Quote by davej
Ah...hunting Tommy Loggers from under the rocks in the river. Fetching out mesh fulls of Crayfish for eating (dont think its allowed now) Saturday mornings at the pictures for a shilling to watch a film whilst trying to smoke 10 number 6 or 10's depending on funds. Colecting refundable bottles ready for a Sunday splurge on blackjacks, fruit salads and the like after Sunday school. Whole summers at the swimmming pool with a packed lunch and a bunch of mates. Dark and cold winters with crumpets toasted on the fire whilst watching the telly all together and a host of other things that have already been mentioned.
Not so good but equally remembered were table spoon fulls of Castor and Cod Liver oils every day. Smelling horrible twice a week when my hair was rinsed in vinegar water to make it shine, embarrasing when your 12 and going to school discos where everyone else smells of Brut and you smell like sixpenny bag of chips. Unheated rooms and the pain of a bath when its cold.
All in all childhood was fantastic !
now dont quote me on this but as far as i know as long as you only take the american signal crayfish from the river its ok as they are killing & taking over from our native variety much the same as the grey/red squirel problem

we also used to collect the empty corona bottles for the deposit's on them & take them to the local pub