out for cplbbw :shock:
Little me a piss head Lissa??? what ever gave you that idea..... wink thnaxs for the welcome btw now who is this 'cplbbw'???
Aaagh...... 1st time in chat... says 'hi' and it dumps me...... confused now cant get back in mad
Bar person! Drinky-poo's... I need falling over juice .... and I shall be havin one of those and those and a shot of that one over there and a dash of the green one and a ..... ohhhhhhh just give me one of each in that there bucket and a straw.... :shock:
Hi folks .......... hic.... cool lol :lol: :lol:
ROFL.... lol Nice one Polo
Memo to self; dont drink coffee and read posts at same time......
Quote by sparky230
guess who is typing this with a finger wrapped up, having had 4 stiches in it, after shutting the land rover door on it this afternoon.
yep ME
So please feel free to laugh at my expense while i lirk here in pain

It was only a Series 3 door sparky confused wot ya whining about..... theres nowt to em!
............................ Now if ya had dropped the Bonnet on yer pinkies, then a good whine would be in order cos that really, really does f*ckin hurt!!!! mad esp with the spare wheel on it :shock:
Top tip.... all you pain luvers out there..... try a 432 door ..... wink