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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
United Kingdom


Quote by davej
Ah...hunting Tommy Loggers from under the rocks in the river. Fetching out mesh fulls of Crayfish for eating (dont think its allowed now) Saturday mornings at the pictures for a shilling to watch a film whilst trying to smoke 10 number 6 or 10's depending on funds. Colecting refundable bottles ready for a Sunday splurge on blackjacks, fruit salads and the like after Sunday school. Whole summers at the swimmming pool with a packed lunch and a bunch of mates. Dark and cold winters with crumpets toasted on the fire whilst watching the telly all together and a host of other things that have already been mentioned.
Not so good but equally remembered were table spoon fulls of Castor and Cod Liver oils every day. Smelling horrible twice a week when my hair was rinsed in vinegar water to make it shine, embarrasing when your 12 and going to school discos where everyone else smells of Brut and you smell like sixpenny bag of chips. Unheated rooms and the pain of a bath when its cold.
All in all childhood was fantastic !

now dont quote me on this but as far as i know as long as you only take the american signal crayfish from the river its ok as they are killing & taking over from our native variety much the same as the grey/red squirel problem sad
we also used to collect the empty corona bottles for the deposit's on them & take them to the local pub smile we used to do quite well from it as well untill the landlord realised we were finding them in crates behind his pub lol :lol:
congratulations Sassy-Seren :bounce: :bounce: :cheers:
& wishing you the very best of luck for the test smile
well i dont know much about aphrodisiac's but in one of the red topped papers today it says tree bark from the african yohimbe tree is a good one & its also said to help men lose weight!!
i suppose if you are always on the job you are sure to lose weight lol
what a great happy summer post pololady biggrin
one of my happiest memories from summers past is bail hauling on the farm i grew up on & at the end of the day when tired sweaty & covered in hay/straw one of the farm labourers bringing out a flagon of home made cider aged about 8 this was a great treat & made you feel all grown up cool
the smell of freshly mown grass is still the smell that sums summer up for me smile :)
little p.s. be carefull in the rock pools some of the little fish trapped in them can be quite poisonus please take care :)
think the easiest way to get her involved in swinging would be to take her to the nearest park sure they must have swings there lol
& if you want to watch her f**c other people just get her to take the swing seats when she leaves others will be well flucked when they try to swing :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Rich_and_dee
i meant slapper barbie............more my style with the pvc lol
dee xx

cant help there at the moment the local rugby club borrowed her earlier said they would have her back in an hour that was nearly six hour's ago now :shock:
cant think what they are doing with her confused im sat waiting by the phone sure i will get a ransom demand soon rotflmao :rotflmao:
Quote by Rich_and_dee
lovejoy..............can i have my barbie dolls back pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee lol
dee xx

sorry but bondage barbie is busy at the moment :twisted: innocent
its ammazing how many people are up at that time of day & yep im one of them usually manage at least two on a sunday morning normally just buying smile
then spend the afternoon listing it on a well known auction site :) :)
this thread has just reminded me i also need a good sharing my hair is getting in a right mess lol :lol:
wouldnt need much myself just a couple of hundred grand would set me up for life smile
would be moving back to southern spain, i can grow most of my food & most of the year you dont need clothes unless going into town lol so a little money goes a longway biggrin :D
& everyone from here would be most welcome to come for free hols :D :D :D
hiya nlondonjohn im sure someone will be along soon with abetter answer but as far as i see it there isnt any way to answer a joke in a forum apart from saying very good or that was c**p so it dosnt give anyone anything to add to!
& the forum would be pretty boring if full of joke threads confused
just my take on it biggrin :D
wooohooo im not the only one here :bounce: :bounce:
now where is sheddy??? i thought he had a list of people keeping the site moving fast i think someone has fell asleep at their post lol :lol: :lol:
now i know this dont happen very often but i think ive just had a good idea on this subject smile (i could be wrong though lol )
could the admin not set up some sort of feature where you can send a reply to all ticked boxes so the women & the few lucky blokes who get way too many replies to reply to them all individually could write a polite thanks but no thanks & send it to 50 or more people at a time biggrin :D
just an idea as i feel most people on here would send a thanks but no thanks to all replies but would spend all day writing replies if they did it all individually!
think it would keep everyone happy & free up more time for fun :) :)
Quote by poshkate
a very large bottle of wine please........and a bottle of vodka....... biggrin
after the news i've just had i blinkin well need it :twisted:

i got a bottle of red & plenty of vodka & brandy here for you, hope all gets better soon confused
Quote by john60
Since joining late 2005 I expected to be inundated with masses of people wanting sex with me..Woh ..How wrong I apperently dont work that way ...
1) I found out very quickly that SW is very much an exhibitionist site in which you view and enjoy.
2) Not much actual "swinging" take place -most of the site is chit caht
3) Chat rooms are fun but are really like the old guys CB ( citizens banb radio) ie where are u ,how old are u etc exept with the twist of show uz ur jugs / conna cum now type carp
You may enjoy it is not exactly direct people contact
2) Surely people who wish to have sex or exploit themselves on the internet must realise that other people will want to manipulate them for thier own wise there is no purpose in SWINGERS HEAVEN????
3) It is very,repeat very easy to get "booted" by Gestapo style observers who apperently seem to choose their own style and method of policeing their is no consistency....Newcomers beware!!!!
4) I get very , very p****ed off with people who want to see people wank off /f***k /and commit buggery on cam and yet they are sanctamonious enough to believe they are doing a servive by putting " NO DIRECTION" on a chatroom WHY??????
5) THere is too much Non Directing in this site ------it will soon become just another chat site...IS THAT WHAT WE WANT??

