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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
Straight Female, 57
0 miles · West Midlands


Warming the Bed
this is just my opinion,like my dad used to say" opinions are like arseholes we all have 1"
over the many years i have read many many forums from all -line and lifestyles
i think people sometimes forget that there are real people behind the words and some like me are not so great with the wriiten english langauge,and mistakes in how a sentence is put together can have the opposite effect is was meant to beand people jump on it,isnt it better to not reply at all than reply negatively and maybe hurt someone feelings,and when people are attacked in writing as some are, then the defensive mechanism takes over either in a reply or silence
As far as the "inner circle" it happens people who say it doesnt are misguided or blinkered,people do group together (this is not a bad thing),people like the familarity,they feel comfortable and at ease,but bear a thought for those that are shy,nervous,unsure perhaps these are the people that need a more of a helping hand than those that are confident and confortable,The forum is the same as the chat rooms and the meets no different(maybe on meets some of the comments are not made as fear of reprisal)
Poeple say its all about the experience and the meeting of new people,but some just like the familarity ,now these people cant be condemed for that process and peole that cant get in the :inner circle"shouldnt scream and shout but accept it as part of life as it happens everywhere work/social etc
the only thing i can say is remeber its REAL people behind these forum and consideration should be paroumaount ,i apologise for my grammar and english
Warming the Bed
just woudering if there are any good decent sites in and around the birmingham area biggrin :D
as we have discussed trying this but have no idea of places
also advice for newbies in this ytpe of lifestyle would be much appreciated from peeps experiences :D :D
Warming the Bed
we are still hoping to make it just waiting upon a few things concerning work that has to be re-arranged
biggrin :D :D
Warming the Bed
sarah ty for the upgrade lol
looking forward to meeting you all and hoping to make some new friends
plzz can we have that list again half way through and then it went cant find where it went
again ty tc and have fun
biggrin :D :D :D
Warming the Bed
Quote by seagull69
The way I see it how can you expect young people to behave in a good and moral manner. When your so called leaders are such utter scum. Blair teaches bully the weak and you can get what you want. Simple we need a revolution and we need it now. Oh dear think I am gonna be arrested. No its gonna be a peacefull one does that save me lol

may i ask was you brought up respectful,polite
was that to do with the priminister at the time i hardly doubt that its not 1 man is many
example how many people has he wanted to deport but wait for it the human rights peeps just will not allow it
everything is getting out of hand wot about our human rights at the hands of the violence today or does that not matter
get the do goodies outta the way and get back to basisics and taech them respect and tolerance and if they dont then they shoulb be punished for there crimes
how many estates have you read about or heard about that are terrorised by gangs of youths forget the "tagging" forget the nice little holidays the days out,they wanna play the hard ball its about time we did and sent them to places like (when i was young) young offenders institutes
excuse my grammer
Warming the Bed
reading some of the posts made me think back to a few discussions we have had with friends
concerning society today and its tolerance ,policing and the decling respect
its seems that intodays society we have far too many people who in some bizzare way have the opinion that they know best now im sure (and im not underminig all those long ,hard days at uni)they feel better educated they are than the rest the more they can dictate what they have learned is best,as this is the case in some aspects i feel its not in all
society today with all the softly softly approach seems to be having the adverese affect with children who are violent and abusive getting younger and younger,granted they seem to be alert and aware more now then when i was young about the system,we all now about punishments dealt to us by either the school or by our parents and i feel untill this is re-instated without the child being able to sue there own parents for abuse is ridiculous
now before peeps jump up and down about child violence i donot condone that in the slightest ,but unfortunatly it stills goes on with or without the law preventing parents from correcting there kids physically,this is where the money from sending violent ,disruptiveand malice children to various theme parks,holidays etc should be re-distributed to the nspcc
but without the threat or minister of punishment we are seeing the effects today of gangs ,shootings etc believe me i live not far from where the 2 girls got killed xmas in birmingham and when you see kids of 8 upwards in gangs it makes you wounder
pherhaps we should ditch the softly sofly approach and take a more severe stance the old saying "do the crime do the time" maybe we can bring back a more lawfull and respecful society in the future
hope i have explained this ok if not forgive me im better at speacking than writing it lol
Warming the Bed
its unfortunate but it seems to be the case,more so on-line and as many women will testify with endless stories of verbal and sometimes de-grading abuse they recieve .I feel this may in someway be the perception of a large proportion of males feel that because the women enter into this lifestyle that they are easy "lays" .
pherhaps the medias sleaxy views of the lifestyle when reported on fuels there wayward thinking or the fact its deemed to be a "underground" movement or the more realistic view is that they would get a sever kick in the nether regions if they tried it on with real women in there local clubs and pubs as they do on-line or pherhaps the internet has given these peeps so much choice that they are playing the numbers game and therefore feel the politeness and curtious are not required
unfortunatly what will happen either it will drive this lifestyle further underground or the women will slowly fade away or possibilly come out full force into the open and drive off all the myths and miss truths i fear the latter willnot happen in our lifetime due to our countrys piers being so pruddish
sorry for the rant and ravei feelfor the women as theses animals is a reason my wife dont come on so much
Warming the Bed
could you put our names down plzzz biggrin :D
its just down the road from us and it would be nice to meet everyone
xxxgale and lance aka lordnlady
ps if so can we have a list of hotels plzzzz ty
Warming the Bed
yes we have attended many meets with some peeps from here and we wish ,with the good people of SH that we can attend meets and partys from here so we can make new and exciting friends
Warming the Bed
just like to say hi to everyone fairly new here dont come on that much biggrin :D
we have moved from another site we was members for 4 yrs and got recommended by friemds to this one (dam those friemds they have alot to answer for)
cant keep away now :shock: :shock:
its more a thread so say to peeps how friendly and nice most peeps are
have fun and be nice
gale and lancexxxxxx :D :D
Warming the Bed
we would like to come and meet all you peeps :shock:
ill confirm as soon as possible to re=arrange work commitments
but really hoping we can make it
gale and lance xxx
Warming the Bed
no not at all barefoot angel i think you expressed it better than we could biggrin :D
nice to see we are not alone in our ideals and i hope everyone finds there idea;partner/s
Warming the Bed
has annyone ever been caught accidently in a embarrsing situation :shock: :shock:
Warming the Bed
who else thinks friendship and fun are more important than the sex : biggrin
not that sex isnt any good lolol
just seems peeps just want the sex and it seems so clinical
just woundering if we was alone in these ideals
have fun and be good
Warming the Bed
we are fairly new to SH biggrin some might now us wewould like to attend the munch if at all possible our add is 402 987 if you wish to know more about us peeps who can vouch for us are redstar and loo
gale and lance xxx