please dont knock this site i have met some very nice people from here you get out of it what you put into it!!!!
there is a simple answer here if you dont like the site go else where :shock:
im sure here are plenty of other sites where women will drop their knickers for you at the drop of a hat good luck :shock: :shock:
Quote by meat2pleaseu

Have you not seen Chilli flavour ice cream :eeek:

not sure about ice cream but chilli beer is to die for smile
noooo i get kicked by ntl only get two hours then it cuts out sad & now the room has gone :( :(
thank you very much bwm a fantastic room once again still not sure im brave enough for main chat but you do host a great room & a big thank you to all in there smile :)
well it started as a very large bottle of brandy but not so much left now & dont want to stert another one confused
Quote by delsutton
This could be Englands year

Absolutely, like it is every 4 years.
this will be our year biggrin
not only is it held every 4 years but this year is the 40th year since we won it wink
everything is falling into place for england smile :)
Quote by Sarah
White wine and dinner cooked for me here lol

Tell Mal I don't want any of his pasta thanks rolleyes
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Pasta was ok................
The wine is finished............might have to start on the mint bailieys, but was trying to save that for a special person during the summer at a BBQ here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
just a little hijack, mint bailies??? never heard of it but would love to know where to get hold of some if it tastes as good as it sounds smile
Quote by shayz1
Just go and stay off the motorways and beaten track and you could find yourself in real britain
best wishes, Shay
(more ideas if you want)

well said shayz1 there is so much to see in this wonderfull country of ours that is missed by so many people, i love to walk usually following the pre historic path's & trying to imagine how life was back in a more simple time!
there are so many places i have still to discover in this country but dont think i will ever have time to see them all sad
i as a single male also dont have much on my profile (but am not playing at the moment)
as far as i see it though if i do change my mind & want to start playing again i will send message with more info on it than would be on my profile including pics & any other relevant info!
so please dont lable all us single guy's without much on our profiles with the same brush some of us are nice guys smile :)
thank you for a great room bwm im still useless in the room it just moves a bit fast for my typing skills (or not skills) but im getting there slowly thank you kiss
wishing you the very best of luck smile
just relax, dont worry & have confidance in yourself & you will be fine biggrin
keeping fingers crossed for you anyway wink
Quote by winchwench
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint)

People munch in Beds all the time........ lol
i must be blind on my timeing is right out as only ever seen one munch in my neck of the woods. So next time ones on let me know as i work unsocial hours so might of missed them.
i might munch some toast in beds tomorrow :lol: :lol:
check the lol after winchwench's post saffy :lol: :lol:
Toast leaves crumbs........Minge is better! wink :lol:
& a sandwich even better still :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Saffy
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint)

People munch in Beds all the time........ lol
i must be blind on my timeing is right out as only ever seen one munch in my neck of the woods. So next time ones on let me know as i work unsocial hours so might of missed them.
i might munch some toast in beds tomorrow :lol: :lol:
check the lol after winchwench's post saffy :lol: :lol:
Quote by Steve_Mids
On a serious note, and I'm not a legal eagle either, if they hadn't written to you to tell you about the rate changes at the time then I would consider the argument that you had a contract with them which had not be varied and so the increased charges do not apply. .

Sounds good to me..
Any increase in tarrif must be sent out to customers before it is implemented....Unless otherwise stated in the small print..
just found this they really are b******s i think laybysex & steve are right they cant increase the charge without letting you know first! mad :x
if nothing else works you can always threaten to leave them & use another supplier here is a link just enter your post code & it finds the cheapest supplier in your area!! smile

its a completly free site that is just to save people money :) :)
Quote by m1970
Depends on circumsatnces for me, I can be shy, although my biggest problem is being pee shy, I cannot stand at a urinal and go for a piss , I can stand for 15 minutes and still not go, if i go in the cubicles, no problems, don't ask me why.
Im usually chatty, if im out in a pub i tighten up for some reason. I prefer company who does the talking for me biggrin
Im just odd confused

i know what you mean there m1970 im the same i think it stems from being a child & using a trough type urinal after eating a lot of beetroot (one of my fav's)
the problem is my urine turns the colour of blood & some bloke who was standing further down thought i had a real problem & wouldnt leave me alone for ages it took loads of explaining!!!
so i prefer to use the cubical now it saves lots of explaining!
i can be quite shy untill i get to know some people then depending on the alcohol content of my blood can be a little over the top confused i dont think i ever grew up i still feel like im 18!!
would love to attend my first munch this year though see if i can put some faces to names, would have liked to have gone to a small do first but looks like it will have to be a full on one :shock: